Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galaxy Frontiers Ltd

  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Galaxy Frontiers Ltd.
    • Headquarters: Belazura
  • Locations: Belazura, Denon
  • Operations: Small company creating niche equipment for adventurers to aid in exploration and the delay of hazardous beings
  • Parent Corporation: NA
  • Subsidiaries: NA
Galaxy Frontiers Ltd is a small outfit of beings creating new and interesting gear for the discerning explorer. Created with a non combat focus in mind, Galaxy Frontiers provides not only top of the line exploration gear but also tools and items to help said explorer survive the beings who may have less than helpful intentions out in the wild. Centered on Belazura and Denon, Galaxy Explorers have a number of shops around the Outer Rim.

The Galaxy is an ancient and curious place. As a result there exists a market for advanced exploration equipment. Galaxy Frontierswas formed by Dani Stellaris with her team out of Belazura. Providing the climbing and explorer equipment was to primary focus but with a company Dani was able to ship plant seeds and other items around the galaxy to provide folks with hope of a brighter and greener future. The tools that Galaxy Frontiers create are, ironically, not exclusively water based, and many don’t even work under the water but can be used to help with movement and to stall someone else’s movement.

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