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Fun with Twinder - Barrien


Disney's Princess
The Skyrise Diner
A Metropolitan Local - Noon​
w [member="Barrien Siegfried"]​
She was a busy diner at the top of the world. Tall glass windows, high ceilings, intimate table settings, and four large screen holovids perfect for watching eSports while you dine. It was classy and stylish but without being posh or elite. It said, I have design. Without saying, I cost way too much money. And to Samantha Roberts of Sullust it said,

"This is the perfect place for a lunch date. Hehe."

Sam stood tall and long-legged on the balcony overlooking the restaurant. Armed in her casual leathers and trimmed with new heels. Girl was ready for business. Twinder business.

She clutched her tiny purse by it's silver strings and swayed over to the hostess,

"Table for two please. Center table with a view of the game. Yes. Perfect. Thank you. ...Oh? No. I'm not expecting them here for another five minutes. Of course. I'll wait."

Smiling with anticipation, Sam turned back to the door to wait. Maybe her date would arrive early? Otherwise, she'd just have to keep table warm with an appetizer or two. Hehe.
Barrien didn't know about this. To be perfectly honest he hadn't understood what was going on when his supposed friend had set him up with some weird holonet account. They'd assured him that it would be good for him and that he could get out and see some of the sites rather than getting bogged down in his studies of technology, the way that he usually did. It wasn't his fault that his world was controlled by the Empire and they hadn't seen fit to share their technology.

Still, when he'd actually had someone ask him out on a date he'd been surprised. Considering he was careful to avoid his formal title, he hadn't expected anyone to actually take an interest. It was one of those gotcha moments where he realized that his friends had played him along and now he was stuck.


But he wouldn't say no as that was impolite. Instead, he donned his best garb, titanium sword not included, and headed for the restaurant. He didn't know anything about this place and he was, admittedly, a bit perplexed when he walked in and saw all of the screens showing various different galactic sports. What in the world had he gotten himself into. He spotted her, though, watching the door expectantly, and that drew his attention away from the screens.

Smiling, which made his scars look a bit funny, he approached and offered a formal bow in greeting.

"Fair tidings, Ms. Montesquieu. I trust thy travels were pleasant?"

[member="Samantha Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
The lunch crowd came and went through the bright front doors. Leaving Sam a moment to smile with a similar humor as [member="Barrien Siegfried"] approached. He was no spacer, that much had already appeared. She stepped forward and lifted her chin with a smile,

"Hi. I'm Sam. Thanks for meeting me for lunch today. And yes? My travels were just fine. Hehe."

She stood up straight and tall in her urban attire. Musing at all the bowing.

"We're still waiting on a table so I figured we could talk for a moment. I hope that's alright? It shouldn't be long, I'm sure."


*ooc: Sam is using a Twinder Alias: Samantha Montesquieu. She doesn't give out her full name on the Net. *wink
"Of course."

He straightened and offered a smile. This woman was used to the civic lifestyle of their surroundings. He was not and he felt entirely out of place. His garb was getting considerable eyeing from the people around them as well, but he chose to ignore it. Just because he was different didn't mean that he need be intimidated.

"I shouldst warn thou that it was not an idea of mine to create an account on Twinder. Someone wished to play a joke upon me."

Still he shrugged his shoulders.

"But I wouldst have been remiss to turn thou down."

[member="Samantha Roberts"]


ooc: My bad. I fixed it.


Disney's Princess

Sam seemed surprised that anyone would be one Twinder without a cause. Perhaps this was all just a game to him. That would be disappointing.

"So are you even single then? Or is all of this just some Net game to you Mr Siegfried? Boys playing with their toys and all that."

She was simply curious at this point and not distraught. The Force was peaceful around this fellow and she sensed no immediate deceptions from his body language. The poor fellow just seemed lost. Or worse, honest.

