Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Gordo Besadii Dronda

Gordo Besadii Dronda


NAME: Gordo Besadii Dronda

Gordo the Insatiable
Gordo the Gargantuan
Mostly referred to as 'Big Poppa'


FACTION: The Hutt Republic

RANK: (Self-proclaimed) Lorda of the Besadii Kajidic


AGE: 357

SEX: Hermaphrodite (identifies as Male)

HEIGHT: 4 meters tall, 8 meters long.

WEIGHT: 4000 kilograms

EYES: Emerald green.

HAIR: Blond

SKIN: Orange


VOICE: Sam Elliott

  • Huttese
  • Galactic Basic
  • Nikto
  • Klatooinian
  • Gamorrean



1x Hookah pipe
1x Throne

GR4WS and H8T3 are two, Chiba DR-10 protocol droids who serve as translators for the Hutt as well as a protection escort during diplomatic missions.
Jarakar Drekk, a Klatooinian Majordomo in the service of Gordo the Hutt and his right hand.
Urai Chivos is a Northern Mustafarian who serves as the Master-at-arms in the Sin Palace.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • The pen is mightier than the sword: What Gordo can't do with his lightsaber, he most certainly makes up for his killer contracts. Skilled like all of his species in making documents for the 'willing' sentients who pledge their lives to indentured servitude. But it doesn't stay confined to these specific documents. Treaties or other documents always hold an upside for the Hutt.
  • Never trust a politician: As soon as the Hutt opens his mouth people seem to cling to every word he says. Half of the time not even realizing what he's trying to sell you and always feeling ripped off after he leaves.
  • Meatshield: The blubber and muscles protect a Hutt's internal organs. His oil and sweat render most poisons useless and make it hard to hold on to a Hutt. Not to mention the species regenerative abilities. Over time it could even regenerate a large part of its brain and regrow its limbs.

  • That's no moon: Built larger than most Hutts, Gordo has lost most of his mobility and ability to be agile. His favorite thing to do is eat and increasing his already big frame.
  • Romance isn't dead: For all his flaws, the biggest one is that Gordo can appreciate the opposite sex. Which in most cases results in him having a broken heart.
  • God-complex: Like all of the Hutts, Gordo suffers from a god-complex. Believing he's far more superior than any other living sentient and not even bothering learning any other languages. As he believes that one day the Hutts will be the dominant force in the galaxy. The languages he does know were learned when he was a Huttlett and these were the most common species on Nal Hutta.

What you see in front of you could only be described as a massive, oily, green piece of blob. When Gordo stands at his full height of a formidable four meters tall he can literally eclipse the sun and tower over most sentients. He is eight meters long causing him to take up all of your vision. If he opens his mouth you can not help but listen as the deep, booming voice makes you tremble. A bulbous head with large, piercing emerald eyes.

The story from Gordo the Hutt takes you back to about three and a half centuries ago where he lived under the watchful gaze of his crime boss and father Grubo. There he was raised in absolute tranquility and studied under his father's tutelage. But as is with all Hutt's paranoia sets root in his mind, causing him to banish his only son and heir from Nal Hutta. So when Gordo reached the young age of 85 years old his father gave him a day to pack his things and leave the palace. Refusal on Gordo's side would be met with a hungry Rancor. This being incentive enough Gordo immediately started packing his belongings. Packed with a hookah pipe, a few million credits, and his anti-gravity sled he slowly made his way towards the palace gates. Or at least that was what they thought. Being a Hutt, Gordo couldn't possibly let this slight stand and before he would travel off-world he'd make a quick stop at his father's overflowing vault. Not having much time to decide upon what he'd take, the massive Hutt quickly floated towards the right. There was a TT-8L gatekeeper droid stationed to guard Grubo's most prized possessions. Gordo named the password and the droid obeyed and opened the vault within the vault. The large emerald eyes immediately scanned the small room and his slimy three-fingered hand reached out to a lightsaber. Gordo then immediately left the vaults and made his way towards the ship that'd take him off-world. Yet halfway the Hutt was stopped by a Klatooinian who was armed to the teeth. Gordo immediately recognized said Klatooinian as a guard of his father's palace. It would seem that his father was more shrewd than he had anticipated and the guard demanded the return of the lightsaber and the Hutt's head. For this insult couldn't pass. Gordo tried to reason his way out of this, yet the Klatooinian declined any and all offers the Hutt made. No amount of credits was enough. The gargantuan figure on the sled started to sweat and it would seem that his story would end on a dusty road and never making his oily mark on the galactic history's pages... Licking his lips the slug offered the Klatooinian what no one had ever offered him, freedom. Freedom from his indentured servitude. The Klatooinian immediately froze upon hearing the words, flustered on what to do. Gordo recognized an opportunity and seized it by offering him a job. No longer to be anyone's slave, but a free man with an honest wage. Something worthy no one in his position would've ever gotten offered... The honorable position of Majordomo. A moment of silence that seemed to last a lifetime. The Klatooinian had a lot to think of. Accepting his freedom and once again serving a Hutt, but on his own terms and maybe getting killed along the way by his father? Or rather go through with his orders and try his luck with a Hutt who could ACTUALLY live up to those promises. The decision was made and the Klatooinian aimed his rifle at the defenseless floating slug. Raising his meaty hand to defend himself from the incoming shot and stretching his other towards the Klatooinian, Gordo yelled with all of his might. Opening his eyes due to hearing a cracking sound it would seem that Gordo had a gift. The gift of the Force.

