Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Box in your Nightmares
(This bio has been recovered through the magic of Google archives. Praise Google.)


SPECIES: GNK Series Power Droid
AGE: 900 years old
GENDER: Male programming
HEIGHT: 1.1 meters
WEIGHT: 100 kgs
EYES: Red photoreceptor
HAIR: Completely bald
SKIN: Grey armored plating
FORCE SENSITIVE: Of course not



Strengths: Heavily armoured, hyper intelligent, bloodthirsty.
Weaknesses: Slow, not very agile, terrible dexterity.

SHIP: Currently helms a Carrack-Class Light Cruiser, with the help of his co-pilot, (insert name here)

BIOGRAPHY: GNK-699 was the 699th GNK series Power Droid ever made. He's been around for over 900 years and has witnessed the fall of the original Republic, the rise of the Galactic Empire, the fall of that empire and then more rises and falls. The Gulag plague was quite special to GNK-699, for that's when he was upgraded.

A mad engineer from Tatooine pulled out most of GNK-699's fusion reactors and installed a big droid brain, granting the droid immense intelligence. He also granted the droid two extending arms that could hold blasters and interact with the environment. These arms fold into GNK-699's body.

Unfortunately, he didn't install a new vocabulator so GNK-699 could tell everyone around him about how brilliant he was. This made the power droid very, very, angry and so he killed the engineer whilst screaming "GONK!". It was brilliant, and a bloodthirst evolved within the droid's superior adaptive programming.

Half of Mos Eisley was murdered in the span of three weeks, then the Droid hitched a ride off planet.





A Business Wedding - GNK falls from space and ruins a lesbian wedding.
Memories Badk Then - GNK confronts a member of the OmegaPyre company... Thing.

(^ These two roleplays did happen before the server pooped itself, however no archived data survived that I know of.)

The Darker The Sky, The Brighter The Signs - GNK's terrorist attempt fails. Carnage still erupts, despite this.

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