Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Galactic City Blues: Crossroad


Monument Plaza, Umate

Sol Dara Sol Dara

Another day, another protest.

Hundreds had gathered in Monument Plaza by the time the midday sun blazed high over the Manarai Range. Their voices called in unison for the Senate's return in the face of the people's abandonment. With the forces of evil hovering so close to the heart of the Alliance, many feared what would become of the lives they'd carved for themselves. After years of Sith and Imperial occupation, the Alliance provided enough stability for so many to pursue their dreams.

But that peace frayed with each passing day.

Attempted kidnappings, terrorist attacks, and wholesale slaughter had become commonplace since Kyric arrived on his father's homeworld. The Kid hoped to see whatever beauty his father saw in this crummy old ball of duracrap, but all he found was trouble with a capital T.

Another tip-off from Chancellor Auteme Auteme placed him at the epicenter of the protests. His mother's gift for mist weaving granted her an almost prophetic precision when it came to Kyric's deployment. So he stood there, surrounded on all sides by people too wound up to properly engage in any real discourse–the perfect place for the forces of evil to strike.

Or so Kyric assumed.

"Back up, sleemo!"

The shout shook Kyric from his revere. He followed it to its source, a twi'lek held aloft by a snarling trandoshan. The smaller alien kicked the bulky lizard in the knee, causing the brute to release him. Unfortunately, the twi couldn't avoid the trandoshan's meaty fist. It collided with the man's stomach, doubling him over in an instant. Others began to shove at one another. Perhaps friends of the loser who took particular issue with the outcome.

Kyric couldn't be sure, so he began the arduous process of pushing his way through the crowd to the growing altercation.
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Surely things couldn't get worse. That's what Sol Dara wanted to believe. Of course, it wasn't true. If the senate abandoning their people wasn't a big enough sign, the mirialan didn't know what would be.

To make matters worse, the padawan was currently lost. Sadly, it wasn't a case of bad luck that could be mended with the passing of a landmark. It was the type of lost that figuratively turned the mirialan's world on its head. But it was also Sol's own doing. She insisted on staying behind when the evacuation order was given. Sol didn't think it was fair that those privileged enough to be able to leave could do just that. Especially government. Even before she was standing in the middle of a protest against that exact thing, Sol assumed the senate abandoning Coruscant would widely be regarded by future generations as a bad move.

So, what was Sol's place in all of this? Why disobey a direct order just to land herself alone, without any master or guidance, on a planet that appeared to be doomed? She wasn't sure. But it felt like the right thing to do. And now, it was time to prove to herself that it wasn't the wrong decision. This turned out to be far easier said than done, and the usually calm and polite padawan was growing increasingly frustrated. Sol had never been in a situation like this before. There was so much angst around her, so much noise. It was a bit hard to concentrate. The brawl beginning a few feet from her wasn't about to start helping.

Without thinking, the mirialan turned and walked forward, entering the small circle of space that had formed around those fighting.

"HEY," was the unceremonious start to the padawan's plea. It only grabbed the attention of a few of the people shoving each other around, but only two actually stopped to look at the girl. Sol marched past them, stopping between the still grounded twi'lek and a now confused but still mad trandoshan.

"You share the same fate yet you seek to punish each other?! Your own senator is treating you like bantha fodder!" Sol began to let her frustrations get the better of her, appearing fearless as she glared at the trandoshan before her. "Whatever your disagreement, I can assure you that pushing each other around like children while slinging insults isn't going to fix it. You need to do something. Something other than this," the mirialan gestured at the twi'lek as they began to stand. By this point, most of the fighting had stopped. Whether it was because they agreed with the girl or were simply shocked by her audacity was beside the point. However, two fighters continued wrestling in the background.

"Something that will actually matter! At least direct your anger to those who truly deserve it. A random bystander at the same protest as you isn't your enemy. The more time you fight amongst yourselves, the less time you spend looking for the real problem. And the problem is that the Core is in danger, Coruscant is in danger, and the people who are supposed to guide you," Sol pointed to the sky, "-are leaving you behind to selfishly save themselves because they can! Because they are cowards!"

