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Future Dreadmasters

Kyla Foy

It had been his sight that he wanted to become a Dreadmaster for quite some time after having done, a small amount of research. They were known to be extremely powerful sith that were able to solve a bucket load of mysterious things within the world and nearly always got the correct network in order to get whatever they would've liked. It was now that he was a Sith Knight, that he could bend a few things to his will. This was for the moment that he had found someone within the Sith archives having the same goal as he did to become a dreadmaster. This was a hard procedure and well if she was to be trusted was to be figured out. He was the Sith Knight, that never had seemed to have used a lightsaber. It could've meant two things. He was highly dangerous or he never made it.

When he came to Sith Knight called [member="Darth Venefica"] He didn't seem to know her real name especially since most Sith Knights were honored with the title of Darth. He didn't pick his own, yet he had threatened people within the acolyte tournament being a Darth called Darth Illusio, which had seemed to work wonders. When he came at the location they had made an arrangement to meet, he made sure there was the finest tea and if she had liked she would be able to pick any liquor. It was a place where the Sith knights were allowed to hang out, but he had claimed the VIP room for this current moment. He simply waited like a true gentlemen for the woman to appear.
She felt a mixture of surprise and appreciation to have been asked by a fellow Knight to join him in a conversation, the topic of how one could become a Dreadmaster; something she had been looking into herself. Because of her strange and bizzare madness, very few chose to be close to her. She didn't deny she was crazy and how could she, the moment the denial slipped from her lips one of the five voices in her head would chime in to remind her that she was still not alone up there. She had grown to despise those five, with their trickery and deceit that led her down a twisting path from whence there was no return.

Darth Venefica entered the VIP room, for the first time since she was Knighted, and felt a sense of bewilderment by the decor. As she walked to the male Knight, she had to peel her eyes away from the lovely sights while maintaining her will to hold the voices down, one in particular anyway. Coming to a halt a few feet from him, she stared down at the assortment of drinks laid out on a table, spying several colourful concoctions. She drew a cup of tea to herself, smelled the fresh aroma coming from inside and nodded her approval.

After taking a couple sips in silence, she finally asked, "Thank you for the invitation." She returned to her drink waiting for him to get to the pointe of this meeting. She wasn't trying to be rude, she didn't trust anyone but herself.

[member="Nick Gamastar"]

Kyla Foy

It had seemed that the woman was on time. That was a great thing. He observed the woman and certain things directly were felt through the force. This didn't make him scared in any way of the woman or even the slightest bit of threatened. "Pick out whatever you like for drinks." She had picked the tea it had seemed, 'hmm, she seems more like the liquor person, oh well'

"Great to see you here, [member="Darth Venefica"] . I do not like long conversations, that's why I will directly go to the point." He spoke calm yet very clear and bluntly, "We both want to become Dread-Masters, yet our supplies are currently limited until we gain the rank of master. What do you know about the Dread-Masters?" He had asked her listening quietly taking up the information, if she would answer his question. He was pretty sure of one thing. They were extremely different in personality as Nick was one of the Sith that were never completely humiliated and corrupted to be controlled by the darkness.
Her right eyebrow arched up when she heard his question. She had studied about the famed Dread Masters in the Sith library but most of what she discovered was either riddled with speculation or incomplete findings. But she had pieced enough together to know she desperately wanted to be one, either through learning under a Sith Lord that was rumoured to be one, or seek out this for herself. She would kill for this knowledge; literally. But now here was a fellow Knight who too wanted to rise to the title of Dread Master. Her left index finger began to tap on her pursed lips, while her jumbled mind sought the proper answer to his question.

"From the pieces I have put together...this jigsaw puzzle of the Dread Masters is limited. I know they are powerful...yes...powerful indeed." She took another sip from her tea, then rolled her tongue over her lips to savor the last drop on her lips. "They could inflict the greatest terror on their enemies....even mastering Battle Meditation. Some called them monsters. But they were more than that....I think." She lifted the empty glass to eye level and frowned. She placed the one time filled glass back on the table.

"What do you know of them," she inquired while her eyes turned to the pitcher of tea, debating if she wanted a refill.

[member="Nick Gamastar"]

Kyla Foy

Darth Illusio knew just as [member="Darth Venefica"] little about the Dread-Masters. The information he got came from many books, vague information...Information which had to be puzzled with. He listened towards her information and it seemed the information that most of the Sith that knew of the name of the Dread-Masters should've known about.

"What I know of the Dread Masters" He had told her showing a smile across his face while he stood up, "They are masters of manipulation of the mind and feed from people's fears in order to become stronger. They are all a path, so far I know the path's off; terror, birth and death.. That's the only limited information I know but, I think you and I know another one" He told her hinting a bit towards the sith ways, he was talking about pain.

"I think for us to learn more about the Dread-Masters, we should first become a master of the Mind Manipulation."
She returned to tapping a single finger on her lips, a sign she was thinking, then stopped abruptly. "We have knowledge of manipulating the minds of others...and some unique stills associated with it. But we crave more....we always crave more." So if they were going to seek out this path, they would need to discover more about the Dread Masters and there wasn't much more they could learn here. All the resources in the Sith library had been exhausted by not only her, but by this Knight as well.

"We think...yes...we think that it is time for us to travel the galaxy. There are several sites shrouded in mystery and we should unlock said mysterious." The wheels in her head began to turn, her finger tapping starting up, as she thought about the first place they should go. The territory of the Sith was limited, which meant they would have to enter hostile sectors. She was aware of what she could do, but what of this Knight? Could he hold his own in a fight or would he be a liability?

"What do you know of the Banestead Ruins on the planet of Tantorus?"

[member="Nick Gamastar"]

Kyla Foy

He was listening towards the Sith Knight as there were a few things they had in common at least, but most likely it wouldn't have been their attitudes. "I actually didn't think that. I was talking about a dreadmaster of pain, but yes. You are most certainly correct about that. We will have to travel the galaxy in order for information about the Dread Masters." He spoke to the woman in a calm fashion taking some liquor which was mild in strength as he took a bit of it to taste, "Hmm, doesn't seem as bad as I thought" He thought quietly keeping eye contact with the woman who told him about a place, he had not heard of yet.

"No, I do not know about this planet, I actually do not have any information as I recall on this entire planet called Tantorus."

The funny thing was, Nick Gamastar was the only knight that had never used his lightsaber before, but had never lost a sparring match either as an acolyte. There wasn't much information known about his entire fighting style, which was extremely old and only resembled like one Darth, Sith Lord.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
"The planet is rich in the Dark Side while the ruins lies virtually unmolested." Many ruins held secrets if one knew where to look. She had discovered three tomes in a ruined temple on Erida during an expedition. The ruins had been nearly plundered but yet, she had discovered something worthy. One man's junk is another man's treasure. She believed if they were to learn more about the Dread Masters, this would be a good place as any to conduct the first wave of investigations.

"We should go there first and root around the ruins. Maybe something of importance will reveal itself to us." Even if the trip failed to provide them with what they were seeking, there was the chance they could discover something else. Ruined and abandoned temples had become a favour haunt of hers.

[member="Nick Gamastar"]

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