Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Goooooood morning, Hypori


Hail to the Supreme Leader!
Eventually, Kara was able to take out the last of the guards. It was laughably easy, considering her advanced training and experience, and their lack of either (At least, compared to her.) as common security guards. After snapping the neck of the final one she had snuck up on, she proceeds down the darkened hallway, sending the occasional shot or burst of fire into the chest of any security members she runs into. Why more weren't on their way, even after the total of three explosions from thermal detonators and how much money she had taken, she didn't know.

All the more easier for me... but things are never this simple, of course.

She snatches up a passing guard, aiming her E-11 at another hostile who had opened fire, accidentally killing his friend in the process before he receives a red beam to his forehead in return. So far her kill count was at about... thirty-two.

Thirty-two hostiles eliminated, for the Imperium.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Kyber yawned as he pulled his ship down into port. This was not how he planned to spend his day, but he owed someone a lot of money and he needed to start chipping away at the debt. As he landed he hauled his heavy armor out of storage and started strapping it on. Once he was set with all of his apparel he started his journey towards this 'Innote Q' complex, apparently something was going down and it was above the normal peacekeeper's pay grade. As he approached the building he switched his helmet's thermals on and got quite a few hits. Seems like whoever tripped the alarm brought a few friends. Well, considering some of them may have been Techno Union Security Forces scouring the place, Kyber patched himself into the local Techno law enforcement frequency and started broadcasting; "To any nearby Techno Union Law Enforcement or Security Personnel: This is the Director of Security Kyber Salurra, anyone currently in the Innote Q building report in as soon as physically able, over."

As Kyber cut his mic he slowed down on his speeder so he was parked about a block away. He zoomed in to certain points on the building and noticed the clustered groups, keeping tabs on as many as he could before zooming back out and getting an overall view once again. Kyber triple-checked all of his weapons and ammo before getting off his speederbike and walking towards the building. This should be an interesting night.

// [member="Draco Vereen"] // [member="Tmoxin Temi"] // [member="Coren Starchaser"] // [member="Chevu Visz"] // [member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"] // [member="Carten Flaa"] //
She rolled her eyes at Coren's light jab. He was always pushing her. Goading her. Making her feel like she wasn't good enough. Whether or not it was the right approach for Chevu, it really did get results. Usually. Sometimes Starchaser's heavy-handed tactics backfired and left her a withering mess of self-doubt. This wasn't one of those times however. She was on, and getting chit done.

Chevu's Datapad churned as it downloaded what she suspected were tech schematics from one of the Innote Q computers she sliced into. The download was at ninety percent when she began to feel something strange. A voice coursed through her mind.

I see you.

Jet black hair fanned out as the Mirialan whirled around to look behind her, knocking the cable loose from the Datapad. Sithspit. Chevu hoped that she didn't have to start the download from scratch. She reinserted the cable and waited for the churning sound. To her dismay, a different sound came. Different sounds. Voices of both children and adults pierced through her mind, laughing, then growling out demented rhymes.

Heart racing uncontrollably, the Mirialan gave her partner a panicked look.

"Commander, do you hear that?"

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"]
"It is a pleasure to serve, Miss Temi. The Supreme Leader is looking forward to your visit when you can afford it," he said after the introduction.

It seemed he walked in during a silent alarm. The facilty had been breeched and the man was only armed with his side arm. The expectation was not to run into any trouble while there. Still the former bounty hunter knew what to do in this situation. He'd dealt with less available weapons in a worse situation. Hopefully they didn't run into Force Users, unless they had some of their. A curt nod was given to [member="Tmoxin Temi"] as she led on. The assistant was dismissed.

"I take it we are going right into a firefight? I'm useless if this a force battle, Miss Temi?"

He liked to be honest about this, but he's still do his best. The pilot had a score to settle with whoever he could. He was a widower that took out his loss on anyone was on the wrong end of his blaster. No, he'd get some kills in, and hopefully endear himself to the Hapan in the process. He wasn't there to sleep with her or anything, but a good report helped his chance for promotion.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Chevu Visz"] @@ST-2387 'Patriot'
"I don’t know if it will be a fight with Force users, Lt. Flaa. But it doesn't matter, you will be useful regardless," said Tmoxin.

It wasn't that long ago that she was without her own Force powers. She knew what it was like to be facing Jedi with normal weapons and armor. The Hapan felt very little in the way of sympathy, but to members of the armed forces who would protect her, she was very generous.

"But you and I need to find whatever intruder is here."

