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Faction Force Defense! (Jedi from the Republic and beyond)

Alana Sunrider

The Jedi enclave on Dremulae had come along far since the first meeting of the Jedi that were becoming the Republic Jedi. The surface of the island had been converted to allow for more personal ship docking, while the first few levels of caves and tunnels had been shored up, smoothed out, and planted with bioluminescent plants along the walls, casting a mystical glow through the shadows. Caverns had been expanded and reinforced with durasteel. It was here that Alana was setting up to do some teaching.

Tutaminis. Force defense. It went by many names and had just as many applications. Foundationally, it made sense, and after what had happened on Fresia during the Frozen Hand War, she thought it prudent to begin teaching the skill early. Not just for its practicality, but for the underlying nature of the ability. It was about absorbing and redirecting energy. The Force was energy. Absorbing or reflecting heat was just another way of guiding the movement of the Force. It helped solidify a very abstract idea that she had struggled with when she began to learn.

So, she stepped into the center of the room and laid down the tools of the lesson. A high-power heater. A high-power chiller. Stun blaster. Electrical arc caster. All turned down for safety, of course, but they would be distinctly uncomfortable. This wasn't a lesson for children. They weren't ready. More advanced padawans, beginner knights, and the like. If they were protectors, they needed a way to protect themselves from whatever could get thrown at them. And at the core, all weapons were some form of energy. So, this was the best way to begin establishing a foundation for that.

Practice and mastery would be up to them, but this at least gave them the tools to begin.

Akarshaan Naar

Walking up stone cut steps to the caves of the island, Jedi Sentinel and Master Akarshaan Naar enjoyed the salty breeze that sprayed from the hot airs that blue over the quiet sea of translucency. In the distance the lights of villas and of repulsorlift yachts skimming the ocean drifted on the horizon. Strange place for a Jedi enclave but, in her years of being a wanderer she may have gotten used to dark, damp, and rugged places of old temples and isolated nature. Perhaps it was finally getting to her that she was a part of a permanent order and no longer an errant Jedi Knight as she once was after the fall of the Galactic Alliance and older Republic.

Reaching a cut terrace that lead to a cave that Jed Knight Alana Sunrider had ascended to earlier, the togruta called to the knight.

"Such a peaceful place to learn a very serious art," said Akarshaan.

Tucking her arms into the large bell-shaped sleeves of her dark brown Jedi robe, she crossed her arms over her chest and with her body gestured to the luxurious environment of Dremulae. When she looked back to Sunrider, her face sported the usual stern and serious look she sported. The kind that had made her famous in the Order as a strict disciplinarian of an instructor. She was well aware of her reputation - "Knight Crusher" the Jedi Knights would whisper in anxious gasps when they were scheduled to attend her Jedi Doctrine classes. But, she allowed it. Admittedly she had no other for of appearance to show. She had lived through a lot and it helped her become supremely disciplined - it is what lent strength to her skills in the arts of Force Defense.
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Alana Sunrider
Akarshaan Naar

HIs eyes remained locked on the shock baton. A baleful look on his eyes as he gazed at the horrid machine. Fingers tracing along his cheek. The echoes of pain from that one time a shock glove wielding by an insane assassin once smashed into his face. Intent on cleaving his skull open. The burns had faded, copious amounts of bacta and skilled Jedi healers cleaned up his face with nary a scar.

It was Tutaminis that saved him that day. A desperate use of that skill that prevented his death. Somehow, for the split second before the electrified gauntlet impacted his head. He managed to find himself in a perfect instance of absolute calm. Before that he'd only really been even to use Tutaminis in minor things, Only even able to soften the occasional punch or kick. Never anything to that degree. And he's never been able to replicate that feat either.

His Grandmother theorized that it was simple survival instinct. The body and mind reacting and pushing itself to its' limit to protect itself. It was as sound a theory as any. But Aaran was hardly willing to let himself be in a life or death situation any time he needed to practice with this skill. That was impractical.

Also hazardous to his health. But, well. So is being a Jedi. And that was hardly something Aaran was keen to give up.

So instead he simply sat there, one hand gripped firmly on the shock baton. Occasionally tapping it against his thigh, small jolts arcing through his leg as he let out the occasional grunt of discomfort. Trying to get a better feel of sensing the electrical energy and how it was transmitted from the baton and into his leg. That was the first step. Once he could perceive it, he could better guide it.

"Kark." He hissed, dropping the baton, hand moving to massage his leg. Closing his eyes as he tried to clear away the frustration of another failed attempt. He could stay here all day until he finally got the hang of things.

Alana Sunrider

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Akarshaan Naar

Alana looked up from where she was adjusting some of the power cells on the training equipment as she felt a presence approach. She turned and gave a bow of greeting, "Welcome Master Naar." As the older Jedi turned to look around, Alana set down the toolkit and wiped grease from her fingers with a cloth stuck in her belt. She turned around to get another look at the area and shrugged. "I'd already staked a claim to the island. Never did anything with it, so figured it was a secluded enough spot to be away from unwanted eyes."

She paused to look over to Aaran and shook her head. "You're not going to figure it out by shocking yourself." She walked over and grabbed the baton, giving him a look as she pulled on it. "It has more to do with understanding the Force and the galaxy then doing something, per se. I'll explain."

With the shock-baton safely removed from the padawan's grasp, she moved towards the center of the room. "Force defense. Tutaminis. Different names for different applications, all of which belong in the category of control. But what is that is being 'controlled'?"

She paused and gave the younger students a look, with a partially raised eyebrow and slight smile, as she had instinctively made air quotes with her finger as she said the final word.

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