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Friend or Foe? Decisions... Decisions...(Private)

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive

Outskirts - Private Property of the Slade Family

The night was cool, the rainy season looking as if it might come around soon enough. At least, that's what it seemed like to Christian as he stood on the balcony of his mansion estate in the hills.

His golden eyes looked the sky over carefully, the clouds rolling about, but no rain falling through, no rough wind picking up. The night air was cool, and that was enough to please him, but he did so love the rain. It had it's own way of soothing his tyrant soul in times like this. Times when he was alone. Time when alcohol reined supreme.

A cube of ice clinked the edge of his glass as he looked from the sky down into the dark brown glass of liquid he held in his hand. As he watched it, he thought for a moment how much more he could be doing with his time, yet he'd opted to take time off from touring the galaxy in search of the knowledge and power of holocrons.

Instead he was standing there staring down at a glass of whiskey, which he soon raised up and tipped against his bottom lip, taking a sip as he did. He then tugged at the shirt her wore, pulling it off and tossing it out into the trees just over the balcony. It felt too good out that night to wear it, and he didn't much care for the restrictive nature of clothes anyway. After that, he turned and slid open a massive sliding door that lead out to the deck of his balcony.

Stepping inside, Christian walked through the pitch black home and found one of the sofas in his living room. As he reached it he stopped and slowly lowered himself to sit. It didn't take him long to lay back across it, his head laying across the back and staring up at the ceiling, taking another sip of his whiskey as he realized how disgustingly bored he really was when he wasn't bettering himself.

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
(sorry for the late reply!)
@[member="Christian Slade"]

Zeltros. A planet regarded as paradise for many. But for some people like Paega, who needed to track down a specific person, it was a hellish nightmare. It had been a few weeks since the incident on Korriban, where Paega had fought against a rogue Sith for the control of an artifact. A fight which Paega had pathetically lost. She had conducted the search for the Sith by devoting every minute of her free time into it, traveling to different locations across the Galaxy. To many, the name "Christian Slade" didn't mean anything. A limited handful, however, had heard such names. A scrap of information or two in one planet, a picture taken of him in the next, the blonde Sith Knight's hunt for the man had almost become an obsession. Now, after all that search, Paega was very very close.

As it turned out, people on Zeltros tended to rather view hooded figures as suspiscious, quite the opposite from Coruscant where a hooded figure would easily blend in with the crowd. Here, on the party planet of the Galaxy, people seemed to wear around what sane people wouldn't dare call clothes. Finding her target in Zeltros would be difficult, Paega knew that when she had came to the planet. It had literally taken her five days to get an idea where in the fething planet "Christian Slade" could be living. The days leading up to finding out the location had not been fun.

The pheromones were excessively strong in the city, and Paega had lost the outfit she had arrived in somewhere along the way. So she ended up wearing a typical Zeltron girl outfit, one that is to say the least, somewhat ethically questionable and just covered what needed to be covered. In other words, typical fashion on the planet of Zeltros. Here in the outskirts of the urban cities, the air was fresher. That was a good thing, Paega needed all her focus for what would come next.

Since her encounter with the rogue Sith, Paega had asked herself if what he had said to her during their duel could be possibly true. She could vivdly recall what the Sith had said to her. "They raised you like game on a reserve only to be slaughtered later on and eaten when you're nice and fat!" he had said. Now, she wasn't sure if revenge was the only reason in which she had seeked out the rogue Sith. Her lightsaber hilt on her hand (her outfit provided nowhere to place the weapon), Paega looked up at the estate that was supposedly Slade's and lept, aided by the Force, towards the luxurious house's balcony.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Christian felt the presence of another somewhere in the area, but the alcohol had taken somewhat of an effect. His senses, even by way of the force, weren't as sharp as usual. That could have been a bad thing, but he knew better. He knew himself much better than that. There was much more to the young Master of the Force than most could have possibly imagined, and his alcohol tolerance was one of those interesting things. It hadn't been the first time he'd been confronted while drunk, and when he was drunk he was twice as tough as when he was sober.

