Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Going Full Booster(Underground, Rebellion, Ask)

This Roleplay takes place in the galaxy and is thus only open to characters with Even profile numbers or Odd profile numbers who have roleplayed escaping the Netherworld.


With the aid of his wonderful mechanic [member="Kitt Solo"] and box monkey [member="Tiam Bai"] Flint had escaped the Netherworld, and the planet Voss as well. In the time he'd escaped Voss and gotten back to his ship he'd figured out a few things. Like, at least half the galaxy had disappeared, probably to where-ever that strange place was he came from. Like, the Force was acting strange. Too strange to be replied upon. Sith Lords and Jedi Masters were cosmic slot machines rather then wizardous gods. Like governments were reeling in the fallout, working tirelessly to regain territory and assert their presence in what was a galaxy as ripe for the taking at it was when the Four Hundred years darkness ended. Flint wasn't a guy to get caught up in all that, but an old friend had sent him some interesting intel. A Fringe Star Destroyer was left in the Rakata Beta System. For whatever reason it was hit harder than the rest of the Fringe Fleet, most of the crew gone and without a real Fringe Naval escort. Rakatan ships were apparently trying eagerly to claim it, but Flint had other ideas. So he put the Detroit Nexu into hyperspace and headed on over, aiming to lead the heist of a lifetime. But he'd need a bit of help to get the job done, so he sent a message along all of the Underground Channels he knew, hoping to get the attention of folk like [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Khaleel Malvern"].

My name's Flint Michigan. Some of you guys know me, some of you don't. I know the galaxy has gone karking mad right now, but I'm thinking now is the best time to pull a raid. A raid that would make the old guys like Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Booster Terrik proud. My ship, though it doesn't know it yet, is waiting for me at Rakata Beta, guarded by a bunch of Fringe Remnants, those who aren't caught in the scramble for worlds around Annaj. I'll be there by 7:00 tomorrow ready to go. I'm askin for whatever help I can get, but I won't pretend it'll be easy. But gorram it, I'm broke, they're disorganized, the Force is wonky as anything, and we're not gonna get a shot like this again. See y'all there.

The Detroit Nexu would drop out of hyperspace, ready to engage. The rest of the Underground, if they were even comin, hadn't gotten there yet. Flint shrugged as he looked over to [member="Kitt Solo"], maybe [member="Tiam Bai"] if she was there too.


Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"]

Myrtle-ellipses narrowed. Senses extended in the force ahead of them, always scanning, feeling. She brought herself back for Flint. Always for Flint. Fingers went to the toolbelt around her waist and the weapons holstered along her thighs.

"Hang onto your butts 'cause it's gonna be a helluva ride. I'm as ready as Ma's pies are for Sunday potluck eatin.'"

She didn't man the gun turrets this time. If ships got in their way, she would invisibly nudge them off their paths and temper with the pilot's emotions. She was out of the force-closet so there was no holding back in front of Flint anymore.

Even if he realized his girlfriend was a scary motherkarker.
The Admiralty
Around me the blue, iridium colors of hyperspace washed over the viewport, it was still chilling, that vague notion that you were currently in a literal durasteel cardbox, a couple of meters of steel hull all that was standing between you and imminent death. Exciting stuff, no? Was currently lounging in the pilot seat, chewing on some nachos and pondering on what was going to happen soon. Didn't try to nudge the ship a bit faster, not with the way my knack was behaving these days.

Couldn't even get a solid shot out without it exploding right back in my face, so I was definitely not going to try and make this trip a bit faster and less turbulent. Some things were simply not worth the catastrophic shet that can creep up to ya outta nowhere, ya know? Anyway, Flint got my attention with his suggestion. One, I will never pass up the opportunity of kicking the Fringe in its shins, two... well, money, money, money, no?

It would take me a few more minutes, think ten to fifteen before I got to the meeting point. Just enough to finish dem nachos and get myself another beer, this was the life, you, a portable freezer and the whole Galaxy at your feet. Yeah, life was good.

[member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Flint Michigan"]
[member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

Flint laughed. Seemed Kitt was more than ready. Which was good because they had . . . Quite a few bogeys on screen. Only a couple of Fringe Escort ships for the SD, corvettes of some build or another, but the Raktans themselves had a ton of fighters and smaller capships lying around. It was too much to be an ordinary patrol, but not enough for a dedicated blockade. Running a path through the middle would be difficult but not impossible. Sure would help if they could get some help though.

