Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private From the Light to Dark

This was the new life she woke up to after having tried to end hers. That life, a new beginning was one she'd never had expected to go down- he was one she never expected. No longer a padawan, instead she was now apprentice to a sith, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . Someone who treated her with such kindness and care, certainly was not very sith-like, but it was so welcoming, enticing her to accept that part of her.

Today they would train. A test of her skill, to gauge where her abilities fell. Although young, Nou- Falentra was only a step to the jedi knighthood, and having been previously trained by a wookie, that was perhaps enough said about where her skill fell under. But the teen was rather humble, Malum had never seen her fight through the eyes of Corvus, but he would see just competent she was today.

The castle was huge, she had gotten lost in it once or thrice in her days here, she was still figuring her way around. Falentra made her way to the training arena where he said to meet, a place like the deserts of tattooine. Sand and whereever dry was not forte for the amphibious girl, but it would not hinder either. She was there early, knowing her new Master would be there anytime soon. But she would spend her time in meditation on the sand as she waited, listening to the beats of her new heart, the organ still a stranger to her body.

When he finally arrived, Falentra stood. Taking a shallow bow in his direction. "Master," She greeted. Did she have to bow? He was a king was he not? The intricacies of royal social standing still a foreign concept to her.
When Malum found her, he had a smile on his face, despite all the difficulties... both expected and unexpected there had been in bringing them to this point, he had succeeded. Nouqai Veil, the Jedi padawan was gone, Falentra Falentra , the Sith apprentice had fully and finally emerged.

And she called him master.

That perhaps should not have been a very specific item of note.

On the otherhand, considering all the apprentices which he had previously taken under his wing...

... Darth Dekaltis Darth Dekaltis , had far more... interesting... ways to refer to her master.

While he to an unfortunate degree had to share the title for Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway with another, in the Sith Empress herself, Srina Talon Srina Talon , while even beyond their relationship was not... exactly the traditional master-apprentice relationship, for all he knew what and more importantly perhaps, who, the young Sith was.

And speaking of non-traditional master-apprentice relationships... Ansisa Ansisa ... Kara...

She had called him that before...

...But the context always was different.

Red eyes burned ever still in the pit of his heart.

Guilt, at so many different avenues, whirled ever still about him.

That ever so, almost instinctive desire to touch that bond they held, resisted, as it usually, always, was.

He widened his smile, lest his newest apprentice see that there were far too many thoughts within their master's head, yet, that smile did not quite reach the red eyes that gazed on.

"Greetings Falentra," Malum answered, offering a nod in answer, his Sith Sword strapped to his back, his lightsabres within his cloak, as today, would be the first day in which Falentra would undergo the many acts, repeated across years, to make her truly a Sith.

And by his desires.

A great Sith.

"Show me all you have learned under the Jedi, I will correct whatever I see, and then we can undertake a look at the curriculum and your interests." He after all had a reputation to maintain.

He was quite the... strange, Sith master.

He nodded again, granting permission for her to begin.
The Jedi... that was Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Grrwunhoooll Agaburry . There was so much her master of the light had taught her over the three years, where would she even begin? The movement of Shien, Djem So and Niman, were the combat forms ingrained into her muscles. But naturally she found her own movements to have the tendency to incline into the graceful flow of Makashi - a result of dueling against one as large as a bear and adapting to go against his own style. The wookie master had also made sure of her strength, surely not as strong as his own physiology allowed, but ensuring she reached her own physical potential with much strenuous training.

Falentra returned a nod. Standing away from Malum, she held her lightsaber in the distinctive yet rather controversial reverse grip of the combat style shien. She began with wide swings, at the end of each swing, her wrist twisted, manoeuvring the weapon skilfully around to reverse its direction. Her feet moved, propelling each motion with step-through strikes which increased exponentially in momentum as they found a fluidity with such speed the sentient eye could not follow. Movements she had done countless times on repeat to perfect, it was second nature to her.

At one point, swiftly tossing the saber to her other hand before carrying out the motion in repeat, only just reverse. Then, she would transition in a graceful riposte to the opening stance of Djem So, holding the hilt overhand above her head, now delivering strikes with more power than mobility. Once she was done, she would close her position. Saber held in passive stance in her right, where her other hand positioned behind the small of her back.

"I am also competent at incorporating force-based attacks in combat, as with Niman. The sixth form." The teen declared. Falentra, could feel a dull ache in her chest, her heartrate accelerating, but she would not heed much attention to it. "Would you like me to demonstrate that as well?" She asked, such would involve a duel.
Shien and Djem So, certainly they were not what had come naturally to him, but he was competent enough at their use. At least she did not show him Soresu, which might have made him shake his head and sadly chuckle, he and Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira had already had their share of poking fun at that particular form.

The perfect defence was all well and good.

But it was not how won achieved victory.

But no, he could work with Shien and Djem So.

Especially since as far as he could see, she was rather capable of wielding them, she was swift, precise, and confident with each movement. Transitioning from Shien to Djem So without more than a flourish, though she was not fighting a foe... or perhaps it was simply a visible one.

It was clear to Malum, she had certainly progressed far from the girl, who he had met on Mykyr.

And that girl had been a threat in her own right.

It seemed that Wookie that had trained her, had certainly given her all the basics... but indeed too the intermediate training she required, to begin her conversion to the darkness.

Unsurprising, she had been only one trial away from knighthood after all.

Still, there was... something off.

He just was not entirely sure what it was.

He would need to keep observing clearly, but alas, that specific demonstration had concluded, as her voice transmitted across the arena to him.

He tilted his head in curiosity, Niman... huh.

He did not much care for the form, the diplomat's way to wage war, but its precepts did have some use to him, after all, he was much himself all too willing to use Force based attacks, even in secondary use to his lightsabre.

And of course, it was through Niman, that one would learn Jar-Kai.

Malum offered a smile at her words, drawing into his robes and with a hiss, the red plasma of his lightsabre activated, as he took his standard Makashi stance, lightsabre extended, hand aiming, "Indeed I would throw everything you have at me, if you succeed in landing a hit, there will be a prize for you." Malum smirked, awaiting her move.

Falentra Falentra
Even as her body nagged at her to rest in the form of a dull ache in her chest, she would not listen. This was her first lesson within the darkside, and Falentra would not disappoint her new master. She would show him that she was deserving of the place, deserving of the apprenticeship under him - someone with status far above hers.

A prize... it was enticing and so was the challenge. The life of a padawan was humble, she was rarely afforded gifts - greed and the wanting for more was looked down upon. What could the prize possibly be? Barely a few seconds to recuperate, she started again. WIth both hands on the hilt, her grip tightened she swung upwards, her left foot moving forwards to propel the offensive strike, yet ready to block his own.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

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