Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Good morning, good morning!

She was watching the crowds with him, grey eyes straifing from face to face, figure to figure. They were calculated glances, mechanical in their carry-out in so far as what they looked at and for how long. Urchin silently addressed the likelihood of just how many walking bodies were armed when Sam's deep rumble reached her ears.

Fen took a long, slow, deep breath through her nose and held it, letting the overwhelming amalgamation of smells circulate fully through her lungs. It smelled an awful lot like the places she'd been before with the others, but now just like then those others had been firmly, acutely aware of her presence. Protected it, even. She slowly released the breath, bony shoulders beneath layers of leather and pack straps fell. The girl ducked away from his proffered hand, abandoning it seemingly without regard to his wishes. She was gone from his right side like a wisp.

And then, a second later, he'd feel her small fingers take his hand on the left.

Couldn't take a hand with one you didn't have.

Fennec followed him out into the crowd, sticking to him like his own shadow.

[member="Samael Rekali"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge

They shouldn't have come here. He could sense it in the air - that putrid scent of despair, beaten-down crap and asinine attachment to anarchy, there wouldn't come anything good from being here... but they had to. Would have been great if Sam had the cash to burn to go straight up Rekali territory, but all of his savings had gone into buying Fen's security and safety off that station. Had it been the right choice? The good choice? He didn't know, didn't much care about all that pedantic stuff anyway.

It had felt right back then, no point in pondering about it now.

"Right." was all Sam said as she disappeared and reappeared on his other side. Rough, calloused skin touching her little hand, before reaffirming the grip, holding it steady and protective.

They walked off then and there. He could almost hear the soft whine of his ship calling out to him - don't go. But Sam had to, Sam didn't have a choice in this matter, Sam needed to collect a debt to pay their tickets off this sector, and so Sam did... finally learning the lessons of common responsibility and all that it entails.

It was a long walk. They passed shadowy alcoves containing roving people with shiny bright eyes, wild and filled with drugged-up madness. They passed security check-points manned by thugs of the current ruling gangs: the only forces of establishment that kept the goddamn powder keg from exploding all around them. Passed little shops here and there; they sold all the vices of the Galaxy, guns, drugs, even a few booze tents here and there. Painted ladies crying out and showing off their bodies as cheap ware sold by the dime for any passer-by willing, took Sam some willpower not to take a look himself here and there, there ain't no such thing as a holy man around these parts.

They kept on walking. "How ya doing there, Fen?" Sam's voice sounded lower, deeper and more gruff. He pinched her hand softly, give her a good sense of his presence - her shield, what a shield to have.
Overstimulated was the word of the day.

Fen was not anxious at all but rather well in her element. Amidst the dozens, hundreds of bodies moving about there were droids and backworld tech of all kinds. Wide steely eyes zipped from one gleam to the next, Urchin's hand steady in that of the old Rekali, tugging only when she got distracted for one step too long.

She felt the squeeze just as her eyes honed in on a tattoo parlor full of sweaty, gritty criminal types. Her gaze trained on there, girl leaning weight against Sam's hand to keep looking even after he'd passed by. When he stopped to stare at her, looking towards what had caught her attention, the old man only blinked and shook his head, ushering her back on track.

They reached an atrium of sorts - one of the few hints that this place had once been a civilized station eons ago. An old fountain at the center sat in disassembled pieces, water long dried up with not but rust left behind. The walls were used for poster adverts now. Wanted ads. Merc contact pages. Local store and job ads. Bounties. And down at the far end something else grabbed Fen's attention.

Urchin put on the breaks as they passed by a large sign.

Ranger's Fury vs The Sickle​
Opening Battles:
Gorgenlutz vs C3pNO​
Alpha Squad vs Barron Velheim​
Nexuspawn vs Imp​
Drop-in Battles running all day. 500c entry fee.​
Sign up in Level C​
[member="Samael Rekali"]​
The Admiralty
Codex Judge

Ya ever tried to look at a young child when she caught the desire? Didn't matter what it was, what it was for or when she caught it, but once it happened... you better believe she would try her hardest to get ahold of it. The tattoo was one thing. Passing fancy that Sam wasn't gonna agree to no matter what, she was his responsibility for now. When she was old enough she could do what she wanted, but for now... that was a big no no. This was different though.

Just a little girl wanting to check out something that was her interest. Techno-whizz and all that, he couldn't say no to that, could he?

Maybe temporary, at least. "Hon, it's 500 credits. I ain't got that kind of money right now." He looked down at her, scratching his beard with the free hand before sighing. Clearly she had her hand set at this.

"Whatcha say we finish what we came here to do, get the money I am owed and then we will check it out?"

That's the best he could do for her for now.

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