Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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GBA: Krest vs Nomad Crimson


Participants: [member="Krest"]
[member="Nomad Crimson"]
Location: Nar Shadaa, Tie Fighter Construction Facility
Time: Night
Rules: Master Level (Dual is in the future, duh)
Canon: No

In a distant galaxy far far away...and in the future! The duelists find themselves suddenly at odds, not 30 meters apart, in the outskirts of the Tie Fighter Construction Facility upon Nar Shadaa. The area is relatively open, floor and eastern walls painted in glossy black. On the western wall, it's not really a wall...but a particle shield of blue that gives sight into the planet below them. Upon the ceiling, belts of metal move slowly as partially constructed tie fighters move upon suspended assembly line. Droids fly about, stamping pieces of plate metal to the vehicles, as the starfighter skeletons begin to bear a faint resemblance to the flesh and duraplast and durasteel that the universe was so accustomed.

Because of the structures location, suspended above the planet, the particle shield reveals not only the horizon of the planet, but also a portion of the starry night. If one were so inclined, they may find themselves distracted by the view, as if stolen directly from canvas painting. Occasionally, a freighter or starship drifts across the open space, to cloud the view between facility and planet below. The traffic seems light for this time period. Not sure if that really matters, I think probably not.
[member="Nomad Crimson"]

Krest stood beside the energy wall, both hands clasped behind his back. Adorned in his usual armor, the Zavrak would keep his gaze upon the planet below. It was a beautiful sight, something that Krest had missed during his time of hitchhiking across the galaxy. Yet here he was, staring back to a sight he missed.

Strapped to his waist was only two lightsabers. Both of them were of the same style however. Flat blades. But that wasn't the only aspect odd about them. They were duel phased, yet their design was basic. Smooth metal with a light leather grip. Other then that, there was nothing else he had weaponwise. He didn't want it.

The red man was waiting for someone, a foe from long past. Without looking back he would know when his foe came in, and his voice would call out. "I was wondering when you were going to get here." His voice sounded older then it once did. His right hand would lift from his back, calling one of the two blades to his hand. With a snap hiss the pale blue blade would come to life, in its shorter stage.

"Shall we begin?"
Nomad finally emerged from the the shadows, the nautolan wore nothing but his normal clothing and all he carried was an E-11 blaster rifle. He nodded to his opponents question.

He drew the E-11 rifle slung to his back and shifted his stance; he was sitting on his left foot while his right was poked out to his side. It wasn't a very good combat stance but he had a plan "You can make the first move." Nomad said with a difference he was older, taller, wiser. This time he stood a chance.

A faint smile would form on the Zabrak's face as [member="Nomad Crimson"] came out. So it was actually him. Without a word the saber in Krest's hand would begin to glow brightly. With a quick turn, he would face the green pilot and slash his blade through the air. A Force Push, condensed to his blade, would tear through the air with the intent on blasting Nomad back.

Krest would be quick to follow the blast, bursting right for the man with a force leap. As the blast would hit, so too would his saber, it tearing straight down to cleave his foe in two. His left hand, however, was free, and the force was already building in it.
He had made the Mistake of letting his opponent move first, he was already in some deep Bantha Chit. He couldn't just focus one thing at a time he now had to think ahead, find a opening before it's been made. Which you could figure was difficult for the nautolan.

Nomad's first move was rolling out the way of the worst part of the force blast, still hit by a part of it he slid back a few centimetres. Suddenly the Zebrak would leap towards him with deadly speed. Not sensing the focused force in Krest's off hand he used his own force push to knock Krest away. This next attack would hinge on Krest's off balance. Raising the E-11 Carbine he fired three shots.

The Zabrak's body would turn with the push, causing him to spin out to the right as he tried to stay on his feet. It wasn't easy, seeing as the push hit him on his right shoulder, and he found himself crouching low once he was able to face [member="Nomad Crimson"] again. It was then, with his left side facing his foe, that he brought up his hand.

The focused force quickly formed itself into a barrier, the shimmering blue field catching the three shots along it. While he let the barrier do its job however, his right hand also began channeling the force. For now he would keep behind the barrier, more focused on his right then keeping it active with his left.
Nomad while he had the chance ran into the depths of the station. He hid behind several creates in the Tie fighter wing production room, there were three Nomad resided in the left room, trying as much as he could he would increase his force signature, leading Krest into a trap.


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