However. Should this entire lunch date turn out to be a farce? Sam would be livid. Furious. She did not travel so far nor invest her time so lightly as to be taken for a Jedi Peacock. Oh no. Sam would not stand for one second to discover she was nothing more than butt end of someone else's bad joke.

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
"Boys and toys?"

He was so lost. The very concept of playing with someone's emotions seemed wrong to him. Why would someone do that? Of course there were Sith, but he didn't think she was talking specifically about Sith boys. Whatever it was, a perplexed expression appeared on his face.

"I wouldst have told thee if I were not single. Dishonesty is not what I choose to employ."

No, he wouldn't do that. That would be wrong.

"No, I am single, and here to learn about you."

[member="Samantha Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
Sam was now thoroughly amused,

"Okay. Easy there prince charming. I think I see what is going on."

This guy was clearly set up to get him out and about. Obviously, Sam wasn't the only one who thought his cultural taste was a bit weird for the modern galaxy. Now she got the joke. Barrien must have had friends who though he needed a little "push" in the right direction. Mm.

"Anyway. I appreciate your honesty. Thank you for being straight up with me. It's... refreshing." She nodded, "So? What would you like to know about me then? I think I'm learning a lot about you already."

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
Ok. Ease off. Right. Barrien didn't have a lot of experience with the fairer sex outside of his own world, and considering those events were arranged, it wasn't exactly the best marker to go by. His world was very different from the rest of the galaxy. Strangely enough, he didn't really seek to find a woman when he'd been on his homeworld. He'd really been too busy to even think of such things. Only now that he was here, where his friends, if they were really friends, thrust him into the spotlight did he have to deal with such things.

"Thou art welcome."

Honesty was the best policy, really. Then she asked what he wanted to know of her. He cleared his throat and smiled.

"I will try to speak more in your basic, sorry. I get stuck in my version of it when I'm flustered. What brought you to seek someone on the net? Certainly you would have no trouble finding whoever you wanted. Why go to the lengths of the net?"

[member="Samantha Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
Oh. He could speak Basic like a normal grunt. Huh? Guess he wasn't space royalty after all. Interesting.

"That is an excellent question." She smiled, "I work and travel constantly. Most of the men I interact with desire a woman with roots, stability, and sense of the house and home. I lack all of those things. So I ventured out to find somebody who might enjoy a more... Mm... Busy, kind of relationship. Something where I could continue to travel and play and work. Without having to settle down or tiddy a house."

She shrugged confidently. Sam was a modern woman. She represented leadership, travel, and danger. To be her partner required more than just a day job and a fast car. She was looking for something new.

"Oh. And don't bother changing your tone of voice just to suit me. It's unflattering to think you would cater your personality to fit just one woman's ideals. Just be yourself. If we match? ...We match. If not? ...Hehe. Well. I'm sure your home planet has lots of women who enjoy the accent."

Sam didn't really mind his way of talking. It just meant his culture was alien. Something the galaxy had a lot of these days.

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
"In that happenstance, I wilst continue in mine own tongue."

He smiled a bit and then chuckled at the last bit of what she said.

"On mine world, I am a Baron. Arranged relationships art commonplace. I doth not wish to beest a part of such a relationship. They all talk like me, as well."

Curious that she actually wanted him to speak in a stilted tongue. Most people found it an annoyance when they knew that he could speak standard basic as well. He'd found that it was easier to get along with people if he only spoke standard and left the norm alone. Of course it still showed through from time to time, and there was still the reality that people thought him strange, which was why he was here now. He didn't know how this was going to go, but he would give it a chance.

"I doth not venture to mine homeworld. Tis controlled by the Empire, and I has't too much work to do in the galaxy to beest homesick right now."

He shrugged.

"If thou dost not want to tidy a home, dost thou wish to have no children? They tendeth to be quite messy."

[member="Samantha Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
Oh man. Baron. Good grief. His wife would probably have to do much more than tiddy a house then. Bleh. Politics maybe? Oh dear. And he had just brought up kids already. Yep. This guy was a Conan the Barbarian alright. Charge! Smash! Hehe. Good grief.

