Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Goooooood morning, Hypori

By the time the woman had shown up, Coren had released the chair from his grip, intent on throwing it through the window. With the flash bang going off, he couldn’t guarantee the trajectory of the chair as he started to lose all sense of what was in his room, and what it meant to be alive. The noise and light from the grenade had him covering his eyes with an arm and dropping to the ground, his back sliding against the counter he had seen, for cover.

Moving his arm from in front of his eyes, once his retinas were no longer on fire, he grabbed his blaster and shook his head. Never a really good user in the Force anyway, Coren was working as best he could to collect himself again. He was listening for the sounds as the battle raged, little did he know that half his ability was already gone as a result of another grenade being tossed. At least he didn’t need the Force to help sight enemies, or sense them.

His use was a lot more specialized than that.

What he could feel though, was the change in pressure, did he get the window? He wasn’t sure, because someone set off a handful of grenades set to taking down a larger number of offenders than were present. He was trying to center himself, but with a loss in the Force, that was not going well.

His mind was starting to clear, the ringing in the ears still going strong, but sight starting to come back, he popped up from cover, squeezing rounds at the enemies.

[member="Chevu Visz"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]
Blaster bolts buzzed through the air, one catching me in the left shoulder. I winced, heat scorching the skin beneath the beskar plates, nerve endings burning with pain and a few going numb. I let the arm drop and tucked a thumb through my belt to hold it in place. I didn't need the burnt skin and flesh to rip and tear trying to use it. The ionite edged blade clanged to the floor as I let it slip from my fingers. Already choking down air and a wicked bruise on my throat already forming and my air flow a little restricted.

They were running, leaving while they still could. Perhaps the arrival of Tmoxin and her ally had tipped the scales enough against them they were bugging out. Time to act. The smoke demon was closing on the man, reaching to slash the man with its claws, the glowing orange coal like eyes flaring as it reached for its first victim.

Roaring up from my knees, I needed to take this guy down. Another ion beam fired from my wrist in his direction as I moved towards the window, hoping to cut their escape route off and force them into a confrontation.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]
[member="Chevu Visz"]
The male and female were getting ready to escape, but the Hapan would see to it that their efforts were thwarted. This was Draco’s building, his business and his livelihood. Tmoxin did not have many true friends in the galaxy, but she was proud to call the Dark Jedi Master one of them.

Using her lightsaber, she deflected the blaster bolts coming from the male, a Jedi presumably, as she could feel the Force signature emanating from that side of the room. Draco was taking fire, but he was rapidly closing the gap. What he needed was a little bit of help in securing the target so he didn’t jump out the window or try to flee. Luckily, the Mind Trick was Tmoxin’s strongest Force power.

You will not move. You will not shoot. You will just stand there quietly and surrender, she told the male Jedi.

He would hear her voice inside his head, and if he had no special resistance, he would obey.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Carten Flaa"]
From dizzying heights, Chevu swung from the grappling hook, listening to the sounds of blaster fire coming from the room above her. She couldn't bring herself to descend another inch with out Coren. Sith me, Starchaser, where are you? He was cornered and outnumbered. She couldn't leave him. Gripping the cord tightly, she pulled herself up to the edge of the floor where she had line of sight on the confrontation.

Coren was trading blaster fire with the dark Mando. The woman had her lightsaber out and was staring right at him. Right. Time to do something dangerously crazy. As gusts of wind tugged at her hair, she gathered the Force around her and then used it to create a ball of air that she sent between the man and woman. She shrieked a warning at her master.

"Coren! Get down!"

In the next moment, Chevu detonated that ball of air, the kinetic energy contained within creating a powerful Force bomb intended to blow the man and woman backwards.

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Starchaser wasn’t dumb, and he didn’t instill stupidity in his student. When the odds became too much, there would be an exit strategy. The goal was to live until there was a situation worth dying for. And with Coren? That was the victory over the Sith. The Union might have dealings with them, but the Sith they were not. The Techno Union was far too organized to be lead by the One Sith and their type.

He’d take the hit from the ion blast as he moved to the window. It was time to get out of here. The cost against the benefit of the raid was getting to be too much for even Starchaser’s more-balls-than-brains attitude. With the Force seeming to fall away, as a compliment of one of those grenades launched, Coren was making himself scarce.


But that voice in his head. It was… compelling, but not nearly enough. Had the voice understood that Starchaser was a far from a Jedi as one could get and remain not a Sith? He turned to the group, edging his way backwards towards the opened window, when he heard the voice of his student and rolled for cover.

[member="Chevu Visz"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

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