Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ghosts (Elysium vs the Mandalorians)

As the morning sun cast its light upon the flattened remains Republic embassy, the fine inhabitants of Royal City would come to discover a large pile of bloody corpses near the foundation of the original entrance. All were Mandalorians, stripped and flayed. While the mutilated corpses were fresh, the jungle was already feasting upon the great bounty of foreigners. On the ground, vermin had gathered to pick at the hunks of flesh, while a cloud of flies had begun to swarm above. In the jungle, there was no waste. Unless there was interference, the corpses would be consumed until all but a few bones remained.

This would probably be lost upon the Mandalorians, but there were a specific number of corpses present, one for each Republic soldier and diplomat who had been killed at the embassy. If anyone were to collect the bodies, then they would uncover the fate of the Mandalorians' armor and equipment right underneath, all melted down and fused to the floor to create a stylised form of the Phoenix.


From the ashes of the Republic, a new opponent had arisen. One who had just shown no qualms about matching or exceeding the brutality of the Mandalorians. There would be no cries for diplomacy or for peace. They had only emerged with the offer of death.​

[member="Vilaz Munin"]

((Hoping to start the new year with something different in development of Suravi, proceeding with my original plans for the original GR a few months ago. I have planned on writing alone for the parts of my peeps, but if anyone would like to tag along on my side, then just shoot me a PM to work something out. Otherwise, I'll be responding to this about once or twice a day until my part is complete. While this story starts on Kashyyk other locations will come into play. I'll also be using this skirmish for development, so feel free to do the same, I won't complain.))

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