It had been his sight that he wanted to become a Dreadmaster for quite some time after having done, a small amount of research. They were known to be extremely powerful sith that were able to solve a bucket load of mysterious things within the world and nearly always got the correct network in order to get whatever they would've liked. It was now that he was a Sith Knight, that he could bend a few things to his will. This was for the moment that he had found someone within the Sith archives having the same goal as he did to become a dreadmaster. This was a hard procedure and well if she was to be trusted was to be figured out. He was the Sith Knight, that never had seemed to have used a lightsaber. It could've meant two things. He was highly dangerous or he never made it.
When he came to Sith Knight called [member="Darth Venefica"] He didn't seem to know her real name especially since most Sith Knights were honored with the title of Darth. He didn't pick his own, yet he had threatened people within the acolyte tournament being a Darth called Darth Illusio, which had seemed to work wonders. When he came at the location they had made an arrangement to meet, he made sure there was the finest tea and if she had liked she would be able to pick any liquor. It was a place where the Sith knights were allowed to hang out, but he had claimed the VIP room for this current moment. He simply waited like a true gentlemen for the woman to appear.
When he came to Sith Knight called [member="Darth Venefica"] He didn't seem to know her real name especially since most Sith Knights were honored with the title of Darth. He didn't pick his own, yet he had threatened people within the acolyte tournament being a Darth called Darth Illusio, which had seemed to work wonders. When he came at the location they had made an arrangement to meet, he made sure there was the finest tea and if she had liked she would be able to pick any liquor. It was a place where the Sith knights were allowed to hang out, but he had claimed the VIP room for this current moment. He simply waited like a true gentlemen for the woman to appear.