Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flying Purple People Eater .. [Nima Tann]

Voss Academy
escape the class room...
[member="Nima Tann"]
Well it was another one of those days. The class pouring over star maps, studying trade routes, hyper lanes .. all over the galaxy. Théo knew this to be important, but this did not remove the dryness of the topic and he had been in classes for the entire day. Although he had grown up considerably there is still the want for adventure in the boy, the need to get out of four closed walls and find fun. It was just different fun now.

Jedi Master Outt, some crazy old Cerean, who just loved anything to do with space, closed the lesson for the day, but not before handing out homework. Théo shut down the computer and gathered his bag and followed the other students out of the room into the corridor .. done for the day! He had a bit of a chat to some of the those still lurking in the corridor before leaving, they too are eager to get back to their lives .. the class room can take away life if you let it.

He waved them good bye, until tomorrow and made his way back toward his quarters. Deciding to take the long way round, he entered the Silver Temple into the main hall where the massive blue crystal sat in the center. He felt the breeze of the outdoors shifting through the place, sending a leaf or two sliding across the marble floor. He watched it for a moment, before coming to a decision .. so he kicked off his boots, put down his bag and ran across the now slippery surface. Propping his feet Théo slid across the marble on his socks ..

I can do better then that!

He turned to run again, this time faster and hoped to do a personal best on the next slide across the Temple floor..

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
The girl's mind was full of thoughts after the little journey on Korriban. She was moving around in the Temple quietly like a ghost with a datapad in her hand, looking like she was searching for something yet really she was just looking at it, not knowing that if she really wanted to search for that something the spirit told her about or not. Oh, and the spirit. She knew who it belonged to now, it was another tiring subject to think about. Even a meditation wouldn't help right now, and she knew after thinking herself out of this subject for at least 3 or 4 days, she would have to talk someone about it. But for now, she decided to keep her mouth shut and continue walking around the Temple, maybe if she could find a distraction, she wouldn't have to think so much. And probably people around the Temple was looking at her, curious about what she was doing walking around the Temple, how many times now, three? Maybe more, she didn't care to count.

So, walking without a care about what was happening outside, she didn't realize she has come to the room which had a crystal at the middle of it, she didn't see it but she could sense the energy that the crystal was radiating. Without looking around, she continued moving along humming a song that she didn't know that much, typical trying to relax Nima things, as her next destination would be her home. Maybe taking Ice for a walk would help. So lost in thoughts, she didn't realize that the floor was slippery, and she didn't see one fastly sliding [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] directly coming towards her.
A few years had Théo done this, he would have slid right into Master Tann's legs. But her teachings and lessons had provided the young man with many skills that would see the signs of dangers before they would occur, one of them is force awareness, and he sensed her. Which was a good thing considering how much Théo has grown, he is much taller, broader and stronger, his Valkyri blood now in 'play' where his physical development is concerned. For Théo to go barreling into her would be equivalent to a fully grown man, he would injure her badly.

"Master Tann! Look out!", he shouted, still sliding but adjusted to move by dropping to the floor and sliding on his back, using his arms and hands able to change direction to miss her and slide right passed before coming to a slow stop near the large crystal. Quickly, he scrambled to his feet and grabbed his boots from where he left them. He was pleased to see, however, she was still on her feet.

"I am sorry Master Tann, I almost cleaned you up", he smiled a little. She seemed a little preoccupied, clinging to a datapad and it was evident she too, had not been paying attention to HER surroundings. tsk tsk Master Tann. "Hello .. I am pleased to see you", he said smiling more. She had not changed much, still pretty but he noted she was out of that chair and back to walking with strength.