"Guess it's now or never then." Flint said, and then began flying forward towards the Star Destroyer. They'll start hailing soon, telling Flint to get off course, but he's already lining up firing solutions for what guns aren't manually shot.

"You not gonna head over the turrets?" Flint asked his mechanic, curious about her strategy.
[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Kitt Solo"]

The Gypsymoth, hibridium-cloaked and navigating by periscope holocam, drifted into the Rakata Beta system like a bad dream easily forgotten. It closed in on the Star Destroyer Grave Wind, a heavily modified XoXaan-class with ties to the now-defunct Empire of the Hand. Through the periscope, Jorus watched the Rakatan and Fringe vessels move on past, from his perspective; the Gypsymoth's engines weren't at full burn, but he'd built up enough momentum before entering sensor range. Now he could just drift on in, with minute adjustments from his maneuvering thrusters.

His periscope reached out and touched the Detroit Nexu with a tightbeam transmission. "Detroit Nexu, this is Gypsy. In position three-quarters of a klick behind the Grave Wind."

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Tiam Bai"]

"No, lov...Captain," she tightened the crash-webbing around her shoulders. "The turret is open to Tiam if she wants it. I'll be here but I won't be here so don't end us in a ball of fire on the side of that thing, okay? You'll find an opening to the Destroyer soon. Trust me."

Tipping her head back into the seat, she closed her eyes and settled into a deep form of battle meditation that would potentially rival that of Master Spencer Jacobs Cupcake Eater. With the force, the empath opened herself up to see the strings of emotions on all those left on the Destroyer as well as the friendlies of Jorus Merrill and Khaleel Malvern and enemies of the Rakatan ships. The ebb and flow of emotions all connected like a complicated harp or violin and she readied to play each like a fiddle with broad strokes - leaving their allies untouched of course.

Emotions would change with her nudging: Rakatan crews would suddenly feel fear, the urge to flee, Stay Destroyer crews would leave their posts in droves for hunger or to relieve themselves, or perhaps to announce their hidden, undying love to a crew member they've suddenly developed an affinity for.
[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Kitt Solo"] | [member="Flint Michigan"]

Tiam grumbled. What was she, a two bit stick jockey? Here she was in the lounge, nicely strapped in her crash webbing. Their voices drifted over the noise of the attack though, something about Tiam and the turret. Nimble fingers moved over the crash webbing, unhooking herself and nearly falling out of her seat. More dark looks that the pair couldn't see. It took a great deal of bracing against the bulkhead to actually move down to the turrets.

Kill the blue-skinned alien. No one will miss her!

Moving down the ladder, she quickly got into the seat and immediately put on her headset. A few flips of various switches and the displays came to life, enemies flickered on the screen as crude renderings. The turret was soon steadily pumping out a whump,whump,whump noise from the laser cannons. A free hand came to toggle with her mic to the cockpit.

"You guys owe me big time. I'm not talking about that chunk of change I paid out to get us home either."

No sooner had she got finished speaking did the mood change. One of admiration,love, and caring for the Captain. His broad shoulders, sculpted backside. Farmboy did have a great backside....

....Wait, what? These certainly weren't her emotions......Maybe just the backside one.

"Might want to tone down the wizardry projections Kid."
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Tiam Bai"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

Flint didn't pick up Jorus, so he assumed he was in some sort of cloak. But then how had he sent a message? He would lauded the man if he saw the holocam periscope design, but instead sent a reply, figuring it safe enough.

"It's awful good to see you Jorus. We're about to-" He said as suddenly he felt the pressing need to relieve himself. No, this is important, I can hold it. He tried to press to himself, but the sudden urge was strong. But then Flint started picking something up on his sensors. The Rakata fleet was breaking off. As is trying to run away from some unseen foe and clear a path. Head turned to look at his lov- mechanic, and he saw her eyes closed. He had heard her say she 'wouldn't be here' but could she have done? Make an entire fleet break off? All of a sudden Flint felt a lot smaller in the galactic scheme of things, and figured it was best to take the advantage as long as Kitt could hold it.

"I think we have an opening. I'm taking it." Flint said and charged the Detroit Nexu forward and towards the Grave Wind. As the ship darted forward he switched from ship-to-ship comms to around-the-ship comms and messaged his sassy pantoran below.

"I don't think she can hear you Tiam. And if we pull this off we'll make more on this job than we normally do in a year." He wondered whether or not he'd call her on the 'if'. She probably would. In fact, he started thinking of a comeback for it. Best be prepared.
[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Tiam Bai"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

The Gypsymoth settled down against the bridge of the Grave Wind.