The Hapan Dark Jedi attempted to find any foreign force signatures. There was one signature in particular that intrigued her. "Lt. Flaa, both of us need to turn off our hand torches. And into the darkness we go," she said, urging him up the stairwell before her. If he was to protect her, he would take a forward position and any blaster bolts that happened to be waiting.

[member="Carten Flaa"] [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"] [member="Draco Vereen"]
Deus ex machina. For Coren Starchaser, that meant not using one of his primary abilities and instead doing things in the manual way, the way her preferred to work. He was able to sense the Force, even it came in all sorts of chattered and shuffled. Like a conversation after the two involved split a bottle of 1800. You knew something was there, but you started to lose a bit of focus. And it became blurry, the edges blending. What he did know was enough that he needed to get Chevu moving.

Something was coming.

Hear what? He looked at her, about to call her something of a slur for still using his rank when they were not here as an Alliance team. But he wasn’t able to get it out. The room started to fade away. Chevu was still there, but she was not.

You’re dreaming.

Coren could see everything vividly. The fact that all he was putting into the galaxy in vain. Starfighters, X-Wings, exploding, cruisers crashing into a planet. What planet was that? He could see it, from the cockpit and pilot’s seat of his freighter.

That was Sullust.

Those ships were the One Sith.

Now is not your time, Starchaser. Said another voice. A former teacher of his, back before this edition of Coren, back before the shades of gray took over the galaxy, back when the Sith were always bad, the Empire was bad, and the Alliance was good. Back when the Empire was realizing the Sith were bad, and were working to stop them. Using people like Coren, trained as a Dark Jedi, to hunt down the Sith.

Not my time? He asked the man in black, the one with the hood up, and the red blade on display. Coren had his viridian crystal out, and was looking back at the man. The air was dry, carbonite plant. Cloud City? No. Coren had not been to Bespin until after his meeting Rekha Kaarde. This was somewhere else.

That was when the Force hit him in the chest. Pushing down. He attempted to teleport himself out of the hole, but the Sith was standing over him, pinning him down with the Force, ripping his lightsaber out of his hand.

Your destiny lies in another time was the last thing the Sith said to him. The last thing Coren had forgotten about his old life.


He was back in his freighter, watching the ships burn, the backdrop of Sullust being appropriate for what the Sith were doing to the galaxy and to the Alliance. Was there nothing that could stand against them? Was his whole approach here a waste of time? Of energy? Was he setting people up for their death?

The calls came on the comlink, Red group working to move out, the numbers too much, Tiburons fighting to the last flight of fighters, the Tyrene had been blown up. The cruiser Coren had been using as his flagship, grown attached to was in flames.

He could even feel Crosscurrent, working to pick up the Pulsar and get out of the system. She was aflame, she was screaming in pain.

Coren turned the freighter towards the landing craft, that emptiness he associated with the Dreadguard, heading to the planet. One last stand?

Was it worth it?


The galaxy was in flame.

There was nothing to stop it.

Coren was alone. The freighter the last ship to make it away from Sullust.

Now where was he supposed to go.


Back in the building. Coren was on his knees. The visions of the past, the visions of the future in his head. He could feel the deaths. He was not one to sense an individual in the Force, why could he fraking feel the deaths? Men and women he had served with, learned to trust, falling under the might of the One Sith fleet.

Where was there to go? He was not going to be of use on Sullust. He was in space. And it seemed darker, more desolate. Was there any refuge?

Any safe port?


Another dreamscape, another world hitting the pilot’s mind. Cue into the planet, the prisons, Chevu Visz opening the cell, of the one she was so affectionately calling Gabriel. He stepped out into the hall, looking as the oncoming Sith were dropping guards, extinguishing the light side on their way after his student, his protégée. The one he had been calling a Sith, because in every fiber in the Corellian’s being, he was calling this a con, had stepped out, only to quell the Sith. What was he doing?

Was that the Force? Biots going rogue. The symbiotic relations between Sith and amphistaff arms, gone wrong. The Force glowing with light as Gabriel stepped into the fray, turning the tide.

Was Coren wrong?


There was the pilot again, on the floor, struggling, lashing out, reaching to the Force.

You’re in a dream.

Was he? Or was that another trick?


Hail to the Supreme Leader!
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

After she reaches a stairwell, she listens carefully to what she thought was a voice. If she thinks she heard something, then she likely has. So, just to be safe, she reaches down to her utility belt, pulling a thermal detonator off and setting the timer for standard grenade length. She peaks down once more, confident that her all-black armor would hide her, while her VISR's enhanced night vision would allow her to see better than anyone with VISR or natural night vision. Several dozen targets are highlighted.

