Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Goosebumps [Sharan]

As the starship came to a slow halt, Kebos stood from his seat and stretched for a few moments, awakening the muscles in his body after such a long trip. He straightened out his clothes as he made his way off the ship. He looked ahead and gazed at the estate of Sharan Maevel Sharan Maevel and le tout a sharp whistle. "This the place? This lady's got some class. I'll have to be on my best behavior."

After Kebos started walking, his assistant followed him at his flank and handed him a datapad with information on Sharan. It let him know everything on her that was public information that she allowed to be public. He was impressed by what he saw, and even more impressed by what he didn't. She had the experience and charisma he needed in an acquaintance. In the early stages of his gang's development, Kebos would benefit from building such a connection.

As Kebos came up to the front door, he pressed a button on the panel on the wall, hopefully letting someone inside the estate know that someone was here. "You told her I was coming, right? Of course you did. You wouldn't embarrass me like that."

Kebos assistant stood silently.

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