Or tried to.

Jorus murmured a curse as he looped the cloaked YV-929 around. "Nexu, this is Gypsy. I went for a bridge board, but this ship doesn't have a bridge where there should be one. My guess is the actual bridge is in the middle of the ship, probably armored to the gills. I'm going to clamp to the side of what used to be the bridge superstructure and just try cutting my way in. You going for the hangar? I didn't get a clear look to see if it was open."
The Admiralty
[member="Flint Michigan"] | [member="Kitt Solo"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Tiam Bai"]

It was around that time that the Ugly Ducklin’ dropped outta hyperspace on the other side of the sector, was a Washburnhttp://tachyon. Pretty solid design, cheap, reliable, ya know the drill and how it is. Anyway, went straight into battle, as shet was already going down as I arrived.

Cursory scan told me all I needed to know, Nexu was… huh. Diving straight towards the Destroyer, fighters moving away from it like- felt a wash of emotions fall over me.

A blink.

Flint… was hot? Huh. I tasted the sound of that and came off with the inclination that it was the truth, before shaking my head and picturing a very big wall around my private parts, and opening a channel to the Nexu.

Eyo, Nexu. Ducklin’ here. Where ya need a hand?

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Tiam Bai"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

Eyes moved beneath closed-lids. The force was acting like an oily-fish, a bit slippery and smelly. A twitch of her lips was the only sign she heard Tiam. Manipulating droves of crew and pilots wasn't....easy.

Flint's ship rocked and settled.

Without opening her eyes, she knew they made it inside the Destroyer's hanger with most of the crew in the cantina, lavatories, or making out in the halls. It wouldn't last long, though. Slowly, she began to release her hold on their emotions and settle back to the present.

"Captain, need me to stay here to keep a finger on the pulse with my wizarding or need me to join you and Tiam for some muscle?"
[member="Khaleel Malvern"] | [member="Kitt Solo"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Flint Michigan"]

Tiam continued to fire away. By now, Kitt had thankfully stopped messing with their emotions. Any closer to that Destroyer and they'd all die a painful, fiery death. On the upside the death would be quick -- vacuum of space an' all.
[member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Tiam Bai"]

Flint got on the comms to Jorus and Khaleel.

"The port hangerbay is open. I'm planning on clearing a path to the bridge from there. If you can reinforce Gypsy or me Ducklin I'd greatly appreciate it." He said as he docked the ship into their hanger bay with a little rustling. He began to head to restroom but felt the urge to relieve himself mysteriously leaving him. Looking at his Mechanic he wondered if the feeling was a side-effect of her affecting the crews of the ships he'd passed. Probably was. Least it was gone now.

"Depends. Do they know we're here?" Flint asked as he readied his bloodstripe shotgun. Had some buckshot, slugs, EMP, and cryoban shells. Hopefully didn't have to deal with anything that needed more than that. "I'd rather have you at my side, but if you can keep them from knowing we're here you might be more useful . . . meditating." Flint struggled to find the adequate words to describe her using the Force. "It's your decision." He said as he made his way to the loading ramp, keeping his shotgun ready just in case they had a 'welcoming party'.

"Tiam, bout to open the door, be ready." Earlier Flint had said she could follow him and try to steal the SD or stay on the ship and try to hold that down for a last minute escape, whichever she preferred. Either way she should probably have known there was a chance they'd be underfire in a minute.

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Tiam Bai"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

"They have a vague notion we're here." She unbuckled the crash-webbing. "I'll join you." She checked her weapons and tightened her tool belt. Comm set on a shared channel.

She raised her blaster, finger hovering over the trigger and she gave Flint a silent nod that she was ready.

And in that instant, she felt over a billion lives vanish in the force, her Corellian family included. Face paled, the room spun, and she collapsed at Flint's feet.

This is when she needed him the most.
[member="Kitt Solo"][member="Flint Michigan"][member="Tiam Bai"]

"Can do, Nexu. Uh, make sure your people are wearing masks."

