Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The multiple personality droid
[File found]
[Name: G12-B]
[Droid class: 4/3]
[Height: 1.70 Metres]
[Male Programming]
[Optical receptor colour: yellow]
skilled assassin programming​
flawed programming​
slightly rusted​
some parts are faulty​
two different types of programming is not good for your body... think Khem Val in Chapters 2 & 3 of the sith inquisitor story​
[Ship: anything G12 can stowaway on]
[Bounties collected: ]
[Kills made: ]


The multiple personality droid

G12-B was 'rebuilt' from old parts from several types of droids by Pirates. His AI programming was stolen from an old assassin droid and splashed together with protocol droid programming. This however left flaws allowing someone to drive G12-B mad. G12 worked for several years with the pirates, raiding store houses, killing civilians, the usual pirate things. G12 was on a mission when slicers managed to hack into his internal systems. The one thing the pirates didn't try to improve. G12-B's first body was almost destroyed by himself. after being shut down on an ice planet for 300 years G12-B 'awoke' once more due to people exploring his frozen tomb. Killing them and taking their ship G12-B explored the new Galaxy.

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