[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
There was someone here. She could feel the presence coming closer and closer, each second. Then she heard a loud voice, which made her look away from her datapad a second. It was her Padawan sliding towards her, with a reflex, she made a move towards right, yet at the same time she saw him change his direction as well, luckily, it was the opposite direction, so they didn't collapse with each other. She let out a sigh, then walked towards him, putting the datapad back to her bag, with a fake smile like she was happy and nothing was going on, which she perfected to do by now. "No need to apologize, Theo." She said sincerely, she realized that she missed the boy, she was his Master, but she didn't see him around that much, every time she saw him he was growing up a bit more. "I was a bit occupied and didn't see you. So I apologize. Glad to see you too. You... grew up well..." She said, then patted his shoulder. Aand she was getting older, but that was besides the point. Also, Theo would be used to her awkwardness by now, direct conversations weren't her thing. How many years has it been, two or three? Oh, how a perfect opportunity to distract herself a bit. Though, she didn't see Theo as distraction, that would be rude.

"How are your trainings going? Learning well?" Of course he was. He was very intelligent after all. "You aren't running away from your classes now, are you?" She said, jokingly. Although that would be impossible, being the son of the Grandmaster and Master of the Order he would be the center of the attention all the time, which was a bit difficult, but Theo was a free spirit also, so it would be a possibility.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
"Not as much as I used to MasterTann", he smiled at her as he approached. "My training is proceeding well, I have Master Jericho training me in sabers, he is very tough but in the end I will benefit from it, as will the Order". He could not help noticing that his master seemed distant, more so then usual.

"How are you Master?", after all it had been some time since they spoke, the last time she had been badly injured and in a wheel chair. He was most pleased to see she had no more need for that. "What has you occupied these days?".

Then it occurred to Theo he might be holding her up on something important she needs to attend to. "Forgive me Master, you must be busy". He bowed with the intention of moving off so she did not have to stay and chat. He is fully aware of the duty masters have to perform around the Temple and the galaxy, his own parents constantly busy and family time is removed from them. It is one of those things one has to sacrifice when growing up in a Jedi family, especially with parents like he has.
[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
"Good, good." She said, smiling to the boy. "I am happy that your trainings are going well. And trainings being tough is great, since they will prepare you for what's to come. And believe me, the trainings are not as tough as the real thing. So, just keep working on them and you are going to be fine." She said, with a calm tone. Talking about the trainings, an idea started to appear in her mind. Maybe a training after all this time would pass the time and make her forget what was bugging her mind? One thing about Nima was, she would concentrate on a job and forget everything for a while. She hoped that her Padawan, had some spare time. But, she wouldn't ask directly about a training, or she would reveal that her mind wasn't in the scene. "I am sorry I couldn't be around that much, Theo. You know how busy I can get in all those missions and all." And she was supposed to be his Master, how great of a Master she was. This was proving her thoughts right, she sighed.

"I am..." happy, good, great?... "the usual me." Well done, Nima. "Pain in my legs aren't that much of a thing anymore. I have learned to use the Force efficiently to enhance my ability to walk, so I don't need to walk around with a wheelchair anymore. And Sanctum is doing a lot of expeditions to the other planets these days, keeps me occupied enough to practice this ability of mine, so everything's going... great." Another lie perfectly crafted by her words. "How about you? How's life going apart from the trainings?" She asked, still in the same tone like before. And, Theo took her tone in a wrong way, and thought that she didn't want to talk to him, she could understand it from his behaviour. So, she needed to fix this. "I actually am in vacation today, so we can speak freely, don't worry. I've a lot of things in my mind today so talking would be good for me as well. And if you want..." She stopped for a second, then continued. "We can have a training session today. We haven't done that in ages. I want to see how much you've progressed."

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
It still concerned him greatly that his master had to use the force in order to get around, but there was not much Théo could do to help her. Besides, he doubted that she would accept his help anyway, not because she did not want it, but more that it would tax him. Yet, as much as she would try, Théo knew there was more behind her words, but did not want to pry .. not yet anyway. It is one thing to be busy, but another to busy yourself to cover up a problem. That only continues to make the issue fester and one day it will erupt with more serious consequences.

So when Master Tann offered training he decided this would be a good thing to do, if only to see if more would be reveal of his master. "I would like that, if you do really have the time". But it was him that turned toward the training rooms of the Temple to lead the way. Giving her no out ..