There was no such thing as pain. Not to Christian. Not when he was working on finishing his second bottle of whiskey. It might have seemed odd, but it was one of the only ways he could feel good anymore, and he certainly never let a shot to the face bring him down when he was nice and shitfaced. No, he was much tougher than that.

Raising his hand again, Christian hovered the glass of whiskey over his head, leaning it over until the glass poured out it's contents into his gaping mouth. Finishing the drink, he gulped down what he'd gotten out of the last sip and set the glass down on the glass table next to him. He then rocked himself forwards and rested his elbows on either knee, still sitting there as his guest found their ways comfortably to his balcony.

He sat there, unmoving, his face hidden beneath a drape of long brunette strands of hair that cascaded down from all over his head. When he opened his eyes, things were a blur while he focused his vision. As he gathered his senses, he took a deep breath, raised his right hand and ran it through his hair, smoothing it back over the top of his head as he slowly stood up from the sofa and turned to the open sliding glass door. There he stood, bare and broad chest on display for her to take her best shot as those golden eyes bore into the woman he'd beaten and torn down only around a month prior.

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
@[member="Christian Slade"]

Apparently Paega was finally at the right place at the right time. The rogue Sith Lord that the blonde that been hunting down across the Galaxy simply showed up, sliding open a glass door to reveal himself. She blinked in suprise as she found him standing at the doorway, bare-chested. Upon seeing the Force-User, the blonde felt unusually vulnerable. With so much skin exposed, faint marks and bruises could be seen on the spot on Paega's neck where Slade had gripped her and almost killed her. There were other injuries as well, and if looked at closely, faint injuries could be seen here and there on the young woman.

It was rather suprising that Slade hadn't taken any action when he found her standing on his balcony. Perhaps Slade wasn't feeling very hateful towards other Sith that day, or maybe he was just drunk. Yep, he was drunk. Five days in Zeltros was enough for anyone to learn the difference between a person who was drunk and sober. That said, the majority of men on this planet seemed to have at least some amount of alcohol in their body at any given time.

There were lots that she wanted to do to the Sith. Her want-to-do-list ranged from stabbing her lightsaber into the man's bare chest to simply slapping him for being so hard to track down. Instead, Paega didn't do anything except open her mouth to speak, not even aiming or activating her lightsaber. "Well looks like somebody is a bit drunk tonight. I was hoping you'd be sober when I got to take out my revenge on you." the blonde said simply, in a tone that some people would see as almost a disappointed tone. Paega's green eyes observed the man, leaning slightly towards him as she spoke.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Christian was a bit tired, and obviously had been drinking, but he was much more alert and capable of defending himself that he was going to let on, which was why he didn't appear to care that she was there or that he was drunk for the occasion. As he watched her Paega, Christian looked around the room for a moment, trying to find something. Finally he spotted it, a bottle of whiskey laying on the table next to the holoscreen on the other side of the room.


Finally he moved, meandering carelessly over the room and looking back at Paega as if to say, "well... hi"

Moving slowly and carelessly, Christian reached the bottle of whiskey and picked it up. There was only a few more sips, so he took the bottle and turned it up, taking a couple gulps before lowering it again. He then turned and looked back over at the woman on his balcony. He watched and waited for her for a moment before he started walking back across the room towards the couch.

Reaching the couch, Christian turned and sat down, leaning over and propping his elbows against his knees to keep him upright as he poured himself a fresh drink in the glass he'd left on the table. The then plucked a couple ice cubes from the tin in front of him and looked over at Paega, freezing in the spot as he said, "Well... are you going to come in, or not?" He then held out the glass of whiskey he'd just prepared and said, "Care for a drink?"

