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Get Crunk [Brynn vs Sargas] [Rap Battle]

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
Ladies first? You just made your biggest mistake. You let me beat ya right outta the gate. Shoulda left your life to fate. I'm too much for your plate. Don't hesitate to wave the white flag and make your escape. Smoke you like vape. Call me a hero though I'm not wearing a cape. I'm gonna decimate.

You can punch, but I crunch with these lyrics. Gonna eat you like brunch. Too tough to touch, nah, I'm just too much
for you. I kick it like old school. You thought you could duel
me? That's hilarious. I'm the nefariouste, You couldn't marry this. I've got enough lines in my pocket to rocket you 'cross the block--it's not a rock beat; kids-on-a-block beat. Can't get into my socket. You can beg but you can't talk it.

You're gonna spit rhymes that you can't mop up. I'm like a target that you can't lock up! You're probably memorizing my own rhymes 'cause you gotta stock up. So gross--your spit that you're gonna hack up.
Stop, drop, and look up! You're on your knees, can't take my disease. I heard you had a disease, so please, not getting into my sleeves. Go pick up the leaves 'cause you're about to fall--like autumn, you oughtta get the rake out and put away the ball. I'll graduate from you like I graduated from baby dolls.

[member="Kaï Sargas"]
God damn that was hella lit, lemme give an advice, step back while I'll throw a hit. Imma drop my hot rhymes, the law refer to them as an act of crime. Your rhymes are sour just like lime. Me escape? Yeah from your scruffy dusty face. Don't worry you're not to much my plate, I'll just eat you like my cheese cake.
I'll slay you like it's boxing day, it's a child's play
Burn you and put you out in my ashtray.
I'm Doomsday , came here to destroy you like Monday.
Ayye girl take a chill pill, I'll hook you up with that advil
Watch out Imma bout' to do an Overkill
You're right I can't take your disease
I don't wanna smell like some rotten cheese
This is my court don't you play with me
I'll have you put down prayin' on your knees pleadin'
For mercy , before you know it you'll start sein' blurry
I'll get all the glory
Imma spit my hot fire
You'll see i'm a hotwire
then you'll admire.
You already Know I knocked you out
please don't try to stand up
you'll fall back down without any doubt
So please
Take an Ice pack and sit yo ass down.
[member="Sannika Brynn"]​

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
I hope you didn't come up with that on your own, because your lack of intelligence almost broke up my flow. Wipe your noise. You blow.
Better call your mommy and your daddy too, 'cause I'm about to ground you. Do your parents even know you're not home? No phone. Call me back when you're grown.

Your rap's runnin' horribly.
I never went to college but I'm queen of the sorority
of bang. Rip out your fangs while I whip you with chains and smash down your fame for you callin' me names. What a shame. I oughtta complain for your lack of a brain, but I'll choose to abstain from pressin' charges so I can prove my game as I bring the pain and leave you in the rain. Get the bleach while I preach so your mom can clean up your bloodstain.
Gonna make you shiver as I load up my quiver and shoot out your liver, then drown you in my river.

You say Monday? I call this my payday, no change 'cause you're not in my range. Too strange and deranged with the mange to arrange anything worth exchange.

I walk in the room and everybody zooms to see me get on my moves and get in the groove 'cause I'm the real deal--nothing more to prove. You lose, can't chew when I break out what's due for you and color you black and blue with bruises that can't be removed. No contenders in this room, I just swept you like a broom. BOOM! That's why you're doomed to get shot to the moon. People will be askin' on your honeymoon, "You the bride? 'cause you ain't the groom!" Get back to your loom. I'm knockin' your rhymes back to your century's tomb.

Take your shoes off, can't stand before me. I breathe these raps like you've never seen. I'm green, too lean and mean, so fast my subtitles can't be seen. I'm like a dream. I'm not like I seem. This pretty girl just busted your scene!

You lose, I snoozed. Time for my coffee brew.
Losers' gonna do what losers' gonna do.

[member="Kaï Sargas"]
You say my rap is runnin' horribly
You're just jealous cause's you can't rap clearly
I'm in zone, it's my narutal habitat
I'm nature itself, your just fake as hell
You're a waste time
You didn't attend college? You call that pride?
I'm blown hahah Your brain must be made out of stone
I'm the realest, they call me EINSTEIN
You only get to see someone like me once in a lifetime
I've exstended my lifeline so every body can get Look at me
I'm a lion I can smell your fear
I have the eyes of an eagle I you crystal clear
I hope they can cure you
Kill that disease that's runnnin' through you
I'm the king, It's my ring
I'm like Tyson when i'll hit you
You'll see stars runnin'
This' to much for you, give up now
Cause' I'll chew you, brew, you eat you alive
You'll strive for power you'll be to weak
I'm the jedi you're the padawan
Listen carefully or Die
I suggest you jump the one who thought you how to rap
Cause' for what it's worth it ain't worth crap
You're my slave I'll lock you up in a cage
Throw you in a cave
So no one could hear again...*Sigh*
Cause you a godamn discrase
[member="Sannika Brynn"]​

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