Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Frost in the Sand (Jake Sorin)

In the bustling main street of Mos Eisley, a white-clad figure sticks out under the high suns. His coat hood is pulled over his head, and headphones cover his ears. His silvery white bangs bounce slightly as he weaves through the crowds, his cold blue eyes distant and bright. Nix never liked Tattooine. It was nothing more than a barren wasteland where infamous criminals resided. That, and it was a little too hot for his taste. The only reason he was here was because his Master wanted him to look for parts to build a lightsaber. He continued down the street until finally, he chose to rest for a moment. Finding a nice shady awning jutting out from a building, Nix gratefully leaned against the cool mud-clay wall.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

A planet like Coruscant, Jake wished, but no he was on the planet Tatooine, a dusty, sandy, rathole for criminals. He sat in the shade watching the big crowds move about their everyday life.

Out of nowhere Jake noticed a boy dressed in all white, down to even his bangs. Today Jake wore his black pants, black shoes, black shirt and black leather jacket. The man in white walked into the shade he leaned up against the wall. Jake got up from the ground, he attempted to push his hair out of his left eye but it went back into place.

Some sadness still dwelled inside him for his father's death and mother's sickness.

"Hey, nice cloths!" He said in a sarcastic tone.

Nix's music was soft, as it usually was. Over it, he could hear someone speaking to him. something about his clothes, more or less. He glanced over without moving his head to see a boy in all black came up to him. Nix's cold unwavering eyes shifted, locking with the boy's. He said nothing to the comment. All he did was stare.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

The boy stared at Jake, Jake stared back, he wondered what he was thinking about.

"My name is Jake." The pale skinned emo teen said.

"You gonna talk or am I just going to talk to myself." Jake said in a serious tone.

He looked at the boy's apparel hehe what a pushover, then again, he was wearing all black on a ot planet.

"What's with all the white?" Jake asked.

Nix continued looking at Jake. He then shifted his gaze back to the street in front of him. His expression was almost bored. He reached up, gently pulling his headphones down and resting them on his neck. He placed his hands in his coat pockets. "What's with all the black?" He retorted flatly, his voice smooth and soft.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

"The black comforts me, it makes me feel somewhat nice." Jake said softly then looked off into the distance, he looked back and observed the boy's cloths again, white...why white?

"You look like you belong on Hoth" he said almot breaking into a smile but he didn't.

He closed his eyes and opened them, he didn't know how to even begin to start a conversation with the boy.

The tiniest of smirks appeared on Nix's face. "Actually, I'd prefer Hoth to here," He said. Hoth wasn't filled with the lowest scum and villainy that the Galaxy had to offer, after all. And, it was cold. Nix liked the cold. He stayed silent for a few more minutes. "Black. You said it comforts you. Well, white comforts me...."
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

"H-how can white comfort you when its so-so bright?" He said in a slightly disgusted tone.

He noticed the slight smile on the boys face, a odd... he thought then slid down the wall to sit down on the sand.

Nix glanced down at him. "I could ask you the same question." He retorted. He looked at the bulges in his coat pockets where his hands were. "White is the color of the snow. The frost on a cool autumn morning. The ice gently spread across the surface of a pond. It is untouched. Unscathed. Virtuous. The very symbol of purity." He said. His eyes hardened as he clenched his fists. "I wear it as a reminder of the purity. The purity that I made unclean."
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

"Why are you on a burning planet like this?" He asked while running his fingers through the sand.

He broke into a small fit of laughter when he said he made purity unclean.

"I am sorry but did I hear what I think I did?" He said while la6gh a little more.

Nix gave him an icy glare as he laughed. He let out an annoyed sigh and turned his gaze back to the street. "Such a juvenile," He murmured. He himself was only eighteen, but even he didn't make such obvious jokes.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake felt his ice cold glare, his spine shivered.

"I-im sorry I didn't mean to be a jerk, it's just me having fun, I never get that since my father died." He said on a sad note.

Nix's emotionless expression returned. He nodded once. "I'm sorry for your loss," He said. He knew the feeling all too well.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

"Its ok, now are you willing to tell me your name and why your may sound personal but if im talking to a boy whose almost the exact opposite of me in taste of clothing." Jake said with a laugh. He looked at the boys cloths.

"I'd go to your ice planet but I might be too cold." He said with a laugh.

"For ordinary people, yes. Much too cold," He said with a small grin. "My name is Nix. I came here to look for lightsaber parts." He removed his hood, revealing his shaggy, roughly cut white hair.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

"Looking for lightsaber parts how neat... who knows what you can find in all the infinite junk here." Jake said with a smile he looked at Nix. "Well it is nice to meet you Nix." Jake said before getting up.

Nix was about to let Jake leave when something caught his eye. There was a man being chased by someone down the street. They were getting closer. As they did so, Nix noticed the rocket launcher being aimed directly at the man. Who was headed exactly in their direction. "GET DOWN!" Nix yelled, jumping on Jake just as a rocket narrowly missed their heads. The explosion sent them flying a few yards into the street. Nix quickly got up, looking around for the man with the gun. "Jake, are you injured?" He asked sternly.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake heard Nix yell then he got tackled, followed by an explosion.

Jake was dazed but was ok.

"The only injuries I got was from your tackle, good job." He slowly got up and felt instantly dizzy.

"Ok thanks for saving my life Nix, now about that lightsaber parts, lets go find some.

Nix barely heard what Jake said. The man with the gun was coming straight toward them. "Jake, I need you to get behind me, and stay there. Got it?" His tone was harsh and urgent as he positioned himself between the man and the street. The air around them instantly grew colder than normal. As another rocket was launched, Nix held his hands out in front of him. Seemingly from the sand itself, a jagged wall of ice formed seconds before the rocket collided with it.
[member="Jake Sorin"]

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