Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Friedrich Stahlmann

NAME: Friedrich Stahlmann
FACTION: Omega Protectorate
RANK: Admiral
AGE: 53
HEIGHT: 6’2”
WEIGHT: 200lb
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown/Grey
SKIN: Tanned

  • Stahlmann has a lifetime of experience in command, starting from the bottom and working his way up. He knows war, he knows how to think strategically and above all, he knows when not to fight. He has a rare skill with both tactics and strategy which means his forty years of experience can be put to good use.
  • The Admiral is a harsh man, but despite this he is well liked by his men. He is a very fair, moral person willing to stand up for what he thinks is right. He is also quite willing to flout orders and treat even his high ranking officers for his men if required.
  • Despite coming from relatively humble background, Stahlmann is surprisingly learned in many areas, and keeps a collection of antiques from his adventures. His hero from the past is Admiral Pallaeon, somewhat paradoxically.
  • Stahlmann is an officer, and while he’s in good shape for his age he is an ordinary mortal. While famed as a boxer in his early days and personally brave he is not a melee fighter. Aside from his service blaster pistol he carries no weapons.
  • Stahlmann’s brusque, harsh manner can put people offside, and may be why he is not either High Admiral or Supreme Commander. Though friendly to those he trusts or likes, the Admiral does not suffer fools gladly.
  • Stahlmann is rather dismissive of both Force users and the Army, considering the naval arts to be the most important and vital to any operation. He thus is reluctant to trust new and inventive strategies, especially proposed by others.
SHIP: Stahlmann’s flagship is the Solo Class Star Defender ‘Indomitable’, an ironically appropriate name for it considering its commander.

BIOGRAPHY: It is rare for one to rise from the humblest of ranks to near the pinnacle of the military, but Friedrich Stahlmann has accomplished this.
Born on Kuat shortly after the last visitation of the plague, Stahlmann grew up in sorry circumstances. His parents worked as low level factory drudges to maintain the power of the planet’s rulers. Those rulers lived in the space stations above the planet, letting their indifference and neglect corrupt the planet below them. With almost no pay, no rights and constant danger, the workers were little better than slaves. When he was six, Stahlmann’s mother lost her arm in a machine accident after a fourteen hour shift moving heavy metal plates. Unable to work, the family suffered greatly.
In all of this, Stahlmann looked up at the sky, at the stars, and dreamed of one day escaping his earthy prison and riding in them. That time came not long after his tenth birthday. It was at that point that there was a final, cataclysmic reaction from the oppressed workers. They rose up and butchered their guards and overseers, then took the ships they had designed and headed for orbit. Stahlmann went with his father in what became known as the ‘Righteous Ascent’. The battle in the orbital station was cruel and bloody, but the workers prevailed and all of the rulers were massacred. Victory though proved sore comfort, for the economy was wrecked, and trade was simply not there to boost Kuat’s economy from the pit it was in. The revolutionaries fell out with each other, and Stahlmann’s mother was killed in these battles.
Finally equilibrium was restored, and the newly dawning galaxy sent help to Kuat. Alderaan was a planet which had faired relatively well in the Dark Ages, and now it began to expand its influence. Kuat’s ancient but still impressive orbital drive yards were repaired and brought online by the Alderaanians, and new warships were commissioned. Resistance on the planet was great, and Stahlmann’s father took him into space and offered their service on one of the new ships, even though Friedrich was only 13 years old. Their offer was accepted, and the pair served together on a frigate for several years.

When he was 18, Friedrich’s father died, but the young man was taken in as an aide by the captain of their ship. From there he received patronage, an education and his first glimmerings of responsibility. Stahlmann was clearly intelligent, so was commissioned a Second Lieutenant on board a cruiser in charge of supplies. From there, he worked his way up slowly until he commanded the cruiser, and later a squadron in the Alderaan Navy.

When the Galactic Republic began to emerge Stahlmann took advantage of an offer to switch from planetary to galactic rank as Alderaan was incorporated into the Republic. Commissioned a Captain at age 32 he enjoyed a successful military career against pirates, rebels and other enemies of the Republic. His rise was slowed by the fact he was not afraid to speak his mind to his superiors, but his talent could not be doubted.
Promotions to Vice and Rear Admiral followed in time, until he was finally promoted to Admiral after the Hapes Campaign. Now an experienced and dedicated leader, Friedrich Stahlmann has become one of the Republic’s foremost soldiers. With conflict looming on the horizon with the Sith the Republic could do far worse than have Admiral Friedrich Stahlmann on its side.

However, after the slaughter at Roche and battle at Polis Massa Admiral Stahlmann decided to switch his allegiance to the Omega Protectorate.

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