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GBA: Vrag vs Nickolas Imura

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Participants: [member="Vrag"]
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Location: Bespin, Floating Health Spa
Time: Late Afternoon, Sunsetish
Rules: No Force, No Armor, One Melee Weapon, One Ranged Weapon
Canon: No

The two combatants find themselves upon floating circular barge, 100 meters across. The sun shines a pale peach-orange shade across the evening sky as the large vehicle floats peacefully through the drift. Cable wire attached the flat platform to the a metal balloon type contraption, as pressurized engines provide a smooth drift, as if the thing was floating through space. Quite serene!

Rules of the Spa! No Armor, No Force! The big signs say so, spread out through the emptied tiled area on metal pillars. However, the faculty aren't unrealistic. They allow a single melee weapon and a single range weapon, for the more paranoid clientele. Speaking of which, there are none of them here. Seems the floating health spa is in it's off season which is likely why the two combatants are on this specific vessel. Cause they're cheap. No one really knows why the two want to fight...maybe we'll see soon enough! Stay tuned!

Special Considerations: Every 5th post in the duel, the barge drifts through a cloud. Rumor has it that inhalation of these clouds provide a therapeutic sort of euphoria and is slightly capable of healing small wounds, slowly. Never really fought while high as a kite, lets see what that would be like.
Ah such a nice relaxing day at the spa. Looks like I am the only one here. I made sure to reserve this one for myself. And I swear if anyone is here, I will kick their ass cus they aren't supposed to be here. I smiled contently as I rested myself down into the spa. No fear of having to see anyone, or anyone see me. Might as well go skinny dipping right?

But as allowed, I could bring one ranged weapon, and one melee weapon. So I carried both with me. My Dark Angel. A beauty of a weapon that I loved and cared for. And another weapon that I kept sitting next to me, even while it was under water, my Sithsaber. Once more, a beauty of a weapon that was crafted by mine own hands. It was my baby as of the moment.

Smiling as I laid back in the bubbling water, the air here was said to be so clean that it could heal you up. It felt really good, and I was just SO happy that No one would be ruining my day for me.

[member="Reverance"], [member="Vrag"],

(Rev, Tagging you so you can see how the fight is going. )


The Second Seal, broken.
She'd received a tip from a guy who used to be her partner in crime when she was still gambling; apparently he'd left his life of crime behind for a less stressful career as a masseuse in the SPAs of Bespin. The thought alone amused her to no end, but she wasn't going to complain when he showed her the way to the floating resort with the word 'Treat yo' self' and a poodoo-eating grin on his face. Apparently he wasn't as over the fun of illicit activity as she'd thought, and Vrag would be the first to admit she missed those days as well.

Well, it's not like she wasn't committing socially unacceptable deeds every other day, but torture, extortion and genocide were hardly similar to the lighthearted fun of liars' dice and Pazaak. Oh, well. To the rest of the Galaxy, she was a heartless, cruel abomination, but even monsters need to relax from to time. Soaking in warm, bubbly water works wonders even on those corrupted by the Dark side, despite what Jedi might try to tell you. And yes, you are allowed to bring your rubber duck, nobody will think less of you. It's hardly common knowledge, but Sith sometimes wage wars in the bath with their toy ships as training for fleet battles with the Republic; apparently, it shows.

Vrag, however, was one of those who preferred ground warfare as opposed to dogfights in space, and as such came back from invasions with many a sore muscle. Most of the stuff healed in a day or so, but the fatigue stuck with her, and the woman was determined to just steep herself in the water and thoroughly enjoy herself.

Imagine her surprise, then, when she set foot on the floating platform and saw that someone had stolen her first day off in weeks. Such an offense would not stand!

Her rage boiled for a moment, and the Sith closed on the man with a few long strides, utilizing her height to her advantage. An angry foot shot out at the head peeking out of the water, a strong kick aimed at the occipital bone of his skull.

Take that, vacation-ruiner!

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Relaxing was nice. Every time that I had a chance to it seemed like someone would interrupt it. I finally got this one alone. Closing my eyes. I relaxed and tried to breath in the sweet, sweet air that was told to aid in healing. However, I didn't feel any better at the moment. Maybe it was just when I had stayed here long enough? Nonetheless I was enjoying my ti-

Footsteps that were fast, and clearly not concealed on the ground, almost slapping, I knew that No one was supposed to be here. Opening my eyes and turning around my head just enough to see her, I saw a woman. And was she pissed like a midget who couldn't reach the top shelf.


Turning all the way around now, I brought up my arm as her foot came way to close to my face, and man did kicks hurt your arms. Hitting right on the bone of my left forearm. Yelling out to her.

"AH! What the hell lady? Why did you kick me and why are you here?"

