Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From the Darkness

Kriel was about to take the saber when he paused – for a split second both of their hands on the hilt. “No, keep it for now,” he said and relinquished his grip. “But it is an inferior tool for a Disciple of mine – for you have proven yourself worthy of my patronage.”

“Tomorrow we head to Dagobah. You need your own saber and for that, you need a crystal. And there is a cave in the swamps that has just the crystal you need.”

[member="Ara Ren"]
Ara bowed again and allowed a self-satisfied smile to cross her face. She straightened, tucking the hilt into the side of her vest.

"Thank you, Master. I will be ready."

The disciple turned to leaving, pausing briefly as she realized that would mean travel. Recalling the state she was in on the trip to Val'hala, her pulse and breathing sped up just the slightest. With just the thought of travel causing her to react with anxiety, she debating telling Talon Ren before they headed out on their mission.

A deep breath settled her stomach as she continued without turning around. She'd just have to push past her fear to the best of her ability. Now, where was that bath?

[member="Kriel Firin"]

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