Sam smiled and brushed her hair away. A perfect actress in being comfortable.

"I'm going to pass on the topic of children for now Master Baron. Hehe. Though? ...Perhaps you could tell me a little bit about your job then? Working hard, staying busy. Just what does a Baron do when he is separated from his planet yes?"

The hostess waved that their table was ready. Which was fine. They could walk and talk.

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
Pass. Not a good sign. Barrien wanted children, and wasn't about to waste time on someone that did not. This might be a one and done sort of thing with her, he didn't know. To be honest, he found her frightfully out of sorts. He didn't think she would get along that well on Oaken Dawn if it were ever freed of the Empire's grasp. Two strikes against her and they hadn't even sat down to eat just yet.

When they were waved at, he motioned for her to go ahead of him. It was the polite thing to do.

"He doest what every other Jedi doest. Out hither, I am just another Jedi. I can no more contact mine world than I can wend to it."

Suffice to say, as probably one of the only prominent Dawnites to have escaped the world, he could have been representing them in the Republic senate, but he was not. He had left in order to find himself, and eventually find a way to free his world, but he could not act as Baron while gone. Those duties had been left to a sturdy friend in his stead.

"What of yourself? What doth thee doth in this galaxy?"

[member="Samantha Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
She sort of stared at Barrien when he replied "I'm a Jedi" for the mere description of his line of work. It was literally so ambiguous that it could have meant almost anything. Like replying to: Why is the sun yellow? With: Because color. It was just too simple to be considered accurate during conversation. Well... To forgive him? Maybe the Lord Baron didn't have a firm grasp upon just how many sects of Jedi there were in the galaxy. Nor how many occupations a single Jedi could have at one time. Sam had to shrug visibly as he asked another question,

"Well. I work for the New Jedi Order of Sullust at the moment. I run cargo back and forth throughout the sector mostly. Training to become a Padawan during the downtime. It doesn't pay well but the housing, food, and healthcare plan is excellent. It also means I travel often. Which... Kinda makes it hard to find a stable relationship these days. I'm sure you understand."

She picked up her fork and shuffled around her table setting. Eager for a menu.

"That's why I venture onto Twinder. I think it's rather adventurous to find a modern man who can handle a busy woman. Hehe."

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
A mile a minute. This woman was a handful and all they were doing was going on a date. She seemed to be a pilot, of sorts, and was also a Padawan as he was, but he wasn't sure who this New Jedi Order was that she was talking about. That bit of information he found most confusing, as he had thought there was only one Jedi Order, and that the Silvers were just strange lightside cultists. Now he realized that he really didn't know much about the galaxy at all, even less than what little he thought he did know.

"It would seem that thou wouldst needeth someone just like thee. A tall order to fill."

He settled in and studied the silverware. At least there was something familiar that he could deal with. That small bit of comfort made him feel like he was not going to go crazy.

"If thou art so busy, when dost thou findeth time for a man? A relationship requires time and closeness, truthfully."

[member="Samantha Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
Sam grabbed a menu from the center of the table and began browsing. She paused to answer. Seemingly quite content,

"That's an excellent question. Truthfully, I'm pioneering new ground. Trying to shuffle being a modern woman and a Jedi Padawan is never easy. Trying to date and build a relationship makes that even more difficult. To be honest... There is no easy answer. No... No traditional model which fits."

She shrugged and placed the menu down on her plate,

"It's why I use Twinder. To see so many new things. New people, new places, and new ways of building a partnership. Relationships that span empires. It helps give me options for when I really do want to settle down and build a family. I like having all that freedom to do old things in a new way."

She waved the comment away. Surly the Baron would not understand. He seemed a man of strong tradition. Not a woman lost, like her.

"Sorry. I um... I guess what I mean is? I'm just window shopping for new experiences right now. Hehe."

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]

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