A small stairwell, fool of enemies... a perfect place for a grenade.

Without so much as a second thought, she thumbs the activation switch, dropping the grenade down there and taking cover, waiting for the explosive to go off before she is able to head down there. Checking her E-11's powerpack, she awaits the detonation and cries of pain.
As Kyber walked closer to the building he noticed a single entity in particular running throughout the building, giving off large blasts of heat and then dissipating, others dropping one by one. No doubt one of the main proponents of the chaos in the building. Kyber didn't take to kindly to people killing his men, so with a swift motion of his arms he leveraged his pistols out of their holsters and took the safeties off. Well, here goes nothing. With a clenched jaw Kyber used his jump-pack to crash through the glass of the floor the heat signature was on before turning quickly towards the stairwell, letting off a few blaster bolts as he ran himself to cover.

// [member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"] //
Allies: [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Chevu Visz"] (Directly Engaging her for now)
Unknown: [member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"]​

Laughter, children's laughter filled her mind. What was that in there, memories... I could use memories. I just needed to weaken her resolve and delve into her mind a bit more. <He is coming.> a little girls voice spat, the sound of bare feet on concrete just outside the door of the room she was in. <Hurry!> another child's voice chimed in, giggling, more feet running through the hallway. I made it to the door and pulled it ajar, taking my first step into the hallway. How should I make her fear me...

I found a name, at the top of her mind. Her own name. Easy, simple, just what sounded like a first name. <Don't be scared Chevu> in the hallway the air shimmered and a pair of barefooted girls maybe five years old stood there for her to find when, and if she followed the voices she heard. The two little girls stood facing away from her, towards me as I entered the corridor, pulling my swords from the sheath on my back. The emergency lights in the hallway flickered and I took three quiet steps into an alcove out of site, an apparition of me appearing in my place, standing, waiting, the light flickering above it.

The sounds of the two girls laughing echoed through the halls now. Hmm... I can play with this one. She is fun to play with. What little light there was in the room pierced behind me as the active camouflage came online. I like hunting, let us see how she handles fighting shadows and nothingness. Who was it that told me it was fun to play with my food? I think it was Vornskr. Well, yes, I did like to play with my food some.

If she ran into the hall, the two apparitions of the little girls would turn to face her, with black eyes staring back at her and unkempt hair falling around their faces. "Its not so bad Chevu, we should all be evil... He is Here." The light over the apparition of me would flicker off then back on, and they were all gone, laughter of children echoing around the hall.


Hail to the Supreme Leader!
[member="Kyber Salurra"]

The few blasts that hit her are absorbed by her armor but still cause her to stumble back and nearly yell out in shock. Quickly standing up and firing a short burst at the hostile, she, too, dives into cover behind a computer stand. Peaking around to search for her enemy, she fires a few shots into his cover to keep him pinned so she can move closer to take him out. He was good, but he wouldn't be good enough to eliminate an Imperium Shadow Trooper.

The shadows are my ally in this fight. I shall not fall.
Carten nodded and clicked off his hand torch. Now he wished he was wearing a night vision visor or something. His hearing was good though, and as he took the forward position, he heard it. A grenade had been dropped, and down was not an option anymore.

"We gotta run. There is a grenade," he warned before he grabbed her hand to ensure she followed.

Once he knew she was coming he ran hard to get past the the blast zone. His pistol was out, the laser sight would be the only thing to help him find a body to shoot at in the darkness. How was he supposed to know it was a friend or foe though. He'd have to shoot first and as later he supposed. His duty was to protect the woman he'd been assigned to until such a time that the First Order called him and his wingmate back to combat. Funny thing that was. Carten was in combat.

"I don't know where that came from but we have to find another way now. How well do you know this facility?

There had to be more stairs somewhere. At least whatever was below them wasn't coming up that route.

[member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Chevu Visz"]
Kyber sighed as he slid behind the desk. He hated close-quarter firefights. He preferred picking people off from afar, but it's not like he had much of a choice in the matter. He knew this was going to be a close quarters battle from the moment he approached the building, he just didn't expect it to approach so soon. That's what Kyber gets, though. Some over zealous trooper in black armor would be the one to greet him in battle. Weren't all the ones who employed Troopers allies of the Techno Union? This guy needed to answer some questions when Kyber got a hold of him.