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
@[member="Christian Slade"]

Paega almost ignited her lightsaber when she detected movement from the Sith. Almost. It turned out that he had just gone to retrieve his bottle whiskey. The blonde watched simply as the half naked man finished what remained of his alcoholic beverage. The glance that he threw at her wasn't an aggressive one, seeming more like a greeting if it anything. The blonde just looked at him, knowing that even drunk, this man could be deadly. Perhaps even more so than when sober.

As the blonde Sith observed Christian finish his drink, she found herself asking in her mind for what seeme like the fiftith time what exactly she had so desparately seeked out this man for. It had begun with simply seeking revenge, but her purpose for tracking down Christian Slade had gradually become more like an odd mix between revenge, seeking knowledge, and simply getting to know who the rogue Sith was that had so crushingly defeated her.

"Well... are you going to come in, or not? " The words snatched Paega out of her thoughts, and the blonde saw that Christian had seated himself on the sofa. Without a reply, the blonde Sith slowly strode into the room, he lightsaber still firmly in her grip. When offered a glass of whiskey, Paega put out her arm and used the Force to lazily retrieve the glass from Slade, and grasped the drink once it reached her hand. She didn't have much of a great tolerance with alcohol, but her thirst at the moment outweighed her dislike for the beverage. With a small nod of thanks, she drained the glass of whiskey, then put it down on the table between them.

"So is this what you do in your life? Retrieve random artifacts from across the Galaxy and drink whiskey in your free time?" Paega asked with a smirk, leaning lightly against the wall next to her.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Christian laughed lightly to himself at the woman's question, but before he answered he slowly raised up from his sofa and walked around it. He meandered across the back of the room to a minibar placed there. Mostly it was only stocked with whiskey, but there were a few bottles of wine, some brandy and bourbon there to select from as well.

Standing there, he looked over to his guest with those golden eyes which almost glowed in the dim lighting. He then looked back down and grabbed a couple of things...


(Ignore the naked dude LULZ)

... he then stepped out from behind the bar with a fresh glass of and a new bottle of whiskey in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. As he made his way back to his seat he flipped his hand with the bottle of water towards her, tossing it to the young woman before he sat back in his place, brushing his hair back over his head as he did.

"I figure you haven't had anything to drink in a while. Whiskey might not be what you'd like to be drinking, but if you'd like another glass, then let me see yours.", he said, gently placing his glass on the glass top in front of him, dropping another couple cubes in from the tin and then pouring the whiskey in carefully. "And to answer your question, no. This isn't a common activity for me to be drinking alone, but, sometimes I just don't give a damn."

There was a little tension there in his voice, but it was gone as quickly as it had come as he turned his attention back to what he was doing. He set the bottle down and took his fresh drink, taking a sip before he said. "Typically you'll find me buying up property here on Zeltros so that I can put a new casino or resort in it's place. I've only built a couple of clubs, so here soon I figure I'll build another one. It might be my next project.", he said, those golden eyes looking between Paega and the bottle of whiskey wondering which she'd choose, honestly.

"That...", he said, looking out the glass separating them from his balcony, those golden eyes turning to the skies above, "...or, when I gather information on an untouched relic or holocron my heart leaps... and then I am gone to search the stars again."

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
@[member="Christian Slade"]

For the time being, Paega had forgotten about the fact that she had spent days on tracking this man down to take out her revenge on him. The nice and friendy dude infront of her however simply felt like a completely different person compared to the angry, raging Sith Lord that Paega had encountered in the tombs on Korriban. For the first time, Paega wondered if it had been wrong for her to label the man as her foe.

Paega could see Slade's blazing golden eyes as he picked up some stuff from the minibar. Wait, he had a minibar, the blonde Sith noted. This guy was rich, she guessed. Her guess was proven correct when Christian told her that he typically bought property on Zeltros to build new clubs. Typical normal people couldn't afford to rent properties on Zeltros, much less buy it. The blonde knew that land on the party planet would be quite expensive.