By this point, a small group of people beyond just those who were fighting were now paying attention to the mirialan. They began to offer occasional shouts of agreement or applause that the girl didn't realize was for her. The two who remained fighting off to the side started to escalate from simple shoves to bruising and attempts to draw blood.

Kyric Kyric
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The shout echoed over the ground like a blaster bolt. Others turned in search of the speaker, curious who would so brazenly interrupt the growing brawl. Kyric took advantage of the momentary lapse in movement. He wove around the onlookers like a hound mid-hunt, locked in on the cause of the disturbance. Nearly there, the Jedi found his way barred when a large throng of nearby civilians came to investigate the confusing disturbance. He grimaced.

"Annoying," Kyric grumbled. "'Excuse me." He placed a hand on one man's shoulder and guided him aside as he turned to investigate. "Jedi business. Jedi comin' through."

"You share the same fate yet you seek to punish each other?! Your own senator is treating you like bantha fodder!" Sol began to let her frustrations get the better of her, appearing fearless as she glared at the trandoshan before her. "Whatever your disagreement, I can assure you that pushing each other around like children while slinging insults isn't going to fix it. You need to do something. Something other than this," the mirialan gestured at the twi'lek as they began to stand. By this point, most of the fighting had stopped. Whether it was because they agreed with the girl or were simply shocked by her audacity was beside the point. However, two fighters continued wrestling in the background.

"Something that will actually matter! At least direct your anger to those who truly deserve it. A random bystander at the same protest as you isn't your enemy. The more time you fight amongst yourselves, the less time you spend looking for the real problem. And the problem is that the Core is in danger, Coruscant is in danger, and the people who are supposed to guide you," Sol pointed to the sky, "-are leaving you behind to selfishly save themselves because they can! Because they are cowards!"


The crowd applauded the young woman's speech with enthusiasm. Hell, Kyric was feeling particularly inspired by the end of it. The growing tension slowly melted away as camaraderie returned to the forefront of the peoples' minds. They came here to protest their leadership, not their neighbor. Kyric couldn't have exuded such a calming aura if he tried. The rogue might've packed up and called it a day, but the ongoing fight did not afford him such luxury.

"Alright, fellas, that's enough." Kyric stepped up to the two in time to spot a duro drawing a vibroknife from their boot. He yanked the weapon from the man's grip with a swift force pull, then darted closer. Stepping around them, he locked the attacker's elbow against his ribs in a figure-four and unceremoniously threw him off the cathar caught in the crossfire. When the beaten and bloody man stumbled up to give chase, Kyric pressed his fingers against the man's forehead and he collapsed into the Jedi's arms.

"Fight's over. If you're hungerin' for another round, I'm takin' all challengers. Otherwise, go protest the Senate or whatever." Kyric turned on the man lumbering to his feet. "Am I makin' myself clear, sir?"

The duros loomed closer to Kyric, then huffed. "Tell the stray to keep his hands to himself when he wakes up. My wife is less forgiving than I am." His large eyes zeroed in on the boy.

Kyric nodded. "Yessir. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry about whatever happened. Just didn't wantcha' killin' anyone, y'know?"

"Hrm." He considered the Jedi for a moment longer, then nodded. "I get it, kid. Thanks." He turned to walk off, still speaking as he went. "It looks to me like the apple didn't fall very far from the tree, huh?"

With that, the duros returned to his family and the protests proper. Kyric was left standing there for a moment longer, the cathar slung over one shoulder, his mouth slightly agape. A complete stranger saw his father in him. They saw him in his eyes. Pride swelled in the boy's chest, but he contained himself and passed off the unconscious man to the security droids. Offering a quick recap for their records, Kyric shortcut the process via a series of Marshal-specific commands and set them to work.

"Alrighty," Kyric dusted his hands off and turned to find the mirialan speaker. Spotting her not far off, the kiffar cut through the crowd to her position. "Hey! Ma'am! You wouldn't happen to have a moment to talk, would ye?"


Sol Dara Sol Dara
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Sol said little else after her initial outburst. Her arm slowly descended as she took a moment to collect herself. The trandoshan glanced around before huffing as he walked away. As he left, Sol finally noticed the small crowd's attention split, half on her as some applauded, half fixated on the skirmish that continued, although now with a sudden third member. To the mirialan, she had an uncharacteristic outburst, but the crowd saw their sentiments echoed. Sol couldn't grasp the situation, finding herself unable to move and struggling to focus now that the spotlight was on her.

