Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ghost In The Shell

Uncreative name aside! I'm Laura, I was invited by my girlfriend, since we live together and all that he he

ANYWAY out of the two of US I'm the more hyperactive energetic lover.... she's...

Wait... not a relationship site... right right.

OK! I'm excited to be here, supremely so! Love star wars in general using !'s and a bunch of other random stuff you'll probably find out later (or if you ask here I suppose!)

Anyway, Hi~

Marona Rayheart

"I'll take these broken wings and learn to fly"
Well I mean.... your more like....


Love ya though~ xD

People are good at answering questions here and corrupting your soul
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Have you even seen more than, like, one thing?
It's pretty varied. Essentially it's like any other animation... just Japanese.

Either way, to the point of the actual thread:

Quil Narro

Welcome don't feel scared....I'm Quil...or DogNut for fun

([member="Mallory Pryde"] still belongs in a mental hospital)
[member="Marona Rayheart"]
Is that Kanecolle? That looks like Kancolle.

[member="Laura Haruno"]
Welcome by the way.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Anime isn't all bad bro. Actually knowing you I think you'd enjoy the comic Berserk. Is an ultra dark fantasy with some beautiful art work.

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