Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Freya Feld

Freya Feld


  • Name: Freya Feld
    Species: Human
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Height: Pretty average
    Build: Slight/scrawny
    Homeworld: Commenor
    Force Sensitive: You betcha.
    Faction: Silver Jedi Concord
    Rank: Jedi Padawan
    Writer: Easty

    A small town street-rat with dreams of making it big, Freya Feld never thought she'd be any kind of special. In a house with too many mouths to feed and not enough credits, you learn to make your own kind of way. Some of her siblings went down the criminal route. Others found purpose in schooling or toil. Freya... well, Freya followed her fancies. A whizz with a wrench, Freya always had the knack for technology. Rewiring the house was only the start. Soon enough, she'd managed to cobble together a protocol droid that worked just well enough to do all the chores for her.

    Times may have been hard but Freya was always there with a bright smile, a cheery comment and some latest invention to try and make their lives easier. And while their lives didn't get easier, they did get better in small, important ways. After discovering that moving things with your mind wasn't a typical part of growing up, Freya and her family discovered her latent Force sensitivity. Encouraged by the thought of helping others and forging a path for herself, Freya chose to join the Jedi.

  • ES7zI1J.jpg

    Freya stands skinny and slight, with a smile as bright as a reactor explosion. Her pale blue eyes sparkle with mischief, invention and the remnants of too many sleepless nights. Small freckles dot her cheeks, tying with dimples for 'worst facial features ever' in her opinion. Her hair is a messy tangle of dark blonde curls, which may or may not be her natural hair colour. She can't remember, from all the oil stains, frazzles and burnt bits.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    + Tech Head - Freya thinks in circuits and dreams in diagrams. Electronics are second nature to her, with an affinity for anything technological that verges on the obsessive. From baby's first datapad to complex starships, Freya is entranced and enraptured by electrical works, with the determination to grow her skillset.

    + Happy Go Lucky - Peppy, cheerful and optimistic, Freya can see the bright side of everything. The glass is always half-full, failures are just successes that aren't done yet and everything is an opportunity, right? Right?!

    + Organised Chaos - It might look like a bombsite, but you just can't see how it's arranged. Used to operating in her own idiosyncratic way, Freya can be quite organised, so long as nobody attempts to 'help her.' Practised at picking out the important parts inbetween the mess and mayhem, she can quickly analyse situations and set out an efficient method to get things going. Seriously though, don't clean up, it's laid out like that for a reason.

    - Slightly Obsessive - It's possible to be a little too interested in things. With her head buried in so much machinery and circuitry, Freya can sometimes miss things. Meals. Visits. Birthdays.

    - Difficult Relationship with Authority - While cheerful and sweet, Freya never had much oversight growing up. She's used to following her own path and dealing with things her own way. Authority figures existed only in the abstract, the potential, the distance. What might happen when an explosion of pep meets a surly refusal to follow orders?

    - Slight Fighter - All elbows and gangly limbs, Freya never really got involved with the fights and scraps that some of her siblings did. You tend to get out of most of them when you can assemble a rudimentary shock prod by nine years old. With her own proclivities and lifestyle, Freya spent little time learning to fight and would probably get tossed around by an opponent with any skill.

    • A Teenager's Guide to Quick Fixes: Circuits and Computing (heavily annotated and adjusted.)
    • A tool kit filled with equipment for dismantling, testing and repairing common electronic equipment and droids.
    • Family picture (slightly mildewed)
    • Hopes and Dreams (may not last the month.)

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