Kyber peeked his head above cover for a moment only to have to come right back down once again due to the trooper's covering fire. With a sigh Kyber hoisted himself up into a crouching position before lunging towards the middle of the room out of cover from behind the desk, during so he'd thrust his left arm forward, activating the wrist-mounted flamethrower on it towards the trooper's general position, the flames projecting forwards and outwards in a quick and ever expanding cloud.

// [member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"] //
Tmoxin's night vision wasn't as debilitating as a normal Hapan's. As a teenager, she'd had surgery to correct it so that her eyesight was up to human standards. But she had no preternatural ability to see in the dark, nor did she know Force Sight. But like Lt. Flaa, she also heard the grenade as it hit the floor with a clicking noise.

The pilot sprung into action, grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the blast zone. She could hear a firefight ensuing in the vicinity from which they ran. The Hapan executive muttered an inaudible curse, wishing that she had a comlink to coordinate with Draco who was somewhere in the building. "This is my first time here, but it's likely that the security station of Innote Q. But if Draco shut all of the power out..." Tmoxin was thinking aloud. Did she try to find a staging area so everyone could synch up, or did her and Lt. Flaa try to fight their way to the Armatech owner? At the very least she activated the IFF Circutry in her armor so that Draco could pick up where she was.

Tmoxin listened to the blaster bolts nearby, the rhythm and sounds of the firefight.

"I think we should go back," she told the Lt. "There's only one assailant, and only one of our security team firing back. With the two of us, we can overpower them." This time, Tmoxin motioned for Carten to fall in line behind her. Whether he would obey that order or not would be up to him. She ignited her crimson lightsaber. They would have to be careful of any grenades thrown their way, but Telekinesis would come in handy if a thermal detonator was tossed their way.

[member="Carten Flaa"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"]


Hail to the Supreme Leader!
[member="Kyber Salurra"]

Letting out an uncharacteristically feminine, and slightly embarrassing (had she not been in a life or death situation) yelp of surprise, she dives back behind cover, feeling the air around her heat up as flames wash around the cover she was standing behind. Thankful for the cover, she clips a flash off her belt and, after a quick peak around her cover when the flames stop coming, tosses said flash grenade at the lone guard, waiting for the flash to go off before she is able to proceed to take him down when... She hears a distinctive activation and humming...

Kriff me...

Turning back around, she dashes back to the vault, springing as fast as she was physically possible while tossing a few suppression shots behind her to keep them off of her until she reaches the room. Once she does reach it, however, (and having to step over a few bodies, since the area was littered with recently dead guards from previous engagements) she dives behind a table, flipping it over and setting her E-11 down and grabbing her T-21 off of her back, taking aim with it down the hallway.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"]
She wanted to go back? The explosion would have weakened, or destroyed, that part of the stair case they were climbing. It wasn't his place to argue though. He followed in line, and got extremely curious when she pulled out her lightsaber. How had he missed the fact she had one of those. He'd not given her a good enough once over earlier. He'd have to remedy that when he could.

"Well I see you have the force user part taken care of. I suppose you can use that to provide cover and get me some decent shots. I just have my slugthrower."

There was a rifle on the ship, but they wouldn't get back there in time. Besides someone had just tossed a grenade at them, and Carten hated it when people tried killing him. As much as he longed to see his wife and daughter again, he wasn't going to walk in front of a blaster bolt. No, the initial part of that depression was long gone. Carten no longer wished to end his life, but he wasn't really living it either.

Following behind the Hapan executive, Carten readied his pistol. The slug thrower wouldn't do much good with armor, not without armor piercing rounds which were abailable, but an accurate shot to where the armor didn't cover would do a lot of damage. If there were other force users about, a slug thrower was better anyway.

They managed to chase someone into a room. He heard the table flip over. Whoever it was had pinned themself down, and now they were cornered. This would be over fast.

[member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Chevu Visz"]
Something was very wrong with Coren. Not only did he not hear her, but he stood as straight as a board looking at the wall. She was terrified of the voices, but even more terrified about what was happening to him.

"Coren!" she shrieked. No movement from him. The guard in the corner didn't budge either, but according to her chrono, she had about ten minutes until she needed to re-up his Mind Trick.

Meanwhile, the children's voices were back, taunting her. She found herself in a hallway, and there they were: two barefoot children, telling her not to be afraid. They seemed to want to play with her. Her chest heaving with panic, she ran after them. Maybe they would lead her to Coren. But they turned around and their faces changed. Black eyes pierced her soul. Then the light flickered to reveal an armored man with a pair of swords. Chevu screamed. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real.