The Sith Knight caught the water bottle in mid-air. Paega would save the water for later. "...this isn't a common activity for me to be drinking alone, but, sometimes I just don't give a damn." The blonde Sith Knight nodded, giving a smile as she extended out her emptied glass towards him and letting Christian refill it. "Well you know what, I'll drink with you. Give me more of that stuff.." she said with a smirk, slowly sitting herself down on the couch that Christian was sitting. The young woman knew that she would have quite a headache from all that whiskey, but for the moment, whiskey was what seemed to quench her thirst the best.

She listened intently as Christian described what he did, finding him gazing out at the night sky. "So you go off and search the Galaxy to find relics and holocrons. That sounds exciting." Paega remarked somewhat sarcastically. The alcohol was starting to slightly slur her speech.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
"You're right to say such a thing with sarcastic undertones.", he said, his golden eyes still examining the beautiful night sky. It was a vast galaxy they lived in, so many functioning planets and societies, and even still, planets that hadn't even been discovered yet, with no telling what sort of life stirring on them.

"Yet...", he said, finally looking back to the girl who'd decided to sit next to him on his couch rather than across from him as if they were at odds. He raised his glass with one hand, tipping it against the bottom of his lip to sip the brown liquid from it. His golden eyes scoured the woman's form for a moment and noted that she was becoming quite relaxed, perhaps even interested in him. Something he was aware of, though he wasn't of the sharpest mind at the moment, either, and could have been completely off on his assumption.

"...yet the galaxy holds so many secrets, and although it might not be the most exciting thing to tour it excavating ancient items from lost civilizations, it is amazing in the same regard when you realize just how much a holocron can hold within itself.", he said, watching the blonde carefully as he reached over and slid the bottle of whiskey towards her. "The teachings... the secrets held within those tiny little relics were of the utmost importance to the ones who created them."

Leaning back into the sofa, Christian buffed out his chest as he arched his back, stretching and loosening his muscles as a couple of pops came from his broad back and shoulders. He then rolled his neck from side to side before reaching back and dangling his left arm across the back of the sofa. He then raised his right hand, taking another sip and finally he asked, "So... what were you planning on doing to me tonight?"

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
@[member="Christian Slade"]

Paega gratefully accepted the bottle of whiskey as Christian slid it across the table towards her, smirking slightly at his first remark. Her green eyes looked back at Slade's golden ones as he continued speaking, aware that the man was looking over her.

While listening to him talk about how amazing discovering relics were and such, the blonde chugged away a good third of the bottle until she felt like as if she had any more, she'd throw up. For a person like Paega who didn't have much tolerance of alcohol and only drank it every couple of months, there was a tight limit on the amount that she could tolerate at a time. After finishing about a third of the beverage, Paega placed it back on the table. Already she was feeling kind of drowsy and somewhat nauseous, and she doubted Slade would retain his niceness if she puked on his floor.

"So... what were you planning on doing to me tonight?" The question snapped Paega back to redirecting her attention at the Sith Lord, who had settled back on the sofa. That was a rather good question, the blonde realized. After a second of hesitation, Paega slowly stood up from her seat.

The blonde Sith Knight began pacing around the sofa, a habit that she had developed from being Lord Lussk's apprentice. "You know, I've been thinking everyday for the last three weeks... about what you said to me back in the tombs on Korriban." Paega began, having made a semi-circle around room, her gaze drifting from here and there, not necessarily foused on Christian. "...what you said about the Sith. And I actually realized you were right about one thing. That Sith do not care for nobody but themselves. They're selfish, greedy, and act purely out for their own fething good. Every last one of them."

At that point, Paega had whirled around and started walking towards the couch where Christian was seated, having said an honest statement under the influence of alcohol that she otherwise would've kept to herself. She leaned forward when she reached where he was seated, the blonde's face inches from the Sith, yet posing no threat to him whatsoever. "Yet I've also found... that you're not any different." she said softly.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
"I am, am I?", Christian questioned, raising his glass and taking another sip of whiskey before he reached down and sat it on his knee. He gulped down his mouthful and then sighed softly as he searched the dark room for something to keep his attention, but there was nothing. He soon looked back into the green eyes of his blonde guest, that same little smirk he often displayed finding his lips as he said, "If I was like them, I'd have killed you the moment you set foot on my balcony."

