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Approved Species Gàirdeanan

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  • Intent: Create a new species.
  • Image Credit: Oddworld game series, x
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Gàirdeanan
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Valrook (Rishii Maze)
  • Average Lifespan: 60 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: And odd, often ill tempered, and stocky species with green skin and a breathing mask. The most recognizable features are the five tentacled face and their two limbs.


  • Breathes: Type III
  • Average Height of Adults: 0.75m
  • Average Length of Adults: 1.75m
  • Skin color: Swampy greens
  • Hair color: None
  • Distinctions: Gàirdeanan are a strange species the refuses to fit neatly into most systems of classification. They was somewhat cephalopodic in nature thanks to their five facial tentacles that hide their mouth, but possess two tongue-like radula with thousands of small teeth and technically are both male and female, like gastropods. At the same time, they possess a large skull, and a bony spine with a cartilage skeleton, similar to shark-like species, and a pair a dexterous feet that are similar to hands. They use both their feet and their tentacles to interact with objects, and they're tentacles are the main part of their body language. A row of holes along the top of their head serve as ears, and they have iridescent, rarely seen eyes.

    Coming from a planet with a methane atmosphere and limited oxygen, the Gàirdeanan require breathing masks while off world, and find a standard concentration of oxygen lethal, affecting them in a similar way to C02 in other species. It's also quite notable that they seem to be self conscious about their small stature around other species, and have a natural ill temper that isn't seen as anything but normal on their world, but can be seen as abrasive anywhere else.
  • Races: None
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive

  • As a species they are very tech savy.
  • They're limbs and tentacles are stong.
  • They're lack of true bones, minus their skull and spinal column, makes them quiet durable and flexible.
  • They are extremely good communicators, and good at hiding said communication.
  • They have all the social grace of a rancor, and some have been know for attacking people for calling them short, or mess with their projects.
  • They can't use their hands and walk at the same time.
  • Their practically religious dedication to technology can be used against them.
  • Oxygen to them is like CO2 to most other species.

  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Communication: Gàird (Native tongue that combines body language and spoken language), Can learn a variety of other languages.
  • Technology level: Slightly above Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: While not a religion per say, the Gàirdeanan have an almost religious devotion to technology, and is why a younger species has advance fairly quickly.
  • General behavior: In general, Gàirdeanan are know for their love of technology, and their seemingly innate ill temper. The latter is an interesting point considering they don't seem themselves, or others of their kind, as having any sort of temper unless they are legitimately trying to hurt someone. This disconnect from other species has often come to just annoy these odd being even more in interactions with those outside their own species, and has even resulted in arguments that something wasn't an insult. Short jokes seem to be off limits though, as they take great offense to them. Their strong tech knowledge has helped them get work when they leave their homeworld as well.

    Unlike most sentient species, but similar to Hutts, Gàirdeanan are technically both male and female, and will usually just accept whatever others decide to call them. Family life is none existent, and nurse droids are used to take care of their young, and any relationship beyond being friends is extremely rare.

Hailing form the Unknown Regions, Gàirdeanan are a fairly young species by galactic standards. These methane breathers have only just begun to stretch their legs out the galactic theater, and have been an... interesting addition to say the least. Their devotion to technology has come in handy though, as they've started to share some of their more advanced systems with others, for the right price. Despite this, there homeworld is still divided, and there is no single government in control. The only thing that seems to have prevent all out war is that they care more about beating each other with new discoveries than with weapons. As they slowly expanded to revealing themselves to the greater galaxy, more fights have taken place on their homeworld, making the situation more volatile, and making some decide to leave the Rishii Maze all together.
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