Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gelin' durin' business

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Taeli looked down on the planet of Galantos through the viewport of the Elytra frigate she had traveled to the planet on. She had come to this world to speak with their government about establishing a brand new division of Krayt Industries on the planet's surface. Between her and Alex, they had determined that Krayt would expand into the droid creation market next, and Galantos had been the site she had selected based on the amount of rich ores the planet held.

"Lady Arcanix, the shuttle is ready for you," the flight officer said, snapping a salute.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Taeli said, turning with a smile as her lime-green dress swished. Moving to the hanger bay, she reviewed what she studied on the trip there. The native Fians lived on the gelatin surfaces that made up most of the planet while off-worlders mainly stuck to the shifting continents. Groudquakes were common so any structures had to compensate for that, and the gelatin itself was what supported life on the planet. It would be something interesting to study.

Walking onto the shuttle, she settled into her seat as the pilot took off, with an honor guard of four Wrath-class starfighters accompanying it to the planet's surface and her meeting with the council that ran Galantos for the Sith. Being in the neighborhood, she felt it only fair to bring some business to Widek next, but that would be for later.
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