Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It wasn't soon after the last of the droids had fallen that Kelsie arrived -- prodding the ten technicians with the black, boxy slugthrower hand cannon she held. "C'mon, keep moving," she said, pushing them towards the now well-armed rebels. She really did have an armory in there -- thankfully she didn't see any grenades. She had enough munitions to blow this place sky high, and some. As much as she'd enjoy that, perhaps as a tribute to the demolitionist in her old squad, she wasn't quite that kind of person. Otherwise she would've left ten more bodies in the command center.

"Lock these ones up in the living area," she ordered some of the cyborgs. The technicians went quietly.

Kelsie holstered her weapon and walked briskly over to Kahlil, who stood beside the Jedi. There was a flicker of disapproval, but she began to speak anyways. "That wasn't too hard, was it?" She grinned. "Anyways, we'll probably have to head up to the top of the building to find whatever executives are up there, as well as the central command center." She glanced around again, observing the cyborgs. "They should probably head to the outer areas and free their friends."

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"] [member="Verana"]
"Going to them is the best scenario at the moment. Laying in wait gives them time to build up their offensive, free their droids, all of it." Kahlil frowned as he holstered his blaster. [member="Verana"] was right. They had left a trail. A clumsy, easy to follow trail. He should of been better about this. Still, it was good to see [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] meet back up with them. He nodded to her words. "We can take the upper floors, yeah. Find your people. Free them. And escape somewhere safe. We'll drive them off world." The leader of the cyborgs nodded and barked out his orders and soon enough the trio was left on their own.

Kahlil forced a smile as he neared the elevator. "Shall we?"

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