But I didn't wait for her answer. I stood up and in my left hand was picked up the Dark Angel. Bringing it up to sight her face in with the three barrels, and I pulled the trigger.

"You know what, maybe I should just pop a cap in yo arse!"


EDITED: [member="Vrag"]


The Second Seal, broken.
The offending party turned around in the water, blocking her kick with a surprising amount of strength. Her blue eyes followed his movements as he shot up shouting meaningless words at her. Stupid boy, diverting his attention to more than just the gun that found its way into his hand.

Long barrel, it was a split-second assessment as he brought his arm around, and the woman, already full of adrenaline, reacted.

Her right palm wrapped around the the revolver, a hard thing to miss considering its length, and her left snapped at the inside of his wrist like a snake, the whole motion leading pointing the barrels to her left as she ducked her head and body to the right. It was a face far too pretty to be turned into Swiss cheese by the slugthrower, after all. Considering he was aiming with his already damaged arm, it would be an added bonus to strike at the same bone again, likely assisting the woman as she attempted to disarm him.

In the event that her opponent let go of the weapon — it would be extremely painful, after all, if he didn't — Vrag would yank it from his grasp and retreat backward with her fast-paced Makashi footwork.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Vitals, even the entire body was missed. Why? Cus she fething hit my arm again! While she was reacting super fast, that doesn't mean I couldn't either. She had hit my left arm. Which happened to be the arm that looked like it was torn off a demon, and grafted in replacement for my own arm. It had a hide, instead of thin skin that most humans had. It protected me against things such as knives, and even blows to the arm. Thicker hide means more material you have to go through to affect me.

Oh I won't lie, the second hit to my arm hurt like a queen, but I didn't let go. I was used to more pain than this. Hell, I broke a few bones after landing from a well over 300 meter height as an apprentice. Consider me now much more attuned to pain.

I didn't let go of the weapon. In fact, while she tried to pull away from me, I pulled on the revolver as well. You see, I had the better grip. To grab three barrels that had just been fired, means it was hot, as well as large. Harder to grab right? me? I was holding onto the part of the gun that was meant to be held. You know, the grip? Meaning I had a better hold on the weapon than her. Likely she would be forced to let go from my own pulling on the pistol.

Her problem was that she was focused too much on the gun. To focused on if I was going to shoot her. There is an unwritten rule about guns. If you are within three feet of a person with a firearm, it's not their gun, nor is it your gun. its OUR gun. You could as easily bat my gun away, much like she just did, as well as my aim and shoot at you. It would be a fight over a gun. In a fight like this, you don't need to pay so much attention to the gun, that you forget about the other hand.

My right hand was in the prime spot ladies and gentlebeings. Perfect for me to use my abilities as a Shaper of Kro Var. As a child we were taught to protect ourselves. Even when I was taken away during that time, I still learned how to fight with hand to hand combat. as well as where to hit. My right hand was balled up into a fist as I pulled on the gun, and sent it right towards the solar plexus.

Basically the weak part of the stomach that makes you loose all the air from your lungs, possibly make you throw up, and caused a lot of pain as all the organs around that area, would be smashed together. I may have been small, but for my size, the Sith Poison in my veins gave me good and bad things. One of them, was increased strength to a freakish level comparable to my height and build.

She came for my head, But I would go for her stomach. Feeling anger and wanting so badly to punch her in the stomach so hard, my hand would leave a hole just below the ribcage. I mean, what else could I do? she ruined my day, so I will ruin hers.

Lets also not forget, that after every so often, we would pass a cloud, And breathing that in as I punched her, I could already feel my pain subsiding to a small degree. Enough that the sharp throbbing, went to a dull flat bruise.

(This is the fifth post, so I believe that in your next one you would heal as well? Correct me if I am wrong oh great @Reverance.)

(EDIT: I was wrong, it was in your last post. so does that effect me for this post as well?)


The Second Seal, broken.
How his thumb wasn't broken by the the turning motion applied to that lengthy lever, Vrag will never understand, but somehow the ligaments holding it in place withstood the applied force. Must be one hell of an arm, that. Still, no time to ruminate about the correlation of hide-like skin to his unharmed joint — or, rather, lack thereof — for the boy was moving, and the heat of the barrel wasn't exactly pleasant either.

She stepped backwards and to the right like she'd intended earlier anyway, the only difference being the lack of a revolver in her possession. Oh, well. She'll have plenty of time to rectify that unfortunate situation, of that Vrag was sure. His strike swung wide, since the poor man had was trying to hit a ridiculously distant target; he was standing on the lower ground of the pool, reaching over his body with his right arm, and — to top it all off — aiming at the chest of a target that was moving int he opposite direction. How he ever thought he'd land that blow was beyond the firrerreo, but she didn't really care either way.

