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Approved Tech Glare Ice Lightsabre Crystal

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Image Source: The Dark Crystal
Intent: A prize for the hardest workers in WTH16, currently [member="Xander Carrick"], [member="Gherron Vael"], [member="Mark Sage"], [member="Tyranus Collik"], [member="Venris Helion"] and [member="Vassara Raxis"], though others may yet distinguish themselves.
Development Thread: Weekend Treasure Hunt 16: Against the Fall of Night (49 posts)
Manufacturer: Ancient Jal Shey
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Pontite crystal
Description: The Glare Ice crystals were found on Ilum by a large Jedi-run expedition in 844 ABY. Their history, so far as could be determined, stretched back millennia, to a time when Jal Shey were far more common. During the great battles between the Republic and the Sith Empire on Ilum, a group of Jal Shey Mentors took refuge in deep caves. For practicality or for curiosity, or simply for love of their art, they experimented with their Force-imbuement crafting techniques on some of the finest pontite crystals they could find. The Glare Ice crystals, generally blue or green in color, became imbued with the ability known as tapas.

STRENGTHS: Those who carry a Glare Ice crystal, either alone or as a lightsabre component, experience greatly increased endurance in cold climates, whether or not they are themselves Force-sensitive -- a caveat common to all Jal Shey creations. As pontite crystals, they can help cool tempers; as Jal Shey artifacts, they permit significant resistance to cold, preventing hypothermia and frostbite.

LIMITATIONS: Naturally, this resistance cannot entirely cancel out the cold if one is soaking wet or naked in a snowstorm, or thrown into space. In those circumstances, however, a Force-user skilled in tapas would be able to use his or her own abilities in conjunction with the resistance provided by the crystal. The Glare Ice crystals have no significant drawbacks, but they are not especially powerful artifacts. The major limitation of the Glare Ice crystals is that they do nothing for the other end of the temperature spectrum, having been designed on frigid Ilum to meet local needs. They will not prevent heatstroke, dehydration or sunburn, and take no effect whatsoever in very hot temperatures.

Primary Source: None
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