It was true, too, and she'd know that. At least, he'd expected her to, though he never outright denied being like them either when she said it, he simply gave an example of how he differed. Sure, he knew who he was. He was a confident, self aware man, but how someone else perceived him wasn't something he could control. He cold simply disagree and make and argument o the contrary.

"You shouldn't drink so fast. It's meant to be enjoyed...", he said looking away from the girl, Christian slowly leaned forward, standing as he did. Stepping past the woman, he looked down at her with those still golden eyes that could just burn right through you. As he walked, he took a another sip of his drink and stopped in front of the glass door, reaching out with his free hand and pressing it against the glass as he leaned against it.

He stood there for a long time, looking out upon the sky above, the heat from his hand beginning to fog the glass around his digits as he daydreamed of a place he'd rather be. He then broke the silence as he said, "I've told my self every day for 16 years that I wouldn't become like the Sith of the Empire. The dogs of the Emperor.", then taking another sip before he continued. "I trained every day... worked hard and learned from the knowledge I gathered on my own. I fought fatigue and hunger and natural threats like the intense cold of Ilum or the beastly creatures of Felucia."

Falling silent for a time, Christian turned up his glass of whiskey, gulping what was left down and then dropped his hand, letting the glass slap against his thigh, the ice tinking around in the glass with the sudden jolt. "I grew strong... but have I grown selfish and greedy in the meant time?", he asked, as if she'd known the answer. "At least I can say that I genuinely do wish for unity among the Sith, instead of distrust and dissension..."

"At least, in that way, I know that I am different... even if I am the same in every other way.", he said, looking over his shoulder at the woman, those golden eyes narrowing as he almost grew angry with her that she'd said such a thing. Such a thing that had truly offended him, despite knowing that it might very well be true.

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
@[member="Christian Slade"]

Although outwardly Paega showed no particular emotion on her face, the blonde was smiling inside her mind. Christian was defending himself, convincing her, or maybe even himself, that he was not like the Sith that he so despised. Good. Somehow those glasses of whiskey had helped Paega in achieving the plan that she had had in mind. The plan that Paega had decided to go with the moment she entered the balcony and Slade didn't try to kill her right then and there.

Sure, she had pissed him off a bit, or at the least annoyed or offended him slightly, but that didn't matter. If things went as smoothly as Paega hoped them to go, there would be no physcial fight between them tonight, and therefore no need for Slade to take out his anger on her.

"I grew strong... but have I grown selfish and greedy in the meant time?" It was interesting to see the rogue Sith questioning himself. Whether or not if he meant for Paega to answer the question, she didn't care. "Maybe you have... maybe you haven't." Paega said neutrally. The blonde Sith Knight stood up once more from the couch, striding forward to where he was, near the glass door. She would put her face inches away from his, her green eyes gazing at Chrstian's golden eyes which glared back at her in a dangerous way.

"When you took that relic from Korriban all for yourself, I believed you to be selfish, caught up in your own self-importance. I thought you to be greedy just like any other Sith that you seek to differentiate yourself from. And I'm here right now to give a chance to prove me wrong." she began.

Paega then moved herself even closer to the Sith Lord as she spoke, leaning her face aross his shoulder and directly speaking softly into his ear, in a somewhat similar fashion in which Christian had spoken to Paega after he defeated her on Korriban. "You say you're at least different.. because you want unity instead of the distrust the dissension? You think you'ren not selfish and greedy? You said so yourself back on Korriban that the Sith raised and trained me like game on a reserve, and in fear of being surpassed, they only teach to a point so that I can't become a liability to them." she said in a soft but definitely audible whisper.