The Gypsymoth slipped into the docking bay and decloaked, autoblasters at full bore. A large variety of nasty things ceased to exist.
He triggered the Conner net launchers; he'd loaded them with coma gas canisters taken from the Fringe out by Ssi-Ruuvi space. It wouldn't get the entirety of the crew -- they'd seal off air recirc sooner rather than later -- but Ssi-Ruuvi coma gas was harsh stuff. It'd make the primary obstacle the GT-F0 anti-boarding droids. Hive mind, facial recognition, paralysis beams that ignored armor and weapons, EMP hardened, loaded with cortosis, disguised as common astromechs. Beautiful little machines. The Grave Wind carried, based on other Fringe ships' loadouts, something like one to two hundred of them.
The Admiralty
[member="Flint Michigan"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Kitt Solo"] | [member="Tiam Bai"]

Roger, Nexu. I am going in and provide y’all with fire support inside the ship.’ Kal took another good look at the sheer size of the star destroyer, that thing… was a behemoth in its own right, and if Khaleel remembered his time with the Fringe good enough?

Then the Grand Admiral herself was known to be standing on the bridge of it herself, the theft of the Grave Wind… it ain’t a simple matter, yet it only filled him with more adrenaline and excitement.

This was gonna be good.

Khaleel settled into the ship’s hangar, grabbed a gas mask and put it over his face before stepping outta the ship. He had one of ‘em fancy shotguns and a few more surprises, but that would come soon.
[member="Kitt Solo"] | [member="Flint Michigan"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

"Abandon the Nexu? Hardly." Tiam was already scurrying up the ladder from the gun turret. The Pantorian wasn't the best of pilots -- No Luke Skywalker -- but she did know her way around a cockpit. Emerging from the hatch, she quickly grabbed a mask from a side panel while exiting. She had heard the announcement after all.

When she arrived at the cockpit though she had to step over the Kid. Curious glance between the Captain and back to the unconscious Kitt.

"You wanna tell me whats going on? Also, move aside, I'm piloting this thing now."
Flint was prepping gas masks for himself and Kitt when she just suddenly collapsed. Flint had no idea what was going on, just that Kitt had collapsed, and that sort of freaked him out. He fell to the floor with her, just fast enough to ensure she didn't hit a hard durasteel floor, then put a gas mask on as he looked at her. He wanted to put the gas mask on her too, but something was telling him not too. He wasn't sure what it was or why it was, but for some reason he wanted to . . . hurt her. He tried to fight the urge, but couldn't. It was too strong. Flint fought and fought, until his mind gave in to the desires of another.


Professor of Alchemy​
Valik, as a rule, did not like messing with the Lords of the Fringe or their toys. He knew far too many of their people and respected quite a few of them, at least enough to make him wary of them. But this ship? It held a few secrets Valik knew would be useful. And right now he wouldn't let such opportunity escape him, not the mental whims of some child with nothing better to do. So rather than try to fix the mental damage done to possessed other half he just took over.

It was Valik's show now.

"I . . . I don't know." Valik said to Tiam as he pulled Kitt up and put a gas mask on her face. Valik actually did know though. He had felt the death of billions far off in the galaxy, and he could see how it would knock out a woman of Force Sense or Empathy. Empaths. Such weakness. But also a tight rope that he'd have to walk, if she were sensing his emotions rather than Flints. Mentally he began to draw from the other half of his mind, hoping to use Flint's emotions as a shield from her sensing his true motives.

"Kitt, wake up." He shook her slightly as he held her close, too close really but it was Flint would have done. "I . . . how can I help?" He didn't ask silly things like 'are you okay'? She wasn't okay, and chances were neither Valik nor Flint couldn't fix it anyways. But he could offer help. Support. Help her stabilize long enough to complete the mission. Hopefully he wouldn't be disgusted with himself by the end of it.

[member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Tiam Bai"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Valik"] (just tagging one of you troll faces) [member="Tiam Bai"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]

Head lolled against Flint's shoulder. A shudder ran through her body. It was only Flint/Valik's strength that was keeping her upright and not curled classic-fetal-position on the floor.

"Oh...stars," she breathed into the gas mask as it pressed against the side of Flint's neck.

Eyes cracked open, blinking painfully at the light - at her surroundings.

"They're gone. All gone," she rambled. "So many. Gone-gone-gone. My family. Gone." She felt like a part of her was disappearing as well. The door to Flint's ship was already open. Unconscious bodies of the crew already littered the ground outside from the gas. Tears the master empath couldn't control leaked from the corners of her eyes. She couldn't control them or wipe them away.

She looked up at Flint, unaware of Valik's presence for now. Her focus was too wrapped up in Corellia's pain. Her pain.

"Go," she looked to Tiam and shakily released her grip around Flint. "Go. I....I just need a minute. I'll find you on the comms."

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