Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Freg's List] Donor's needed for research

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Kai-Sin logged into freg's book and began typing a request for his research project.

Employment opportunity

Hello canidates. We are looking for females of any species, age, social status to provide a simple blood and or egg sample for research into genetic mutation research. Samples will be collected by discrete kind staff and you will be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Multiple donors needed. Biographical and health history will be requested but will be completely hard copy documentation and restricted to the project head.


Two thousand credits will be given for each blood sample of half a pint.
Ten thousand for unfertilized eggs from healthy donors.
Compensation tripled for force sensitive donors


To test new anti-viral and anti-bacterial methods that reduce the risk of long term side effects for adults and children. Also to Test the mutation rate of said inoculations.

A full tour of the labratory and full access to your personal donation information including test performed and results will be provided upon request. Application form is below. Please send it to

Physical medical history:
Mental health history:
Donation type: (blood or egg)
known force sensitivity: (yes or no)
Personal data: (character bio link)


Desperate times called for desperate measures, right? She stared at the advert on her screen. It flickered slightly as another power surge rippled through her ship, somewhere in another chamber the sound of a fire extinguisher went off as an astromech, as battered as the ship was, put out yet another fire. She blew a sigh out of her nose and began replying.

Desperate times indeed.

Name: Simone Denning
Physical Medical history: Clean bill, a few minor scars from old adventures but nothing really damaging
Mental Health History: Clean bill, free form any intrusion form another being. As sane as one can be in this crazy galaxy.
Species: Zletron
Donation type: BothKnow Force Sensitivity: none
Personal Data: Bio


Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

The snide Kaminoan checked the response and looked at the information.

"A zeltorn that has never had an STD? I must have the sample!" He said to himslef.

He immediately responded with the coordinates to his lab and a eight thousand credit advance fir travel expenses. While he brought up her file. This would be an excellent match for his project. Simply excellent. He would send wird that she should be received with VIP care and given a decent sized suite. He would meet her when she was settled.

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