She burst from the vision and launched herself at Coren, aiming to tackle him to the ground, presumably pulling him out of whatever waking dream he was living in.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Tmoxin and the Lt. moved up the crumbling staircase, the Hapan wondering momentarily if it had been such a good idea to go back the way they came. Dust and debris littered the hallway, along with bodies. Furthermore parts of the floor looked ready to collapse. There were more security guards up here than, she realized. Feeling a little rusty from spending more time in boardrooms and bedrooms, Tmoxin tried to supress feelings of self-doubt.

"I'll go in first," she said, confirming she would cover him. The pilot brought out his slug thrower. The noise from one of the nearby rooms suggested an attacker had fled inside. Rounding the corner and into the room, her lightsaber held high, Tmoxin would be able to deflect any blaster bolts, while Lt. Flaa would find cover and flush out the intruder. For good measure, the Hapan Dark Jedi used her free hand to pin the soldier behind the table. Using telekinesis, the table would be pressing upon her, crushing her lungs and making it difficult to shoot or even breath.

[member="Carten Flaa"] [member="Kyber Salurra"] [member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"]


Hail to the Supreme Leader!
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

While it had, indeed, pinned her to the wall, it would only last for so long before she freed herself. As for the difficulty with breathing, her artificial lungs can take in more oxygen at a time than normal lungs, allowing her to remain true with her aim. That, and her armor is more than capable of resisting a wooden table. When the Dark Jedi enters the room, she immediately opens fire upon her and the other men, likely taking down a few of the lesser guards immediately, but that would have been by accident; Kara's target was the Dark Jedi, and she was not going to die tonight.

She reaches to her belt for a grenade, feeling nothing but air; She was out of grenades...

Not good. You've done fethed yourself, now, Kara.

[member="Carten Flaa"]
Outside, barely any time was going, but inside, Coren was all over the place.

Sullust had fallen, he had misjudged Gabriel, he didn’t know how he knew that, he was away from Sullust by the time the ground teams hit. Why was Coren away from the world when the Sith started to land? He didn’t have an answer to that, he was looking for it. Was Sullust the last stand? Where was the rest of the galaxy? Where was the Dawn Treader. Was the galaxy in complete darkness?

Was Chevu with Gabriel?

Why did that bother him so much? Did the not-Sith-Sith have anything to do with the collapse of the security, with the fall of the galaxy?

Where was his home? The next step was to find the rally point, the one all Starchaser, Warbird and Dawn Treader based ships had. The last stand, the retreat.

They would be fine, so long as they got together. The galaxy could fall, the Jedi and Sith could wipe themselves from the very existence, wipe the very slate of the core clean, and Starchaser and his own would find a way. It was how they worked.

They survived. They would go back to being a wandering fleet, and find a new home, start over.


That was when he was hitting the ground. Shaking his head, that hurt, that one actually felt. It meant it was real. He was good at, mostly, recognizing the real world when it hit him. On his back, he looked up at his student, he was at Hypori, lightsaber and pistol, mission.

They were on a mission.

“What was that?”

[member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
Kyber hadn't been in a firefight in too long and it seems he'd gotten a bit careless, or maybe cocky? Whatever it was he just barely noticed the flash grenade as it appeared below the flames. Luckily his visor had already been toned down due to the flames, but because of Kyber's sensitive eyes the flash still hit him like a brick wall. Covering his eyes with his forearm after the flash hit he stumbled back behind cover, hoping she wouldn't pelt him with a blaster bolt as he did so. Luckily, no such fire came, and actually he heard her scurry away to another room. What was that about? Did someone else get the slip on her? Kyber's head was still wailing from the grenade, too much to hear the subtle hum of the lightsaber as Tmoxin and her guard came by and cornered her in the room.

As the flash grenade finally wore off Kyber checked his fuel levels before popping out of cover, pistol up. This is when he noticed the room was in fact empty and there was a hum and glow of a lightsaber coming from the adjacent room. With an air of caution Kyber slowly rounded the edge of the room to get a good view of the two inside, slowly shuffling along until he finally spotter her. It was Tmoxin holding the lightsaber, accompanied by some other man he didn't recognize. So there were three in the room. Kyber was getting rusty. With the enemy pinned to the wall with just a large blaster he knew this was over. There was no point in continuing the fight. Kyber approached behind Tmoxin and the other guard with his pistols holstered as he turned on his external mic quite loud. "You're surrounded three to one. Give it up and you can get out of this alive, soldier."

// [member="ST-2387 'Patriot'"] // [member="Tmoxin Temi"] // [member="Carten Flaa"] //

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