"I want you to train me... Prove to me... and yourself, that you're different, show that you're not greedy selfish, and distrustful like every other Sith Lords in the Galaxy, and that you don't fear and restrain teaching in fear that you could be surpassed by your student. How can we even hope for unity among the Sith if even a 'different' Sith like you are not willing to take a leap of trust? Take me in as your apprentice..." the blonde implored, alcohol-induced drowsiness slowly beginning to take its effect.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Christian's eyes narrowed as he heard her true request, to be his apprentice. As he made such a request his golden eyes bore into her green was for a moment, just before he looked away from her, his eyes searching the city laid out before them a few miles ahead. It was a blanket of different colored and flashing lights. It was a whore's home, Zeltros, where men and women could go to fill every evil need they could have possibly had, both modern and primal.

"No need to manipulate me, or convince me, or any of that.", he whispered back to the young, attractive creature who was still lingering so close to him as he stood there watching the city. "I'll take you...", he finally said, looking back down into the woman's eyes, knowing that she was drunk and lusting for power and knowledge. The same things he'd lusted for in the past, but for different reasons.

"...for I knew that you were going to be mine the moment I saw you on Korriban.", he said, not an ounce of hesitation in his voice, not a single sign of untruthfulness upon his stone cold, very serious expression. "but something tells me you want more than that."

What he'd said was true, at least to him. He did see more in her. There was something else there that she wanted, and he couldn't quite tell what that something was, though he had a hunch.

"What else is there that you desire, my apprentice?"

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
@[member="Christian Slade"]

By that point, Paega was too drowsy to reply, and it took some will power to actually listen. From what she could tell in her drunk state, it appeared as though that Christian had agreed to taking her in as an apprentice. The blonde Sith Knight was already fast asleep as soon as she heard Christian say the words "I'll take you..." There was a reason why Paega usually preferred other drinks over alcohol.

The blonde Sith's lightsaber clattered to the floor below as she loosened her grip and hold on the weapon as she fell asleep. Paega slumped forward, her right arm carelessly flung over Christian's broad shoulders right before she fell asleep, which barely keep her from falling by holding onto her new Sith master. Two things were for certain. One being that she would now train under Slade, and second was that it had been one fething tiring week for Paega.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Christian was surprised at how gone the woman actually was, his golden eyes for the first time looking genuinely concerned as she passed out on him. He reached out and caught the woman, sighing as he did. He let her fall against his chest, his other arm coming to scoop her up. As he picked up the almost weightless female, Christian actually laughed, turning and making his way across the room.

"Of course.", he said to himself, still laughing as he took the steps up out of the living room and turned down a long hallway. "You mistook lazy, flirty eyes for drunken stupor eyes."

Reaching the bedroom, Christian carried the limp woman over and laid her down in it. He then pulled the covers from beneath her form and threw them over the top of her, making sure that her head was comfortably resting on a pillow. He then quietly left the room and made his way back to his living room.

"Still got it...", he said, reaching down and grabbing the bottle of whiskey and turning it up for a deep, long chug. He then sat it back down, turned and took a seat back on the couch, letting his head fall back against the back of the soft sofa as he said, "Don't you... Christian...", as he passed out in the late hours of the night.

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
@[member="Christian Slade"]

Looking back at it now, Paega noted, chugging down the whiskey in a short amount of time had not been such a great idea. Yes, it had quenched her thirst for the time being yesterday, but it ended up giving the blonde a terrible hangover. She didn't like the first time she experienced it after she drank alcohol for the first time, and she certainly didn't like it now.

Paega woke up more confused than anything when she found herself inside a bedroom, on a bed, still in her Zeltron outfit. It took only a few seconds for Paega to guess that she must have passed out on Christian the day before, and that he probably carried her to the room. The blonde put her face in her hands as a slight headache and nausea hit her soon enough, propping herself up on bed.