"Shall we Master?", he turned and indicated with his hand for her to take the lead up the corridor. "I would be most grateful to any time you can give me. Please don't feel bad about it, I have much to do and plenty of study with the Academy". Which was true, since he had become a little older the level of study had risen greatly to his delight, as now his studies had become far more of a challenge.
[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
She nodded to her Padawan, this little training would help her as well as him to keep herself occupied, but also she was sincerely curious how he was developing. Also, he was still the sweet boy she knew, no matter how he looked so different than before. "Let's go then, Theo. But, I'll not go easy on you." She said, as a joke but her expression was like she was dead serious, yet it could be the case as well. She wasn't really going to go easy on him. As her Padawan moved towards the training rooms, she stopped him. "Actually, I know a perfect place for the training I have in mind. The training rooms will not provide you the help that what I have in mind will do." She said, then revealed the place. "This will not be a melee training, you'll need the Force to help you. So, there is a lake nearby the Temple Garden, perfect place to meditate." She said, then continued, placing a smile.

"We will start with an easy meditation training. Oh, have you ever taken a mental training before? Like, concealing your thoughts and protect your mind kind of stuff. This will be indeed useful for you in your battles with the Sith. They don't fight with honor, and they won't stop with clashing lightsabers only." She was full Jedi Master mode now, it was her concentration that would stop her from thinking about what she had in mind for days. "Follow me, Padawan." Oh how she missed calling someone Padawan again. She didn't take so many students like the other Masters, but then, she still had things to learn herself. Moving on with the plot, without saying anything else, she started to move towards the exit, knowing that he would follow her towards the lake.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

((So sorry for the late reply ))
[[all good!]]

He would not question his master. Her ability to see exactly what he required in his training had not faltered regardless of the time they had missed and he was pleased with this. Any form of training could only benefit the young man, especially since he was coming of age and soon to enter into the realm of manhood. Much would be expected of him, not because of his name, but simply because he is a Jedi of an Order that serves to protect and one that has grown beyond any expectations of the founders.

Théo followed his Master toward the exit, although he did not like meditation he knew the value of it and what would come from it. He had a sense that this would test him greatly and so would be prepared for what she had to teach him. Yet, he still not help the feeling that something was troubling his master but he would leave that for now maybe in the course of the lesson more would be revealed to him, and maybe he could help her for a change.

He is a little older now, a little bit wiser but still with much to learn. The young boy that had not a care in the world had gone, replaced with a more stronger sense of responsibility especially to those within the Sanctum. Yet there was still that adventurous streak in him that would never be removed.

As they entered the meditation gardens, "No Master I have not", was his simple answer.
[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
"Hmm, then I think it's going to be a little difficult for you. But I am sure you can manage." She said calmly to his answer, aiming to encourage the boy. Also, she was glad hearing those words from him, being his Master she could finally teach something that he didn't know, but of course, she didn't show the happiness in her voice. She knew that he would understand something was wrong with her, since she was extra awkward today and they had a strong bond with each other as Master and Padawan, but she didn't want to conceal what was happening just yet, not before she thought and processed all this thoroughly. Who knows, maybe Theo would hear about what happened soon, she always expected some surprises, knowing how fate loved playing with her. She let out a smile, then continued moving. A timeskip later, the two would arrive to the lake...

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She said, as she appreciated the view in front of them. The lake was quiet, as always, you could only hear the weak sounds of breeze, and feel a calm, tingling feeling inside from the Force energy that was flowing around this place. A perfect place for meditation indeed. Before she could lose herself in the beauty of this lonely lake, she turned to her Padawan, smiling. "We'll start whenever you are ready for the mental training. In the meantime, we are going to do some meditation to calm ourselves, empty our thoughts. So, let's sit." She sat to the ground, as she said, and took a comfortable position for the meditation. It was like the calm before the storm, and he needed this exercise first, in order to protect his brain from the invaders. She called her Padawan to sit close. "Make yourself comfortable. Meditations will need a relaxed body, as well as a relaxed mind." She said, and started to wait her Padawan to take his position.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
So much had happened to him of recent times, what with the change in his body as he grows from boy into the beginnings of manhood and what had happened to the family. Strange how things had happened there, they had come together, reunited but it also seemed to be pulling them apart. At least from the boys perspective. So Théo was pleased in a way to be away from all that, and back with his master to continue his work as a Jedi even in this state of flux.

