Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech FPC-8 slug pistol

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Intent: Personal weapon for Darth Neoplix and possibly his troops

Manufacturer: Darth Neoplix Personally manufactures all his own weaponry
Affiliation: Darth Neoplix, the Jenari Empire, Close Market
Primary source: n/a
Canon link: n/a
Photo source:
Model: FPC-8 Slug Pistol
Modularity: no
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: mainly Durasteel, several phrik components, plassteel synthetic components, high powered magnets
Classification: magazine fed slug pistol
Size: Large
Weight: Heavy
Ammunition type: variable magazines, capable of holding fletchettes, armor piercing slugs, or cortosis rounds.
Ammunition Capacity: 8
Reload Speed: average
Effective Range: Personal
Rate of Fire: semi automatic, average
Stopping Power: Extremely high (as a shotgun, with its close range, heavy weight, and high recoil, extremely high damage is relatively warranted)
Recoil: high
Special Features: HUD linked targeting system, user identification lock preventing anyone but him from using it, implanted explosives to remove detonate the weapon at will, supercooled magnetic drive to propel projectiles.
Strengths: stopping power, spread, variability, etc..
Weaknesses: close range, high recoil, weight
Description: essentially a pistol version of a heavy shotgun, this was created to deal with threats that get up close and personal, especially jedi or sith.
Good Evening!

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