For a second, the twi'lek's voice cut through Sol's thoughts. "Thank you."

Sol turned to face him, unable to find her words with her mouth slightly agape. She flashed a quick smile, then nodded. The twi nodded in return before awkwardly sauntering off toward his friends. The girl's smile faded.

Deep breaths, Sol thought. You did a good thing.

But it could have been dangerous.

The crowd's attention turned back toward the protest. She was given the occasional glance, but that was it. Sol's hands lightly gripped the robes at her sides. The moment of confidence was over. Sol was alone again. The mirialan gazed off into the crowd.

What now..?

"Hey! Ma'am! You wouldn't happen to have a moment to talk, would ye?"

After a short delay, Sol turned, the kiffar practically appearing beside her. Sol stood silent for a second as the gears turned in her head, and she recognized the other as the 'newcomer' fighter in the same moment she realized that the situation was resolved. Sol released her grip on her robes.

"Sorry, I..." The girl trailed off, cutting short the excuse that tried to escape. Blue eyes darted around the crowd. She had nowhere to be, nothing spelled out for her. Saying she was busy would be the lie of the century. Taking a deep and silent breath, Sol attempted to ground herself again, settling her eyes on the boy's mismatched ones before her. "I do. How can I help you?"

Kyric Kyric
"I do. How can I help you?"

Conflict clouded her every moment. From the tight hold on her robes to the fervor in which she drank of her surroundings. Who Kyric thought to be a confident and composed speaker turned out not-so-different from him. Lost, confused, and trying to do a bit of good where they could. He offered her a broad smile and a juvenile thumbs up.

"Just wanted to say I totally agree with what yer sayin'," Kyric motioned in the direction of the distant Grand Convocation Chamber. The kiffar could only guess the distance placed it some fifty or sixty miles away, but its bulbous shape was impossible to miss so high up in the mountains. "I understand why they're doing it, but it sends a clear message. Coruscant might fall. People here might die." He slipped a hand into his jacket pocket and gauged the people around him, watching to see how the protest continued to play out.

"I'll be honest with ye, miss. I was taken by yer speech. I wanted to introduce myself." Kyric moved aside a portion of his jacket, flashing the lightsaber hidden away within. "Name's Kyric Karis. Who're you?"


Sol Dara Sol Dara
"Just wanted to say I totally agree with what yer sayin'," Kyric motioned in the direction of the distant Grand Convocation Chamber.
Sol's eyes followed the gesture, settling on the building for a moment as she listened to the boy.
"I understand why they're doing it, but it sends a clear message. Coruscant might fall. People here might die."
The mirialan's gaze lingered on Grand Convocation Chamber for another second before slowly shifting to view the ground. "Yes. The situation is... unfortunately bleak."

As Kyric introduced himself, Sol stared at the lightsaber. The sight of it gave her mixed feelings given her current situation, but it eased some tension. She held off on mentioning that the speech was.. sort of an accident.

"Sol Dara," the girl smiled. Carefully moving a purple sash aside, Sol quietly revealed her own saber on her left hip.

The mirialan's eyes didn't leave Kyric. There was something about him that wouldn't let her. What was it?

That name, and the color... Sol's brows knit together for a split second as she did the math.

"Are you... somehow related to Ryv Karis?"

As far as Sol knew, the previous Sword of the Jedi didn't have any children. But this kid looked enough like him that she simply had to ask. The mirialan kept herself from fidgeting, welcoming this distraction.

Kyric Kyric
"Are you... somehow related to Ryv Karis?"

Kyric nodded. "Yerp. That guy was my old man. It's how I got his beat-up saber." He patted the spot beneath his jacket where the saber decidedly sat. For a studied padawan of the New Jedi Order, the young kiffar appeared nearly identical to his father, if not for the single cobalt eye and fuller frame. "Why? They still teach things about him in the New Jedi Order? Every Padawan I've met has no idea who the guy is."

Pain lingered in Kyric's eyes as he spoke–like the very declaration broke his heart.