He followed Master Tann out into the gardens with lots on his mind, a meditation would be just what would be welcomed to rid all the confusing aspects of his life for a little while, he might .. just might be able to see a clearer path from it.

He took up position near his master and sat, his legs to long and large to be wrapped into a lotus position, his body had changed greatly over the last few months and he was still getting used to that. He did the best he could, and sat closing his eyes and trying to clear his mind. That was easier said then done however, in the quietness of the garden those issues came to the front of this mind. It was that he did not know how to meditation, but in the past there was not much to worry about, now there is and he could not clear his mind.

"Master? when you have many thoughts how do you clear them".
[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
As Theo sat down near her and took his position, she smiled to her Padawan. Yet, as some thoughts eating her mind, it seemed like something was eating his as well. In time, she would have the opportunity to learn about whatever that was, but for now, she concentrated on their training, and heard his question. The lake was indeed a good place to do meditations and a good place to come and forget about all the thoughts, yet it would be very important to learn about how to do that first. So, she took a deep breath, and started to talk. "When you have many thoughts..." She started, then continued. "You close your eyes, take deep breaths, concentrate on the Force that is flowing all over you. Only concentrate on the Force, nothing else. Forget I am here, even forget you are here, forget the thoughts that are making you feel bad. Meditations are the times we forget our problems for a while, open ourselves fully to the Force and think about nothing else. And through the Force we find peace, happiness, and strength. With enough concentration, you start to feel nothing but the real you, and you learn to be peaceful with yourself." She said, then continued. This talk was true for her, if it wasn't for meditations she wouldn't stay that strong because of the things she lived. "Do you feel the Force in this area, Theo?" Well, he would since his Force connection was always good for his age at the times they've been training together.

"Let's practice now, shall we?" She closed her eyes, and started to instruct her Padawan through the steps. "First exercise is a simple one, the thing that we all living beings do. Breathe in, breathe out. Fill your lungs with the oxygen fully, and then release it slowly. A good breath exercise is the first important step for a meditation." Then, she started to breathe, in and out, in and out. The best way of learning was the copy someone, one of the wise man said. And she was giving Theo an example about how to breathe efficiently. And a meditation would be the thing that would be useful for her situation right now.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
He took in a deep breath as he closed his eyes just to hear the sound of her voice, and take in every word. He felt so secure in her presence, his master had been a strong influence on his life, even though she may not know it, even though they find it hard to spend time together. Theo remembered every single lesson, from the age of three speaking to her in the gardens and eventually Nima had taken him on as padawan. Although a knight now, Theo stills consider his master a guiding light in times of necessity and clouded judgement.

It was going to be easier said then done, nothing in training is easy, nor should it be. After all they have a strong duty not only to themselves to be better but to the Force. It is demanding of them, the Jedi. Most for for the Sith, but still the Jedi have to be vigilant too against corruption. To far to the end of the light spectrum will breed corruption.

Slowly but surely Theo's mind eased and cleared. Dismembering all the thoughts and pushing them to the back of his mind, there to wait another time to come forth, never forget ones thoughts, never hide them away unattended as they will only grow and fester into greater things to plague ones heart. His breathing became controlled, and shallow and when she asked if he could sense the force, a smile formed on his lips. This was the first lesson she had ever taught him, the be aware of the force and what it is telling him. To be aware of it. And this skill has become one of his main strengths, thanks to her.

"I can master. I sense it is living ... ".
[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
"Good job, Theo." She said sincerely, with a smile on her face. He was still the same bright Padawan to her, even though he was a Knight now. Oh, how the time flew. They had been Master and Padawan for, how long now? And now seeing him all grown up beside her, she was proud of her student. Anyway, before getting all emotional and thinking about getting old she stopped and concentrated back to their training. "Focus on the energy you sense, and the energy only. Feel the Force around the lake, and combine it with your own. Imagine radiating the energy inside of you to outside like a candle radiating light." She instructed her Padawan as after that she took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the oxygen the lake provided very much. She close her eyes, and started to listen the sound of the water petting the shoreline slowly. After all the things that has happened recently, this little training was starting to become a vacation for her. And Force knew that she needed one right now. "Concentrate, and you'll start to sense less about the environment and more your inner thoughts. It's like a meeting with your concealed self. This might be a little difficult, since you're going to face whatever you've concealed from the outside world, even from yourself. I am going to help you if you need anything."

