Flint Michigan
Rebel without a Cred
This Roleplay takes place in the galaxy and is thus only open to characters with Even profile numbers or Odd profile numbers who have roleplayed escaping the Netherworld.
With the aid of his wonderful mechanic [member="Kitt Solo"] and box monkey [member="Tiam Bai"] Flint had escaped the Netherworld, and the planet Voss as well. In the time he'd escaped Voss and gotten back to his ship he'd figured out a few things. Like, at least half the galaxy had disappeared, probably to where-ever that strange place was he came from. Like, the Force was acting strange. Too strange to be replied upon. Sith Lords and Jedi Masters were cosmic slot machines rather then wizardous gods. Like governments were reeling in the fallout, working tirelessly to regain territory and assert their presence in what was a galaxy as ripe for the taking at it was when the Four Hundred years darkness ended. Flint wasn't a guy to get caught up in all that, but an old friend had sent him some interesting intel. A Fringe Star Destroyer was left in the Rakata Beta System. For whatever reason it was hit harder than the rest of the Fringe Fleet, most of the crew gone and without a real Fringe Naval escort. Rakatan ships were apparently trying eagerly to claim it, but Flint had other ideas. So he put the Detroit Nexu into hyperspace and headed on over, aiming to lead the heist of a lifetime. But he'd need a bit of help to get the job done, so he sent a message along all of the Underground Channels he knew, hoping to get the attention of folk like [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Khaleel Malvern"].
My name's Flint Michigan. Some of you guys know me, some of you don't. I know the galaxy has gone karking mad right now, but I'm thinking now is the best time to pull a raid. A raid that would make the old guys like Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Booster Terrik proud. My ship, though it doesn't know it yet, is waiting for me at Rakata Beta, guarded by a bunch of Fringe Remnants, those who aren't caught in the scramble for worlds around Annaj. I'll be there by 7:00 tomorrow ready to go. I'm askin for whatever help I can get, but I won't pretend it'll be easy. But gorram it, I'm broke, they're disorganized, the Force is wonky as anything, and we're not gonna get a shot like this again. See y'all there.
The Detroit Nexu would drop out of hyperspace, ready to engage. The rest of the Underground, if they were even comin, hadn't gotten there yet. Flint shrugged as he looked over to [member="Kitt Solo"], maybe [member="Tiam Bai"] if she was there too.
With the aid of his wonderful mechanic [member="Kitt Solo"] and box monkey [member="Tiam Bai"] Flint had escaped the Netherworld, and the planet Voss as well. In the time he'd escaped Voss and gotten back to his ship he'd figured out a few things. Like, at least half the galaxy had disappeared, probably to where-ever that strange place was he came from. Like, the Force was acting strange. Too strange to be replied upon. Sith Lords and Jedi Masters were cosmic slot machines rather then wizardous gods. Like governments were reeling in the fallout, working tirelessly to regain territory and assert their presence in what was a galaxy as ripe for the taking at it was when the Four Hundred years darkness ended. Flint wasn't a guy to get caught up in all that, but an old friend had sent him some interesting intel. A Fringe Star Destroyer was left in the Rakata Beta System. For whatever reason it was hit harder than the rest of the Fringe Fleet, most of the crew gone and without a real Fringe Naval escort. Rakatan ships were apparently trying eagerly to claim it, but Flint had other ideas. So he put the Detroit Nexu into hyperspace and headed on over, aiming to lead the heist of a lifetime. But he'd need a bit of help to get the job done, so he sent a message along all of the Underground Channels he knew, hoping to get the attention of folk like [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Khaleel Malvern"].
My name's Flint Michigan. Some of you guys know me, some of you don't. I know the galaxy has gone karking mad right now, but I'm thinking now is the best time to pull a raid. A raid that would make the old guys like Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Booster Terrik proud. My ship, though it doesn't know it yet, is waiting for me at Rakata Beta, guarded by a bunch of Fringe Remnants, those who aren't caught in the scramble for worlds around Annaj. I'll be there by 7:00 tomorrow ready to go. I'm askin for whatever help I can get, but I won't pretend it'll be easy. But gorram it, I'm broke, they're disorganized, the Force is wonky as anything, and we're not gonna get a shot like this again. See y'all there.
The Detroit Nexu would drop out of hyperspace, ready to engage. The rest of the Underground, if they were even comin, hadn't gotten there yet. Flint shrugged as he looked over to [member="Kitt Solo"], maybe [member="Tiam Bai"] if she was there too.