Sol Dara Sol Dara
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"I believe it's best to learn whatever one can about the past to better preserve the future. The previous Sword was quite influential, and his sacrifice shouldn't be forgotten so soon." Sol stated, matter-of-fact. It was easy to reply with a view she could muster in her sleep.

Sol shifted slightly as a security droid walked by, quietly patrolling the area. The sound of the protesters slowly faded into background noise around their conversation, but the mirialan was still coming down from her sudden delve into public speaking. Instead of restlessly tugging at the side of her pants, Sol clasped her hands behind her back and stood up a bit straighter. Surely if she acted confident, she would feel as such.

She didn't. But the son of the previous Sword was engaging her in conversation, and it was basic respect to be polite, and appear as though one was listening. And she was, but by this point in her day, Sol could barely feel the weight of this moment. In fact, it almost felt light. Too light, like this meeting was only natural. Sol didn't want to, but she couldn't help but second guess if this was the will of the force, or if she was on the brink of an emotional breakdown.

Also, Sol was positive she saw Kyric Kyric on the news recently for fighting off a group of haxions and protecting one of the fleeing senators.

"It... is a bit odd, and a shame, that you haven't met another padawan who knows about him. It must be frustrating for you."

Sol's eyes awkwardly darted between the boy and the ground.


"So- You're a Jedi! What's your mission for Coruscant?"
"It... is a bit odd, and a shame, that you haven't met another padawan who knows about him. It must be frustrating for you."

Kyric nodded quickly. "Somethin' like that, yeah. Coruscant's really confused me since I got here. I figured things would be a lot better than where I've been these last few months, but BOY was I wrong!" Even his complete honesty failed to encapsulate how crazy everything had been. As if gangsters weren't enough, including Dark Jedi and a craven Senate only complicated matters further.

"So- You're a Jedi! What's your mission for Coruscant?"

Sol's question caught him off guard as the conversation momentarily fell out of focus. Kyric returned his attention to her immediately. He propped one hand on his waist and leaned most of his weight on the opposite hip. "I don't really have a mission on Coruscant. Not the official kind, anyway."

Kyric's arrival on the planet came at the end of a string of unfortunate circumstances orchestrated by means far greater than his own. But he didn't know how to say that, so he shrugged. "I'm figurin' I'll stick it out in Alliance space until Solipsis launches his big attack. I know that rat bastard is waiting for his chance to destroy this planet, and I'm not for lettin' him do it if I have anything to say about it."

Nearby civilians listening in nodded along. Excitement still buzzed along in the crowd. Their many murmurings acknowledged the Jedi in a way that humbled Kyric. So many looked upon him and Sol with complete wonder in their eyes, yet he couldn't stop the seed of disgust as it took root in his stomach. Not in the people, no, their hope was all that kept him from racing to the Jedi Temple to throw open the doors in a fit of rage. Kyric felt disgust in those responsible for the Order's great failures.

"Bah," Kyric sniffed. "I want to find my master. See what he thinks I should be doin' in preparation for the big fight." He turned back to Sol with an inquisitive look in his eyes. "What about you?"


Sol Dara Sol Dara
Sol watched with unmasked awe as a guy she didn't know existed until a moment prior, who couldn't be much older than her, spoke so brazenly about confronting a dark lord of the sith. The dark lord of the sith that killed the previous Sword of the Jedi. Sol was... confused by the boy, to say the least. There was a lot to take in, and she wasn't sure where to begin.

"What about you?"

It would have been nice if the question was easier to follow up on, but it wasn't. Sol visibly grimaced for a second at the thought before she caught herself. Her lips pursed into a flat line as her brows furrowed, trying and failing to keep her emotions hidden. "I was.. supposed to be leaving with the other padawans and healers. But it didn't feel right." The mirialan paused to gather her thoughts.

"Not just because it felt wrong to abandon Coruscant, but because I feel it is the will of the force. I've yet to determine my purpose here, however. To be honest." Sol's head hung slightly as the padawan decided to leave out the amount of stress she was under. What if she misread the force? Briefly, Sol wished her old master was still with her. If there was ever a time for her wisdom, it was now.

The mirialan had a few questions for the kiffar, such as, 'Is your master really preparing you to fight Solipsis,' and, 'Do you really think you can take down the dark lord?' She decided to settle on a simple one for now.

