Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Futures alone, we can never go home.

"Thank the Gods for that, eh?" a wry smirk. Dropping God jokes around Soliael had become something of a pastime for just about everyone. Dissero followed his would-be brother down the stairwell of this little secret, noting how well designed it was and appreciating the gesture of revealing it to him. Family would always be family, afterall. Not that Di would likely show any of his own family where any of his secret vaults were.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

Soliael lead them deep into the mountain, eventually the decoration would become less ornate and more practical. The walls would grow thicker and the lights would shine to brightly illuminate their path. The part of the the building they entered now was more of a fortress than anything else, meant to survive assault and destruction. They came to a fork in the rode, one way would lead to a secret hangar, the other towards the living area down here.

Eventually they came upon yet another door.

This one opened automatically, and inside was revealed another rather homely living room. Soliael lead Dissero through that, into a hallway to the left. "Half your life becomes about your house after you have kids. Enjoy that."

There was no true joy in his tone. Eventually they came to a secluded and put away room at the very back of the complex. There, within the chamber upon a pedestal lay what they were looking for. Alongside it on similar pedestals were half a dozen artifacts that Dissero would likely recognize.
"Some house," came the reply from an enamored Dissero. He had a thing for secrets and vaults and hidden places. Finding them and their contents had become something of a mastered skill. Hands on his hips, the man looked around at the place in what amounted to a full spectrum of awe and appreciation, "Devin I really...this is impressive. I never took you for the sort of person-" he stopped himself, realizing that he honestly didn't know Solaiel all that well. Aside from the training given to the man several years ago and his induction into the use of Sith Sorcery, Dissero had spent very little time with him.

"Well, you know."

There came a meaningful glance from the Archivist as he stood there, looking at the pedestal upon which their target destination now sat. Seemed so content to be there amidst the history and the meaning, he hated to move it. He hated the reasoning behind moving it even more. Yet, as all things in the lives of the Shamalain family came to pass, the Elder's will must be done. He stepped forward and gently placed his hands upon it, immediately feeling the sensation of cold brass overcome by the quiet warmth of the soul fragment contained within.

Dissero smiled faintly as he picked it up. He'd forgotten how heavy it was for such a simple thing.

"Always liked this piece. Always a pleasure to work with. To think we may soon yet meet the genuine article..." his tone was somewhat saddened by this thought. He couldn't say if what they were doing was the right thing or a good thing. He had no way of knowing if the late Cerusia Shamalain was at peace or if, perhaps, she had met an ill fate in Chaos. Only one way of knowing.

"Let's get going."

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]

Soliael didn't question Dissero's drive, nor did he question his actions. He did question the reason behind this, the logic. More than a piece of him did not like this, it didn't feel right.

Chaos was not something to be trifled with, not something to be taken lightly. They both knew this, Oma knew this. There was a danger here that Soliael didn't quite think worth the risk. Of course there was a mitigating factor, though he suspected that only one of them actually knew about it. Slowly, his thumb spun the ring on his finger, his head shaking to the side. There was something to be said about that, though not right now. Instead he lead Dissero back to the top of the mansion.

"So whats the next stop?" He asked quietly. "Csilla? Corellia?"

After the Netherworld event two portals had remained, Soliael knew of them both, having visited one of them before and heard of the other through Kira and the Jedi Order.

It was interesting really, that neither of those places had been abused. Perhaps the Sith were weary, or perhaps they simply knew that somethings were better left untouched. Either way neither of the portals had really been utilized as far as he knew.

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