Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To provide Blake with a suitable offensive alternative to a Lightsaber given her crippling physical weaknesses.
  • Image Source: Pinterest

  • Manufacturer: Blake Morrigan
  • Model: N/A
  • Affiliation: Blake Morrigan
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Alchemized & Force Imbued Bandorium | Blood | Various Alchemical Bindings
  • Classification: Unspecified
  • Size: N/A
  • Length: N/A
  • Weight: 12kg


  • All Purpose [+] The substance from which this is based off of allows for Blake to utilize it in whatever way she can imagine, making it an incredibly versatile substance capable of being used offensively, defensively, and as a supplementary item. Given the special alchemical properties within its mass and the force imbument Flytandestal is capable of being shaped to its users will at will, being liquefied and solidified upon a whim, allowing it to be shaped and manipulated in a number of ways, allowing its user to shape it to serve any given purpose.

  • Energy Resistant: [+] Given is alchemical nature, it is highly resistant to energy based weapons such as Lightsabers and Blasters.


  • Heavy [-] At any given time Blake only carries about 12kg of this substance with her at a time, typically in the form of light armor such as arm braces, shoulder pads, and ect to the weight is balanced across her body, however, it still slows her down drastically and is best used in the offensive where it cannot constrict her movement given her physical weakness.

  • Force Nullification [-] The arrow is completely imbued in The Force and relies on a mental connection with its owner to work. Therefore, Force Nullifiers such as Void Stones or Ysalamir can completely deactivate the arrow once it enters its effective range. Practically turning it into a small paperweight with no real worth.

  • Metal Eating Fungi[-] Fungus that eat metal have been known throughout the galaxy, and given this specific materials ability to be shaped it can very easily be consumed.

  • Electrical Conductor: [-] This substance, is on the physical person can act as a super conductor for electricity, effectively frying whoever may be hiding within it because of its affiliation with Sith Alchemy.

  • Clear Mind [-] The Substance, while being able to be controlled entirely by ones thoughts without physical movement, requires absolute mastery of the users mind. Therefore, it can be stopped if the user loses focus, is distracted, or their mind is disturbed by things such as Flashbangs, Blinding lights, and anything that can damage the mind will keep the substance from working correctly. It is particularly dangerous is the user is attacked by a Mind Trick which can potentially turn the substance against its owner, or even the ability of 'Mind Shard' which instantly causes great headache pains which will prevent it from shaping correctly.


Flytandestal is a very unique creation designed to cater to its users overwhelming physical weaknesses and lack of combat experience, built to take full advantage of her Telekinetic abilities, allowing her to switch from offensive to defensive on the fly by taking the liquid metal and bending it to her will, reshaping it and melding it on the fly which allows it to be extremely versatile in combat situations. She had a large supply of said substance, but can only ever carry a certain amount at any given time equivalent to that of a few gallons in its liquid form given how heavy it is regardless of how she can shape it. Mixing the substance with her own blood and imbuing it with the force allows her to manipulate the metal with her mind and use it as easily as she does, however it is not without its own set of costly weaknesses.
Blake Morrigan said:
Alchemized & Force Imbued Bandorium | Blood | Various Alchemical Bindings
Bandorium doesn't mention that is able to shape shift from liquid to solid and back. Only that it is a liquid metal.

Maybe something like, which is the basis of the Polydroxol, a metal shape shifting species.

Even then, having something easily shapeshift on the fly isn't something I am comfortable with.

Please state that it takes time to shape shift from one item to the next, and it takes intense concentration to do. Weaknesses include having the potential to break your concentration mid shape shift to prevent it from being done. Also, I want this limited to specific items it can shift to. A top of three.

Also, while it may change shape, it shouldn't be able to change mass. What amount you have, be it small, is all you get. It cannot get larger or smaller. if you only have enough for a dagger, the shifting will be limited to that. So please state the size and length that this is.

If this can be turned into a melee weapon, I need you to fill out the template for a melee weapon.
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