"Are you exempt from the order?"

Kyric Kyric
"I was.. supposed to be leaving with the other padawans and healers. But it didn't feel right." The mirialan paused to gather her thoughts. "Not just because it felt wrong to abandon Coruscant, but because I feel it is the will of the force. I've yet to determine my purpose here, however. To be honest."

Kyric agreed with that sentiment.

Coruscant was the most populated planet in the entire galaxy. A planet of over a trillion sentients, every single body made a difference in the final hours leading up to the Dark Empire's arrival. Why were ships being wasted on those prepared to sacrifice their lives for the greater good?

A web of emotion shrouded the mirialan. Though he lacked his father's innate mastery of the ability, even Kyric could see the strain it placed on her smaller frame. Her shoulders slumped beneath the weight of unseen, unknown responsibilities. It was a feeling he knew intimately. Every time he looked over one of the twins, or their strange friends, a desire to protect them surged to the forefront of his thoughts. The very idea of failure sickened him.

"Are you exempt from the order?"

"To evacuate? Er- no one can tell me to evacuate Coruscant," Kyric said while visibly holding back laughter. "The Force brought me here. And somethin' tells me it's gonna be keepin' me in this neck of the woods for a long time. They've got Tython, and I've seen the streets of Empress Teta. The people ain't exactly livin' large under Imperial Occupation. If I let some randoms tell me who I can or can't protect, well, why the heck am I a Jedi?"

Kyric watched the protestors topple one of the six large monuments cluttered in the plaza. Thankfully, they were careful enough and waited for other civilians to clear the area first.

"If you're not able to defend yourself, I might know some folks who can help you. I'm not one to brag, but uh-" Kyric swayed back and forth with unchecked excitement. "My master might be that guy when it comes to a lightsaber. He's a real Sword Saint, type. I'm hopin' he'll pass on everything I need to finish the fight my father started on Tython all those years ago."


Sol Dara Sol Dara
Sol took in everything Kyric said like a breath of fresh air. She watched him nearly laugh with wide eyes.
If I let some randoms tell me who I can or can't protect, well, why the heck am I a Jedi?"
That line especially stood out to her. All she wanted was to protect people, to use her connection with the force for good. Her blue eyes practically sparkled as she listened to the boy, though her gaze turned to the falling monument in the middle of him speaking. Her hands unclasped behind her back and fell to her sides as she watched the scene. The mirialan could feel the crowd's collective gratification and the swell of hunger for more.

One could argue that it was a pointless display. The senators were already gone. Sol didn't know if they would come back. Currently, she didn't believe so. Not unless Coruscant was deemed safe enough for it. Sol wasn't sure exactly how to achieve that, but before her stood another Jedi bent on doing what they could to fend off the dangers for as long as possible. There had to be others. Which meant there had to be hope.

Kyric's words snapped Sol out of her thoughts, and she faced him again.
"If you're not able to defend yourself, I might know some folks who can help you. I'm not one to brag, but uh-" Kyric swayed back and forth with unchecked excitement. "My master might be that guy when it comes to a lightsaber. He's a real Sword Saint, type. I'm hopin' he'll pass on everything I need to finish the fight my father started on Tython all those years ago."

A smile graced the mirialan's black lips as her gaze softened. This must have been what the force led her here for, this must have been fate. Sol finally felt calm and let her shoulders relax a tension she wasn't aware she held.

"I'm not supposed to draw my saber unless absolutely necessary," Sol began, loosely clasping her hands in front of her. "I've only had training in the Niman style, so my skill with a saber isn't the best. I am currently without a master, so if you could guide me to one, it would be an honor." Sol bowed her head. "And greatly appreciated."

Kyric Kyric
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"I'm not supposed to draw my saber unless absolutely necessary," Sol began, loosely clasping her hands in front of her. "I've only had training in the Niman style, so my skill with a saber isn't the best. I am currently... without a master, so if you could guide me to one, it would be an honor." Sol bowed her head. "And greatly appreciated."

"Dope!" Kyric watched as more security, supported by what little the GADF could spare, began to bring a bit more order to the protests. "It looks like things are finishin' up here! Let's head on out."


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