Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Francis Truman

Francis Truman
Aged 54
Faction: None Yet​
Faction Rank: N/A​
Francis is a trained businessman, so intelligence and wit come to him naturally.​
Francis is also good at persuasion, either by truth or lies.​
Francis is a brilliant thinker and inventor, always coming up with new ideas, mainly for his company.​
Francis can sometimes become to power-thirsty or greedy, and make decisions for the sake of wealth that may later harm him.​
Francis is obsessed with business, meaning personal relations very rarely developed, leaving him alone a lot of the time, which takes its toll.​
The youngest son of a respectable businessman, he lived his youth on Coruscant in the care of his mother. His father very rarely appeared, which made his death feel unimportant to Francis, despite the effect it had on their lives. Francis was 12 at the time, but his brother was 22 and already prepared to take over his father's weapon business. For decades he lived in his brothers shadow, acting as his personal assistant in the hope of some kind of recognition or share of the ownership. Just over 40 years after his father's death, Francis plotted to take his brother's company away from him. With access to the finance logs, he made sure to include questionable payments to dodgy people. It wasn't long before people noticed that the company may be involved in some form of money laundering or crime endorsement. Isaac, the eldest son and CEO of their father's business, had no choice but to resign and avoid public ridicule of the organisation his father had worked so hard for.​
Francis was delighted, but not surprised. In fact, he had passively persuaded Isaac to step down, and therefore secured himself the position of CEO. His first act as CEO; completely rework the company. Francis sold the factories, materials and rights to the business, giving him enough money to start up an entirely new organisation. Exo Inc. It was an idea of his to cash in on a quiet market of Exo-suits. With this new name and new start, he vowed to set out and excel far beyond the wealth of his father and brother, and seize as much power as possible.​
His main ship for travel, both personal and business related.​
Includes a piloting droid and astromech droid to maintain and fly the ship for him.​
Personal Gear
Standard Blaster Pistol (usually concealed inside jacket)​
Alot of suits.​

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