The guy had obviously put a freakish amount of power into that punch, and the Sith was going to thank him for that later; right now, her intent was to utilize the opportunity he so kindly provided her with. Her powerful quadriceps didn't protest all that much, used to the low stance of Makashi, and the woman body-tackled her exposed foe, passing under his left arm; he'd even lifted it nicely for her, aiming at the face of a target as tall as she. It had been a while since she'd fought such a gentleman, really. A refreshing experience all around.

Her natural healing powers kicked in along with the odd mist the floating spa sailed through, caressing the tingling flesh of her right palm. Pesky slugthrowers. The superficial burn would soon be immersed in the water, though, and whatever pain was still lingering would surely be gone.

[Since it was said we pass through a cloud, I expect it wouldn't affect only one post. You'd have to check with Rev, though :)]
Suddenly attacked, and having to miss her, I was not really surprised that I had. Seeing as how she seemed to be more illusive in a fight. Even as she tackled me, I had to think, Why tackle me into a pool? I mean, I was already naked fighting a woman, and then to top it off, she didn't have any armor either.

Whilst I was hit tackled, I decided that the gun would not be effective took against her at the moment. Probably not even during this fight at all. Letting it go from my hand, I now focused my attention on her. Instead of trying to push her away, I used my legs and reached up to wrap around her waist. Keeping her close to me.

I would do nothing to try and keep us out of the water, instead I hoped that by landing in it, would give me the advantage. Whenever you tackle someone under the arms, it means your head is right by their armpit. for one. Two, you were very close, Meaning it was a good chance for me to do this.

I used my right arm to try and wrap it around her head. Keeping her body close to mine, Holding my breath. My left arm had been manipulated by the dark side of the force. Including so, my left hand had talon or claw like fingers, instead of nails. Taking my clawed left hand, I tried to shove it into the fleshy part of her neck just behind the collar bone, and at the nape of the neck. Right there is a muscle called a Trapezius, or Trap for short. To lift your arm up even in the slightest, you had to use that muscle. It would pull up on the shoulder joint so you could correctly throw a punch, or even move it above your waist.

Seeing as how we were this close, and with her head not focusing on my hands, And as we were under water, where Chlorine was very much apparent, I am sure that this would, in short, would hurt like a queen.



The Second Seal, broken.
The tepid water embraced them with a loud splash, a mess of limbs and straining muscle sinking like a very graceless stone right towards the bottom of the pool. It was doubtful her enemy would have had time to take a very deep breath, seeing as she had tackled him by ramming into his abdomen, and thus mostly likely knocking the wind out of him. Knowing that she would manage to hold out longer while they were submerged, the woman wasted no time tucking her head in, holding him close with her right arm as she moved her left hand between their bodies. She kept her motions to a minimum, expending as little energy and therefore air to outlast her opponent and render him unconscious.

To help speed that along, her fingers wrapped around his family jewels, squeezing into a tight fist as she yanked on his testicles without a shred of mercy. Due to the weird development of the male gonads, the nerves connected to them led directly to the solar plexus, rather than the lower nerve clusters, and the strength of her grip and pull was nothing to scoff at.

Almost simultaneously, the man sank his claws into her right shoulder, and the firrerreo bared her teeth in pain, digging her own fingers into his back to keep holding onto him. Pain was nothing new to her, and the wounds couldn't be that deep, considering the length of his talons hadn't kept him from using the revolver before.

Just a flesh wound. Good, she would heal soon enough, while her deliciously male opponent would hopefully fall unconscious from the agony of having his balls nearly ripped off.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]

There are no words to describe the amount of pain from basically having your balls nearly ripped off. Its one thing to experience having your skin flayed open and replaced while you are still alive, or to give child birth, But probably the worst thing to ever feel for a guy is to have his balls grabbed onto for any reason other than fornication. I couldn't breath because of the wind being knocked out of me, as well as being under water. I was a Fire shaper, I hated water for the most part. Deciding that it would be better than to just cringe up and let it happen. I would fight back.

I wanted to just curl up and keep the boys safe from the woman's hands. Through the water with my eyes open, I could see a little bit of like a red mist escaping from her shoulder. It was oh so hard to focus. But I had to keep fighting. I couldn't just give up cus a girl grabbed my genitals. I had a high pain tolerance, so trying to deal with it the best way I could, I just gave myself a thought of my Lover, and instead of yanking on them..... well you get the point.

I had to give it one more shot before I would let go of her. Using my right hand, I let go of the area around her head. Instead I opted to try and reach under the arm that had grabbed the boys and pull her arm away from them.

