Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Getting a reputation

Well, his first bounty on Zonju V went pretty well. After he collected his bounty, he started to look around the city. The city itself was not bad. Sure, there were a few more mercenaries then most places but there were also no guards around so that helped to protect the city. As he started to learn from the locals, he learned a little of their history.

It seems Zonju V never had a powerful government. There weren't that many people interested in government, and the ones that were interested were generally corrupt, so they took bribes and put bounties up to have others assassinated. Because of this, many mercenaries came to fulfill the bounties. Hunters didn't come because the bounties were too low for a quick travel here and then leave again. Plus, the mercenaries were mostly local, so most of them already lived here and could do more of them. As time went on, it seemed the mercenaries were too successful, and the government fell apart because there was no one left in the government alive. The few that were banded together and tried to get the government under control. But the mercenaries didn't like that the officials stopped paying them. So, they kept hunting them anyways, hoping this would encourage the few remaining to pay them credits or something.

Well, it had the opposite effect. The officials went into hiding. But they were still hunted. So, a few days ago word had come that the last officials alive were trying to resurrect the government. But the leader of the mercenaries wasn't going to have any of that. He put a bounty out for anyone to kill the last officials. And that's where I came in. I found out about the bounty and took care of them. Because of it, I managed to get some nice new armor and a nice new acid rifle. But, I also didn't care about the government on the world either. In fact, I liked there being no government. I had turned one of the large old abandoned buildings into my house, my hq and my training center.

But I started to travel around the planet. I even visited an old abandoned factory nearby and poked around a little. This planet might not have been the nicest one, but it was one that did have some potential. And that got me thinking. There were no leaders here. No one to tell you who was in charge and what the rules were. But that also meant, no one to tell you you couldn't be in charge.
So, an idea started to form in my head. This planet could be something special. A place for people like myself and mercenaries alike could come to live and find jobs. This could be a place where weapons, armor and other things could be purchased and created for those that came by. I started to think how this could come about. I knew that I had to do two things. I needed followers, and I needed a reputation. If I had followers, then I could have some man power to back me up against those that might appose me. But I also needed a reputation, because without that, locals might question how I could be in power. So, I put my plan into action. I made my own group, the Bounty Hunter Society. There were already a few people involved, similarly minded people who thought that there should be a faction of Hunters in the galaxy. So, my first part of my plan was going well, I just needed some more time to find others. But now I needed to build a reputation. WIthout it, the locals wouldn't respect me and the mercenaries would appose me. So, I looked for an opportunity.

I started to do some research and found that the planet currently had 3 main factions besides my own. There was the Black mercs, a group of mercenaries in the southern hemisphere that were ruthless and held a lot of territory. There was also the Red guns. This group of mercenaries was located in the more northern part of the hemisphere, and they were a bit more relaxed. They just let everyone do what they wanted to, and that was that. And of course, there were the Blazing Sons. These were the guys that were in town with me. They held most of the middle of the planets hemisphere, and they were known as the strongest and as the most like the old government. So, I had to eliminate these three factions in order to gain control over Zonju V.
So, how to deal with these groups. I thought it over, and after talking it over with some of the local Blazing Sons, I found out the planets mercs work on a sort of honor system. Only the toughest of each faction could lead their faction. However, another faction leader, or anyone from another faction could challenge the leaders. Only an outsider could challenge for leadership of the factions. So, I knew what I had to do. I had to challenge all three faction leaders to a fight, and if I won against all three in one challenge, then I would be the sole leader of all the factions and would thus be the leader of Zonju V, at least its military. So, I guess it was time to practice my sharp aiming if I was to face the three toughest fighers of Zonju V at the same time.

I practiced for a long time on my shooting. I knew I needed the practice, and I was glad I did it. After training for several weeks, I had improved tremendously. So, I guess it was time to go and challenge the three leaders. So, one of the things I had also done was hack into the air ways for the whole planet. It was pretty easy, since there was little to no security, and I got to work. I pulled up all three leaders personal holopads and sent them each a message at the same time. It read "Dear faction leaders. I have sent each of you a seperate message to tell you, that I challenge all three of you to a match. I know by your own rules that if I manage to defeat all three of you in a single match, then I gain control over all three of your factions. I will wait for you all in the capital city, where we shall fight in the old abandoned sector of the city. I promise there are no traps, but I thought that not being able to fight in the city would be a waste, since that is where we are all most used to. Let me know when you plan to come, because if you don't I will just hunt you all individually and kill you that way. Sincerly, Hamter Melson."

Well, that should get their attention. I will probably see some action pretty soon, I mean, I did just challenge the entire milatary leadership of the whole planet in one go. What could go wrong?
Well, that was pretty easy. Within the day every leader was yelling and trying to find the "hacker" that came into their networks. But, they just didn't have the technical know how to find him. The people of this world weren't really that advanced in technology and while they had some advanced things like networks, they didn't know how they really worked like he did. But now, the three leaders were discussing what to do. And while he was spying on their video conversation the whole time, they all agreed that since this guy was the one to take down the officials, he could gain some influence within the mercs, and ignoring his challenge would just make it worse. So, they decided to accept the challenge. So, exactly one week from the time they decided this, the leaders where all within the old capitol city.

So, it was finally happening. Alot of the mercs were gathered around the outskirts of the abandoned part of the city, eager to see their leaders kill this upstart. While a few of them didn't know who would win. They knew this wasn't another merc, but a hunter, and he meant business. And a select few were quiet as they believed today this hunter would come to rule them all. The three leaders stepped forward into the chosen arena. Wrath, who was the leader of the leader of the Black Mercs. He wore just a single giant blade on his back with heavy armor all over him. Then their was the leader of the Red Guns, named Dov. He had what looked to be a sniper rifle on his back and just some light armor. And of course the leader of the Blazing Sons, Verth. He seemed to have a mixture of things, with a rifle, and some pistols on him.
Well, the challenge was about to begin. Seemed that facing these three would be difficult, but they didn't look too tough. He had a few things up his sleeves for all of them. So, he yelled to them "So, I take it you all accept my challenge then. Good, for if I defeat all of you in battle, then I will be the sole undisputed rules of the planet's mercenaries." He was anxious to get things started so he said "Well, no time to start like the present. Speaking of a present, here is one for you." He immediately took out his blasters and started firing right at the three enemies. They all dodged out of the way and they seperated, seemed they weren't going to try and work together though because only one of them started to come at him. Seemed this would be easier then he thought, Wrath ran straight at him, just pulling out his large sword and charging.

As he closed in on him, Hamter put his blasters away, since the man was just hiding behind his sword to block them, and he pulled out his new rifle. This baby may not have much range, but it would be perfect for this guy running at him. He pointed the gun at him and the man just hid behind his gun again, perfect. Hamter fired, and the shot hit smack dab in the middle of the sword. Wrath put his sword down again to smirk, but all he saw was Hamter smirking, with his rifle down. Wrath looked at his sword and couldn't believe what he saw. His sword was melting! He watched as the top half of his sword slid off and onto the ground. Wrath then looked back at him and Hamter fired again, this time hitting the man in the face. The man tried to scream, but that just made it worse as acid started going into his mouth. Within a few seconds, the screaming stopped and he fell to the floor dead. Thus, his first opponent was out.

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