Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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FWC Alliance


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Darben Skirae"] , the FWC are reaching out for an alliance. I thought that you take this one on for us :) It'll just be the usual, trade deal, promise of non aggression. You can contact Faith Organa to set it up :)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Darben Skirae"]

Awesome :) The Commenori fleets and soldiers stay home, so I just tell the other factions that wanted use of them, that we aren't built up enough yet to be able to send any out of the system. It saves us from being forced into a conflict that we would rather not be a part of.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Darben Skirae"]

Just that our military resources are unavailable to them or anyone currently. Any trade would be equal in tax that we give everyone as we don't play favourites, which is at 15%. If they go lower, don't match it as that'd go against our policy. We can also offer student exchange programs with our Universities, as I know that they have one too. Basically what we've offered to the Consortium in the other thread.

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