With that, she started to lend her own energy to him slowly, which he would feel like a warm breeze. That would make it easier to face whatever danger he met through his journey inside. The journey to the mind would be the most dangerous of all, physical wounds would be healed, but healing the mind from the wounds would take a lot longer time, even some wounds couldn't be healed and just be ignored. She knew all this from experience of course, she had her share of mental destruction via Force and emotions through the years. Oh, speaking of healing the mind, Theo would need to see the other side of the medallion soon. This was all a training for the real training, if she could say. Anyway, it wasn't the time yet, since she could still read him like a book. "I'll stop talking, and let you concentrate on your surroundings now. You can stop and open your eyes if things get too messy."

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
The ability to sense his environment had become almost second nature to him. This skill he had learned from a very young age, thanks to her and so the pull of the energy around him took but seconds. The living force entered his body, Théo could feel the strong power of it strengthening his limbs and body, his mind and spirit, it is something the Heavenshields all believe in and are attuned to.

He allow this heady sense for a while, as he sat listening to his master and when she directed him to turn the senses inward, he complied. Turning his thoughts from the force letting it 'take care of itself' and his belief that it would also be there was strong and unshaken. A swirling mist came to this mind's eye, it was not a clouded vision but more a calming event and as he 'walked' forward into his mind the mists formed around them like a protective shield. He was not scared or uncertain of foot as he walk on, his mind his own and he knew where he was going.

But the mind has it own tricks, and hidden pockets that even he has not entered. Silly childhood fears of small things pushed away no longer a threat to him as he is grown enough to understand them now. The more recent events that have scared him however, are very much a reality and have been left unchecked. Although he had seeked answers to help with the problem, even from his father, but still like any being, they are there and always will be.

The fear that he will not be strong enough to protect those he loves.
[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
She continued to watch her former Padawan continue his journey in his own mind. The first one was always the hardest one, yet the boy still had the control. She would watch his progress from the shadows of his mind, without him noticing. And that had to change as well, since reading his mind without any problem would be a very problematic thing when he became the leader of the Order. And then, she felt something changing, from the back of his mind, which he concealed from the world... the darkest thoughts of Theo, which came to his mind like shadows trying to conceal the light, forming a big resistance, trying to consume the boy's mind. Showing several images, one of them she caught as it passed, the whole Temple dead and Theo bound by vines watching, not being able to do anything, failing them all. That was indeed a rough one, and would even bug someone who was a master mentalist. Now, the real training would begin, since looking at the scene, the boy has found his worst fears. She didn't interfere for now, watching, and waiting what he would do in a situation like this. Being in a meditative state would help, and he would need to calm his mind if he wanted to take control of his fears. She stopped lending him her Force powers. He would be alone, and it would be his fight. But not without guidance. So, she would lend him her voice whenever he needed. "You have the power to conquer your fears, Theo. Fight it. Fight the darkness in your mind." She said mentally, not doing anything else. Then she returned to the shadows, he wouldn't feel her presence anymore.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
The rolling mists in his mind, vanished as if burnt by the heat of a powerful sun. Before his mind stood his family, covered in sweat and blood, exhausted from fight against a foe so powerful and so many, that it was hard to contemplate a victory even for the likes of his mother and father. They all stand together, protecting one another in a circle as the hordes of the undead walk toward them, unrelentingly. There are too many...

His body stiffened, the vision to power to stop the emotions of fear and dread entering him. I am not strong enough.. I can't stop them.

Already many had fallen to their slaughter, become one them and arose from the dead to walk the plains of Midvinter as Vinterbound. He could see friends, children he had played with in his youth now armed with pikes and axes and only one thought on their minds, if they had minds, and that was to drink the blood of those left that stood in their way. The horde surrounded them, closing in ever closer. The family unties but, he sees his mother slain, his father next and he runs to them to defend them but he is too late.