Seeing as how the first time I did it I only cut down a little. I brought my arm around again. Instead of flat like a sword the first time, this time, it was like a claw. Reaching down and grabbing a hold of the muscle and skin in her shoulder. And with all that I had began to try and rip out the muscles from her.

Not only am I ripping muscle, but I am tearing ligaments, ripping muscles from the bones. Not only would it hurt, but it could completely ruin any chance of my last strike to heal completely as muscle can not so easily be replaced once town out. Hopefully there was enough pain to her shoulder over her need and want to try and grip my balls for a second time.


The Second Seal, broken.
How the man hadn't fainted from the pain, or at least inhaled water in an attempt to cope with it, was a real wonder. Must've had some serious experience with kinky sex and masochism; not even that could condition your very nerves not to send you into shock, though. Man, what a champ. If they'd found each other in different circumstances, Vrag wouldn't have minded a tumble between the sheets — or in the pool, as the case may be — but the boy had slighted her.

That he was able to respond with any sort of coherence was truly amazing, though. That feat alone was impressive as hell, but he was still going down.

The boy sank his claws as deep as they would go; big mistake. You see, reflex is a nasty thing, and muscles contract to the fullest at that sort of pain, sometimes even more than consciously possible. She felt tears streak down her face as they hit the floor of the pool, but she rotated her hand anyway, twisting the balls in her grasp and pulling once more; for she had never let go in the first place. This time, she wasn't trying to knock him out — since he was somehow able to suppress the instinctive responses of his body — but to well and truly castrate the man.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Pain exploded from my groin again. A twisting hurt. Oh hell did it hurt. I wanted this to be done.... and well. She ripped the damn thing off.

My vision faded and sparkled from the sheer amount of pain that my body could handle. Once the body is delivered to much pain, the brain shuts down functions to the rest of the body to try and recuperate.

To say in the shortest terms, my body decided to do just that.

Shut down all functions. My vision went black, and breathing finally came back to me only to swallow mouthfuls and lungfulls of water. There was no coming back from this.



The Second Seal, broken.
The talons carving into her shoulder twitched and went limp, the legs wrapped around her hips relaxing their embrace as the man slipped into dreamland. The bubbles of air burst out from her mouth as she released her breath, lungs burning as her feet found purchase against the tiled floor.

She burst through the surface, gasping and coughing, using her uninjured arm to hold on to the edge of the pool. Her whole body was shaking, and a steady stream of red was coloring the water around her, a pulsing pain radiating from her right shoulder. For a moment, the firrerreo closed her eyes, then collected herself and craned her neck to see what sort of damage his claws had caused.

"Frak," she spat out and clumsily pulled herself out of the pool, her chest rising with heaving breaths. Still, she'd fared much better than her poor opponent, his body surrounded by a halo of blood as he floated, unconscious, in the water.

There goes my fething vacation, the Sith thought with a thin smile on her lips as she staggered back to her feet, blue eyes never leaving the unwilling eunuch. She was in no state to fish him out of the pool, not with her massacred shoulder, and a peaceful bath was certainly out of the question now. She glanced downwards at the bleeding nutsack in her hand, then tossed it back at the limp man.

With a low groan, she realized that all of her weapons were dripping wet, since she didn't think to remove them before she'd tackled her opponent. His revolver, however… she walked over to the abandoned gun and picked it up with some effort, aiming the three barrels at his chest. Her finger squeezed the trigger until there were no more bullets left, and her arm fell back at her side.

It was the last mercy she could give him.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Vrag"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"]

Woah, you all sure went for a tumble, eh?

That was an amazing fight. I wasn't sure how it was gonna go with that setup but I loved the way it ended. Fun fact, that probably would kill you Nickolas, especially because steam and warm water helps to open the blood vessels. But yeah...this is one of those situations where the writing was evenly matched and lends itself to the actual victor of the fight.

One thing I would suggest you all consider: Take heed with your use of verbs when enacting action on your opponent. For instance:

Vrag said:
To help speed that along, her fingers wrapped around his family jewels, squeezing into a tight fist as she yanked on his testicles without a shred of mercy.

-That's pretty much calling a hit. In this instance, really, I don't think Nick could have gotten out of it. But benefit of the doubt, lets keep with the concept of attempting and use future tense for the sake of it. It's helpful and considerate.

I like the back and forth of the narrative. It was playful yet biting and instructive to how each of you all saw the scenario. While some people would look at this method of instruction negatively, I think it's helpful to really clarify the situation. Anyway, nice work. Vrag kept the pace of the fight, by initiating it, and really maintained a sort of push while Nick seemed to be solely reactive to her attacks. Either way, well done to both of you. The winner of this fight is...

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