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Gladiatorial Combat Circuit


  • Image Source: [member='Asha Hex'] | Image
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon company.)
  • Development Thread: can do if needed
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Corporation Name: Gladiatorial Combat Circuit or GCC for short
  • Headquarters: Phu
  • Locations: Phu, Iridonia, and Mrykr
  • Operations: The GCC is a entertainment company offering prize fights and tournaments for viewers and gamblers of the galaxy.
  • Tier: Tier 2
Have a need to prove you are the best? Enjoy the thrill of combat without all the politics? Maybe you've toured the underground circuits and arena but you've never made the big pay day? Well seek no further the GCC is here for you! With prize fights and regular tournaments it's time to show the entire galaxy how good you really are, and make a paycheck at the same time.

The GCC uses medical monitors on all combatants to ensure there life is never in danger, and for the Novice rankings, that you're never in any real danger for loss of limb. That's right this isn't just for the combat master, but the curious novice as well. With more rigid rules, and only stun based weapons allowed inside the novice fights we assure you the ability to hone your combat techniques without the fear of life long damage.

Feeling more confident? Then perhaps the mid ranks are where you belong, our veteran fighters echelon. Veterans are still medically monitored, but the weapons are just blunted not simply built to stun. We cannot promise that combatants in this type of match will not leave without scar or wound, but we do our best to avoid serious damage. As with the Novice rank all serious wounds and death is avoided via tractor beam pulling combatants apart. All combatants at this rank will receive a full medical before being allowed to fight.

That's all good and well you say, but seriously, wheres the real fight at? Well maybe you're made for our highest rankings, the Elite. While we still stop matches short of death the tractor beams will not pull combatants apart without fear of death, submission or knock out. Due to possibility of serious injuries on this ranking all combatants will not only be given a full physical to ensure good fighting condition, but they will also receive an allergy test for bacta, just in case.

Well now that I understand where I might want to start how does this work? Well simple, we have two types of fights at the moment, the grudge match and the tournament. Grudge matches are simple fights between any two combatants of the same rank who simply want to test their mettle. These fights' proceeds are mostly in gambling and the fighters will receive a share of the profits, but there is no purse as in the tournaments. The grudge matches are more of an at your own pace, growing in value by the amount of bets and attention they garner. Our viewers who 'like' the fight gaining it more attention and bets fuel the GGC's and the fighters' profits for the fight.

The tournaments are sponsored fights coming down to a single winner for much larger purses. The sponsored tournament is more structured though given the larger nature of it, and feature random environments. What is this randomness we speak of? Our game masters assign each match the location of the fight and specific rules for that encounter. At the end of this advertisement you can find the listings of possible tournament matches! The tournaments are a winner takes all event, a bit more risky but much more rewarding.

I'm not a fighter, but a sponsor hoping to invest in a tournament, how do I do that? Well that's quite the cause for excitement here for us at GCC. Sponsors for tournaments get incredible attention in our broadcasts and live events, and arms companies get the opportunity to have their arms used exclusively in that tournament. How exciting! Those interested in creating a tournament simply have to message one of our two executive officers to arrange their own tournament. It couldn't be more simple.

Random Arena matches!
*Lightsabers excluded from combatants choice
*All rolls which do not list weapons are gladiator's choice

1: Hand to hand only, Myrkr
2: Unstable terrain, Iridonia
3: Mud pit, Iridonia
4: Half gravity, Phu
5: Sponsor's choice, Phu
6: Double Graviy, Phu
7: Starts hand to hand but weapons distributed at random, Iridonia
8: Triple Weighted weapons, Iridonia
9: Ten foot circle ring over pit, Phu
10: Random attacks by training remotes set to maximum power, Myrkr
11: Submerged fight, Phu
12: Long weapons only (staff, spear, polearm, whip), Iridonia
13: Sponsor's choice on weapons, Myrkr
14: Short weapons only (blackjack, knife), Iridonia
15: Zero gravity combat, above Phu
16: Spinning corridor around walkway, Phu
17: Hand to Hand, Iridonia
18: Mirrored maze arena, Myrkr
19: One armed combat, Iridonia
20: Two foot wide walkway over pit, Myrkr

GCC was created by Sargon Vynea and [member="Connory"] as a mutual venture into the profit of underground arena fighting without the life threatening danger.

  • (At Tier 3, if you so choose, your corporation can start owning other companies. If your corporation owns a company or multiple companies, this is where to list them. Subsidiaries require their own company submissions. Development threads would need to be done to show the work of the corporation. Every time you add a new subsidiary, you must place a company mod to update it on the parent corporation sub.)

Parent Corporation: ( If this corporation is a subsidiary of another company, please name and link that parent corporation here.)

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