His heart pounds in his chest .. No this will not be. I will not allow it.
[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Nima just continued to sit close to him and make sure that he was okay by watching his progress from the shadows. By far, she understood what was bugging the boy's mind. It was a common problem, fear of failure, which she was very familiar with and still had that fear. A fear that would corrupt someone if they weren't strong willed enough. But, she used this fear, to pump herself more for the trainings, to get stronger and better at what she was doing and became what she was today. She wanted to see what Theo was going to do in that situation, yet she could feel his heartbeats increasing. It still was not good, that the Master could read her former Padawan's mind with this clarity and would become a problem if they didn't do something about it. But first, Theo needed to conquer his fears, or at least, see them and work on conquering them. If she said something, that would break the boy's concentration, which she didn't want at all, unless she was asked for help directly. But... she had something else in her mind.

With a little mental blast, which would only hurt Theo a little, Nima added something else to the image. An undead version of herself in the crowd of the undead, and then one more familiar face turned undead, and one more, slowly adding to the equation, making Theo feel like he was all alone there, by himself and no one else that would save him from this situation. She even made sure that he wouldn't feel her Force signature anymore even though they were sitting right next to each other. One could expose whatever weakness they found in someone's mind, that was another lesson. Physical weaknesses could be repaired, but mental weaknesses were always there waiting for someone to find.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
The pain he felt in his mind, was nothing compared to the sight that came toward him. Théo's face twisted in pain but not because of the physical pain but what he knew he had to do. The Vinterbound are people that had once lived a normal life, taking by darkness so foul that it twists them into vassals of evil and their only purpose is to take the life of others and bring them to the fold. The image in his mind of his father [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] undead, his once blue eyes removed and in their stead nothing but white unseeing death. His mother the same next to him, Mysa as well. And his master. No!

It all seemed so real, yet something in the far reaches of his mind, told him not. Had he not been sitting in meditation with her? The pull of pain and the image drew him back to it. His father's hand raising, clawing toward him, it was not the hand that would want to hold him close in an embrace of love, but one that wished only to rip at his flesh. I will not allow this! He knew what he had to do.

In his mind Théo took up his lightsaber and ignited the white blade, tears ran down his cheek blurring his 'vision', but he pushed forward toward his father. "Forgive me father", he said the words aloud, but he could not permit his father to remain in this undead state, taken is his life from entering the living force. Théo raised his lightsaber and cut his father in two removing his head.

A large gasped sucked inward Théo eyes shot open and his body trembled. The vision of his father's head laying on the ground before his feet still burned in his mind. Théo has broken the link between his master and the vision and sits on the ground weeping.
[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
The boy couldn't endure much longer as she expected, but she was impressed how he managed to face his fears thus far, even though it was his first confrontation. She found herself in the real world suddenly as Theo's mind basically threw her away, it was a second or so that she realized she wasn't in his imaginary world anymore. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, meeting with the sun after the snowy, cold environment of Midvinter was a good change. She examined him after she became fully aware of her surroundings with a worrying look, maybe she went too far? He looked visibly terrified, and his body was shaking with guilt, maybe fear. And he was crying, sobbing uncontrollably. She extended her hand and patted his shoulder in a caring manner. "Theo. We are in Voss, everything is fine. None of that was real." She said, then added with a worrying and sad tone. "It was all an illusion, alright? Don't cry." Now she felt bad!

But she had to put the Jedi Master back on, since this was a serious issue. "An illusion, but you have seen what an illusion can do to you. Your mind is too exposed to the outer world, and your mind has no shield if someone tries to attack, which I did and put those last images to your head. That's something we need to fix. When in a battlefield, mental wars are as important as the physical ones. And Sith would not be that merciful, believe me." Then she added. "You can have a break if you want and collect your mind, then we will continue. We will start with the basics of shielding your mind this time, so I am not going to put you through something like that again." That would be a bad teaching method, since if there was a weakness one should do whatever was necessary to destroy that weakness, but Nima was too nice for that.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]

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