115 years later

Gordo found himself on the backwater planet of Lok. There he had spent the first decade serving a local crime boss. Yet plotting along the way his downfall and when the opportunity presented himself, Gordo hired a squad of mercenaries to take him out. As a power vacuum was left behind Gordo immediately seized power and turned on his 'hired assets'. Getting rid of all traces that could lead back to him. Instantly making a reputation of a Hutt to not be trifled with. There he took part in everything an underworld crime boss could have business in. From acquiring and selling black-market weapons to slave trading to spice running to illegal pit fights. Acquiring a mass of wealth and indulging in all pleasantries that life had to offer. When one day one of his consultants came to him and told him of a particular slave that one of his neighboring crime lords had in her service. Intrigued as Gordo was he tasked the consultant to gauge the price that was placed on this particular individual. Gordo immediately paid the 500.000 credits for the slave as he was eager to see what was so special for his already too expensive for his tastes newly acquired slave. The Gamorrean who was placed in front of him was named Tregus Erlur. It seemed that he was a Jedi Master in exile who had picked up some nasty habits like heavy drinking and doing Ryll. The Hutt saw an opportunity here and struck a deal. His new master would help him battle his demons and in return, the Gamorrean would train him in the ways of the Force and lightsaber combat. Not that the Gamorrean had any voice in this as he was now the property of.

So as Gordo had said it would be done and over the next few years, he was under the tutelage of the exiled Gamorrean Jedi Master Tregus Erlur. Where he was not quite that quick of a study and the Hutt was quite quick to anger when he didn't manage to successfully use the force or perform the art of saber combat. Tregus decided he would train his 'unconventional padawan' in Form V: Shien and Djem So. As to defend himself from long-ranged opponents and take advantage when an opportunity presented itself. Making this quite a well-suited form for the Hutt as he was less nimble and agile than most other species. Combined with Form VI: Niman, where Gordo could learn to use his Force abilities more in combination with lightsaber combat.

Gordo never was afraid that his Jedi Master would eventually take matters into his own hands and kill him. As a Jedi Master wouldn't kill an unarmed foe, who meant him no harm. As far as the gargantuan figure was concerned the Gamorrean got treated well as he kept him fed, clothed, and safe from any harm. But nevertheless, a shock collar would dissuade even the bravest of the Jedi to do so. As Gordo studied Tregus urged him to try and stay on the light side of the force. Gordo soaked up all of the knowledge the Gamorrean had to offer him and in his own way, he became a Jedi Master. Tregus merely laughed at the self-proclaimed "Jedi Master" as he knew he was still an apprentice. He had a long way to go still his form V: Shien and Djem So as well as form VI: Niman were merely at the beginning stages of becoming a part of him. Let alone the Hutt's understanding of the Force was serverly lacking. Despite all of this Tregus was proud of all that Gordo had accomplished, thus far. Though he felled obligated to warn him that he'd always struggle to keep the dark side at bay due to his Hutt inheritance. The Hutt however stayed vigilant for this and heeded his master's wise words

To all good things come an end and Gordo had grown complacent. It would seem that Grubo the Hutt hadn't forgotten how much his son had insulted him and traveled in secret to the planet of Lok. There he had worked together with a rivaling crime lord to assassinate Gordo. A Nikto in Gordo's palace would show him the newly caught Wampa that Gordo had always wanted. Yet when the Whampa was moved in the Throne Room, the Nikto freed him of its cage and it headed full speed towards the Hutt! Gordo was caught off guard and would've been torn apart, if it hadn't been for his master. Who saw what happened and quickly moved in its path to slay the beast. A horrible, yet short battle ensued between the beast and Jedi. Claws shredded flesh and teeth broke bones. With the last of his might, the Gamorrean used all of his remaining Force to jam his lightsaber in the Whampa's chest. Both collapsed and silence filled the room. The Nikto tried to run, yet Gordo had recovered from his stun. Using the force to close the doors. Goons moved in to bring the traitorous wretch on his knees in front of their Lorda. The Nikto begged and cried for forgiveness and confessed to the assassination attempt that cost his master's life. Rage swelled within him like a storm and the throne room grew colder and colder. As quickly as anger had filled him it made way for a warm feeling inside of him. A light that shone brightly inside him illuminated the throne room. A voice could be heard. Calm and Stern. "Never stray, never falter. The light shines bright for those who seek it. Remember, there is no emotion. There is only peace." Gordo chose to let the culprit live and swore that he would never stray from the light side of the force in honor of his Master, yet his father would pay according to the Ancient Hutt Laws and suffer as much as he had.



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