The blonde Sith's hands instinctively went to her belt, well there was no belt on her current outfit, and noticed she didn't have her lightsaber with her. Sighing, she stood up, slowly walking out of the room. Perhaps she had dropped it in the living room when she fell asleep there. Wondering if her new mentor was awake, Paega walked down the long hallway and proceeded into the living room. "Are you awake..?" she said groggily as she walked into the room.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
With the stirring of a presence in the room, Christian finally turned over, as he'd been sleeping on his back, "Are you awake..?", she'd asked, which he wasn't. Not until the beam of light reflecting off the glass table in front of him had found it's way to his eyes when he tried readjusting his head for comfort.

He flinched, every so slightly, those golden eyes he had sliding open ever so slightly as if in pain. The light stung him, and as he realized that he was waking up to a headache, the sun beaming in at his eyes and someone, what sounded like a girl, standing in his living room he simply turned his head back away from the light.


"No... I'm not awake.", he said, rocking his head back and forth once or twice as he buried it deeper into the thick armrest of the sofa. At least he was trying to be polite, however, as he pulled his leg together and moved them away from the edge of the sofa so that she could have a seat with him.

"How'd you sleep?", he whispered back.

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
@[member="Christian Slade"]

Paega grinned in amusement as she saw that Christian had also passed out on the couch. She walked around the room, spotted her lightsaber that she had dropped the night before, and picked it up carefully, noting that she had no choice really but to hold it since her outfit didn't offer anything that could hold her weapon for her. She turned around as she walked to the sofa, where the young man was now waking up.

"No... I'm not awake." The blonde Sith smirked a little as she walked over to the couch, where he he had offered her a seat. "How'd you sleep?" " I passed out." she replied. That had been the case, literally. "How did you sleep?" she asked him.

After hearing his reply, Paega would nod, then think for a few moments before speaking again, frowning slightly in concentration as she spoke. "I don't remember for sure I your apprentice now?" she inquired, her green gaze looking over the half-asleep man next to her.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
"Like a baby up until about thirty seconds ago...", he said, referring to the woman's coming into the room and waking him up out of his deep, half drunken sleep. He then sighed, eyes still closed and head resting against the soft arm rest for a time until she asked him about the night before. She asked him if she was his apprentice now...

Golden eyes slid open again as he stared into the darkened corner of the sofa he's burrowed his head into. He laid there thinking for a few moments, reminding himself that he hadn't trained anyone in a long time, and he certainly had never shared the teachings of the holocrons he'd collected over the years. After all, he was still learning from a few of them himself that he hadn't completed.

Finally he stirred again, pulling his leg up and turning over to set his feet down and sit straight up on the couch. As he did, he propped his elbows on either kneed and dipped his head down into his hands, rubbing his eyes and face to wake himself a bit. He then let his head fall through his hands, his fingers running through his messy hair in order to smooth it back over his head and straighten it a bit.

"That depends...", he said, looking at her with those narrowed eyes, the gold of his irises barely peeking through his eyelids. "Do you wish to be my apprentice and learn things that no Sith of the Empire could ever teach you?"

@[member="Paega Anginous"]
@[member="Christian Slade"]

Paega smirked once more as she listened to his first reply. "Well I'm sorry I woke you up..." she muttered apologetically. The blonde Sith Knight's gaze followed Christian as he rested against the couch's arm rest.

She let the Sith Lord have another few more moments of rest, before watching him stir up again, this time turning over his seat to sit straight up on the couch. It would've been almost amusing watching Christian wake himself up if Paega hadn't been so tired herself. She was trying her best to not feel the pain from her hangover headache, which her method for doing so was talking.

She gave an eager nod when asked if she wanted to be his apprentice "and learn things that no Sith of the Empire" could ever teach her. "Yes!" she said insistently. Paega asked another question following her reply quickly, not giving the Sith time to respond. If he wanted to really question her true intent and purpose and such, he could do that later. "Do you happen to have any sort of an extra robe in your house that I could borrow?" she inquired, motioning to her ethnically questionable, revealing, Zeltron girl outfit from the night before.

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