Nimue Stormson
Empress of Effekt

Sitting in one of the gardens of the palace Empress Nimue of Effekt was awaiting the arrival of a special guest. Dressed in her usual regal attire and handling her royal scepter in one hand the Empress herself seemed to bask in the glorious beauty the garden offered. She always enjoyed coming to this place to sit and relax while reflecting on the goings on of the past few days. And indeed much had happened.
Two weeks ago Effekt had officially been known to the galaxy thanks to Empress’ Nimue’s decision to hold a grand ball as celebration for opening relations. Many guests from around the galaxy, all names and factions she’d been told were important to meet with, had come and given their offers of gratitude and friendship to the planet and the Empress. While some of the people of her kingdom, including the more traditional nobles she had to deal with, were against it the event had proven every beneficial; both for Effekt as a whole and for the Empress’ personal needs.
That was part of what she was doing today. She was to meet with a woman named [member="Viqi Prior"] who, as it turned out, was a guest she’d invited but could not attend the celebration for personal matters. Despite this Nimue had sent a letter telling her that she would agree to meet with her at a later time, given that both wanted to speak with the other about personal business. Finally that day had come.
While she waited the Empress made sure her servants would see to Miss Prior upon her arrival. Attendants would be at the landing platform to take her via carriage straight to the palace and from there be lead to the garden where the Empress would wait. She occupied one chair while another sat awaiting Miss Prior, a small table in-between the two.
And until then the Empress chose to have music play, the musical servants setting up a small band at the ready. They played a rather slow and sad melody, something the Empress had wanted. It would help with reminding her of her times in this garden with her late husband, the one man she truly ever loved. She pictured back and lost herself in the memeories of him and her walking together, and every passing moment slowly falling more in love with each other. She closed her eyes and sighed as she continued to listen.