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Approved Tech Ghostplate

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Intent: Darzhur’s personal Armor
Image Source: Here | Here
Canon Link: Not Applicable
Restricted Missions: Not Applicable
Primary Source: Not Applicable

Manufacturer: Darzhur
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: Darzhur
Modularity: Yes
  • Weapons
  • Aesthetics
  • Plates can be added or removed
Production: Unique
Classification: Multi-Purpose Light Armor
Weight: 5 Kilograms
Plates | Armorweave
  • Energy: High | Low
  • Kinetic: Average | Low
  • Lightsabers: Very High | Very Low
  • Sonic: High | High
  • EMP/Ion: High | High
  • Elemental: Low | Low
  • Electromagnetic Shielding
  • Copper Faraday Cage
  • Standard Helmet Systems
Left Gauntlet
  • Power Gauntlet
  • Control Panel
Right Gauntlet
  • Dual Retractable Claws
  • Silenced Verpine Shattergun
  • Stealth: The Ghostplate features passive stealth systems which can hide it from sensors and active stealth systems which actively turn the wearer invisible.
  • Songsteel: Light and Strong. Modern day Mithril, the plates can withstand Lightsaber strikes, blaster bolts, and bullets.
  • Coverage: The suit has very few plates in contrast to many armors, relying mostly on Desh-Terenthium armorweave for protection. It covers the lower legs, lower arms, upper torso, waist, and head; leaving the upper arms and legs partially exposed, and the abdomen relatively unprotected.
The songsteel plates of the Ghostplate are segmented and scalloped overlapping plates consisting of a single left pauldron, the helmet, a breastplate and gorget, gauntlets, greaves and sabatons coated in sensor-absorbing Shadowskin and noise cancelling substances to reduce the sound produced by movement as much as possible.

The plates are fitted to a suit of desh-terenthium armorweave to reduce weight to a minimum and provide light blaster, stab, and kinetic resistance to what would otherwise be exposed areas of the body. The helmet features a military grade HUD and standard Helmet features found on any galactic faction’s equipment, with only a few modifications to accommodate the stealth features and HUD fired weaponry and a voice modulator allowing him to throw his voice and mimic the voices of others.

Ghostplate uses shadowskin, a sound-dampening belt, and sensor-absorption capabilities to provide the wearer with passive sensor/scanner stealth. When not firing his primary weapon or using high energy output devices, the wearer is not visible or detectable on sensors or scanners. Additionally he blends into shadows very well and is difficult to see in darkness. Sound-dampening belt reduces the noise he causes while walking, jumping, or fighting, allowing him move almost silently.

As a form of Active Camouflage, the suit features a Personal Cloaking Device which renders the wearer invisible as well, cloaking their armor and carried weapons from sight. When moving quickly, the wearer is surrounded by a blurred translucent outline as the cloaking device refracts the light passing through the armor in an attempt to compensate for the rapid movement. This allows the wearer to walk almost completely unseen, but running or fighting reveals a mild weakness in the system.

The suit has a pair of gauntlets, both with specialized weaponry built into the system. On the left hand there is a control panel for the armor’s systems which also includes a Holocomm and Comlink built into it, a graph 18 surface locator, numerous star charts, access to the HoloNet, and an Ion-scrambler to keep its tele-communications from being tracked. Additionally it features a Power Gauntlet which covers the hand in a powerful repulsor-field by drawing power from the stealth systems and energy weapons connected to the armor. In effect, this turns the left hand into a Power Hammer, able to shatter permacrete, crush rock and steel, and send enemies flying with internal injuries.

The right hand features a pair of retractable songsteel vibroblades. These blades can extend up to sixty centimeters past the wearer’s fist, flip the blades so the edges are on the outside or inside, and conceal within the gauntlet. The blades are exceptionally sharp and deadly, coated in an anti-corrosive substance that protects them from acids, metal-eating fungus and vong biots, and deterioration from rust. Additionally the gauntlet contains a single Dart Launcher with a small internal magazine. The weapon is internally suppressed and silenced and able to fire any dart: poison, anticoagulant, explosive, tracking, electro, pheromone, or other types.

The Left shoulder of the armor features an armored pauldron containing the suit’s primary weapon and auxiliary weapon; a powerful Isotope-5 Plasmacaster and a Net Launcher. These are controlled by either the HUD of the helmet or a cybernetic embedded in the wearer’s head, allowing them to control the weapon by thought and eye movements.
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