
Participants: [member="Krest"]
[member="Nomad Crimson"]
Location: Nar Shadaa, Tie Fighter Construction Facility
Time: Night
Rules: Master Level (Dual is in the future, duh)
Canon: No
In a distant galaxy far far away...and in the future! The duelists find themselves suddenly at odds, not 30 meters apart, in the outskirts of the Tie Fighter Construction Facility upon Nar Shadaa. The area is relatively open, floor and eastern walls painted in glossy black. On the western wall, it's not really a wall...but a particle shield of blue that gives sight into the planet below them. Upon the ceiling, belts of metal move slowly as partially constructed tie fighters move upon suspended assembly line. Droids fly about, stamping pieces of plate metal to the vehicles, as the starfighter skeletons begin to bear a faint resemblance to the flesh and duraplast and durasteel that the universe was so accustomed.
Because of the structures location, suspended above the planet, the particle shield reveals not only the horizon of the planet, but also a portion of the starry night. If one were so inclined, they may find themselves distracted by the view, as if stolen directly from canvas painting. Occasionally, a freighter or starship drifts across the open space, to cloud the view between facility and planet below. The traffic seems light for this time period. Not sure if that really matters, I think probably not.