Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From the Shadows

Alyesa had been absent these past few months – there was no questioning that. Those closest to her knew where she was, as much as anyone within the Royal House, but those around the Galaxy assumed a great many things. There were rumors and speculations since the Board of Directors allowed her resignation from Incom Corporation and subsequent appointment of [member="Kelly Perris"] to the position. There were speculations of dealings with the One Sith, perhaps even manipulation by a Sith Lord – all which proved to be false. It was the confidence within Alyesa that brought her to her own knees and her choices that led her to a path of ultimately letting go of the Corporate world and returning to what mattered most.

Alderaan and her people.

For months, she spent time amongst the locals, the survivors of the One Sith invasion of Alderaan. She aided them and resumed her role as a royal member of the House of Organa. The right path for her, the chosen path – her destiny. She couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward when approaching her sister [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] about things, the woman still held onto the Republic loyalties as if they were lines of credit that Alderaan desperately needed, but the reality was far from that. Alderaan needed to sever its ties from the Republic – completely. Maybe they could seek protection under this Galactic Alliance she heard of?

‘I doubt it…’ She sighed roughly as she moved about a refugee camp, handing out supplies. Progression on Alderaan was slow but steady. The world had taken years to recover and building itself was – costly. The economy and the mines were still recovering from the overwhelming purge by the One Sith, there was no telling how long it would be before Alderaan would be completely recovered from this mess. The planet was too deep in the middle of things to be able to truly call for aid anywhere else but the Republic unfortunately and when they did call – they would get what amounted to table scraps.

To Alyesa, it was a slap in the face. An embarrassment to what services the planet had rendered in the hundreds of years it had been aligned with the mighty Galactic Republic. What else could be done? Nothing, she held no position – she was a planetary diplomat, nothing more. Perhaps things were best that way - perhaps a lot of things were best the way they were. She had put out a call to Faith to join her, for discussions about nothing in particular, she could only hope that the Senator would have time to join her sister on a walk amongst the people who put them in their place in society on Alderaan.
[SIZE=12pt]Faith looked at the message emotions swam up inside her relief that there was a message from the sister that everyone thought lost and dead, to angst over what would Alyesa fuss at her about now, what was she not doing that her sister thought she should be.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]With a mixture of feelings she went to meet with her sister.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Aldera City was expanding as Jaster cleared what he could of the creatures, and then there were the reports that started at the polar caps downwards that some of the vong tech seemed to be dying. Perhaps their mother had been right, Alderaan herself was fighting back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith walked into the camp, Tia Rianna and Cousin Claire had been sending clothing, medical supplies, and other things needed for those that could not have their own shelters.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Alderaan Royal Guard followed at a safe distance, just in case, “Alyesa you sent a message to see me, here I am”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She smiled at her sister, it was good to see her for certain. She wanted to hug her hello and greet her properly, but she did not know if her sister would care for that, or want such attention from her.[/SIZE]

[member="Alyesa Organa"]
Alyesa stood there amongst the refugees and various people who attended to their duties amongst the camp - some would take a moment to bow in respect to the Senator as she approached, while others continued respectfully about their way. She took a moment to look around her and then to her sister and her contingent of Republic Senate Guards, a slender eyebrow would raise as her hand would rise to wave at them. "On this planet, the Republic is losing it's foothold of influence - by now you should know that..." She said with a smile as she approached Faith and extended her hands to grab her sisters own. "Come, let's take a walk." It was a genuine offer and something they hadn't done in a long time.

The political arena had been something of a mess, and something that nearly devastated their family ties - both inside and out. It destroyed what Alyesa had worked so hard to build and forced her into a position where she had to fake her death and go into hiding, although rumors were already circulating out of the Corporate world that the entire thing had been orchestrated because Alyesa had found herself being influenced by powers she didn't understand. Perhaps that was true, perhaps not. She knew now that things were different, she felt different and very little burden upon her shoulders - maybe there was a crushing darkness that was keeping her in some sort've line.

Who knew.

For now, her focus was on Faith and what she could do to convince her sister of what was going on around them - and that this is what mattered, not the Republic.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Faith nodded but also motioned for the Royal guard to stay at a safe distance but not far away. "Let us walk" From the tone once again she had this feeling where this conversation was going.

She was tired of getting beaten up verbally by her sister, Faith knew that the Republic could do nothing for Alderaan that if anything were to happen it would have to come from the family and the family was working on it. Jaster had come and removed the leviathon from beneath the ugly thing that passed for the residence of the Queen. The company had collected specimens and was working on ways to kill the creatures.

Scouts were sent once a month around the planet to measure how things progressed, an to say slowly was an under statement ten years was a long time to wait to see if home would look anything like home again.

Claire brought clothing, Tia Rianna brought medical supplies and vendors slowly returned to Aldera city.

[member="Alyesa Organa"]
There would be no verbal jousting or accosting this time around - Alyesa would simply talk to her sister, for the moment. She didn't agree with her methods or ideals, especially when it came to sticking by the side of the Republic and it's corruption. There was no hidden secret about the dislike that Alyesa held for the current state of the Republic - but there was nothing she could do about it. With Lasedri in as the Prime Minister, she was essentially blackballed by her own associates and regardless of how much political power she could muster - she would never be able to step foot inside of the Senate building again. Such was the way of things when people allowed those type of things to happen. Faith wasn't the only royalty left on Alderaan, nor was she the only Princess to the throne - nor was she the only one left on the High Council. Regardless of how much Faith didn't want to believe it, Alyesa still was there and was never ousted by the Alderaanian families, nor the people. They looked at her in a completely different light than the squabbling politicians and bureaucrats of the Republic.

"There are times I wish things were different..." Alyesa spoke up as she let go of Faith's hands and walked past a few tents, towards a small garden that was being tended to by some refugees. "I miss the political arena at times, the representation of our people - the sense of urgency it created to get the job done." She'd chuckle softly and stop, turning to face her sister. "However, things with the Republic aren't what they once were - and I don't think they ever will be." She gestured to her sister. "You and I both know the time will come, and sooner than you think, where you will have to choose your loyalties." She turned back to the path they were walking and continued forward.

"Our people, or the precious Republic that is crumbling before you." She pointed towards the Aldera Mountain Range. "They use our mines, our very lifeblood - hell our only lifeblood and what have we gotten in return..." She sighed heavily and looked back to Faith. "I'm not asking anything of you, nor am I accosting you - I am telling you that the people are growing weary of the Republic and it's nonsense." She took a deep breath and let it out roughly. "I am warning you."

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

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