Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Floating through the void (Private Tandem/Youka)

Time seemed to freeze as Youka glided through space, he had no idea where he was going or what system he was in. As the pods life system readings flashed by his face one more time as they were broadcast on the glass in front of him, he let out a perished sigh. He knew that his travel from the wreckage of his home planets ship had thrown him off trajectory of possibly still traveling to a near by planet. This was more than likely to be this young warrior last moments and he had not truly done anything worth his home planet singing praises about. Closing his eyes once again inside his helmet he again drifted back into the fade of sleep and he let his mind and body prepare itself for the inevitable doom that lurked.

Youka was abruptly shook back to the realm of the living by the blaring sounds of the pods emergency systems. The signs again rolled over the glass as he raid that air supplies were dropping and the heating unit was also moments from going out completely. These signs were a harsh reality to take in, yet the young Terrox knew it was indeed the only thing coming for him that was certain...death. The male again tried looking off into the distance hoping that the beacon that was planted on the top of the pod would somehow reach a ship that was traveling through space. It would be his only hope for rescue and survival, of course he would be on guard for the ones that would pick him up could also very well mean to harm him.


Sound the Alarm.
Flying from the system and traveling towards a more civilized planet settlement has been made much easier, though his flight path and piloting skills are still sub-par he's starting to learn more about the ship he's flying..A YT-2400...For example..The beeping is a distress beacon. He's a bit hesitant to answer it as his first experience with someone calling for help was him nearly getting robbed in an alleyway...Luckily once he activated his saber they backed off...That thing holds a lot of intimidation factor and his eyes and hair work in his favor as a bluff against the seedier sort who can't run and hide to any Jedi...or tattle on him to any Sith. Eventually, he scoffs and moves towards the source of the beacon, an escape pod floating from an asteroid bank..looks slightly damaged, he turns the ship and opens the cargo bays, allowing the pod to float inside relying on a camera to show when it's inside...
He closes the hatch once it's safely inside and sighs, he stands after a moment and watches the camera, he leans to his left and grasps his lightsaber with his left hand before turning and walking off towards the storage bay...Let's see if anything wants him dead...
@[member="Youka Tau"]
Consigning himself to death, as the likely hood of him being seen or his signal being picked up by anything in what he thought was a remote location was very grim he said a silent warriors prayer in his own language. Moments later he opened his eyes to see in the distance that something was getting closer and closer by the second. Was this to be how it all ended, escaping a asteroid field only to get hit by a stray one floating on its own course, the irony would be all too real on him. Watching it closely and as it grew ever closer he noticed that it wasn't a giant rock but a SHIP. It seemed that his prayers to Grephyte had not gone unanswered and the god had shown mercy on his life.
The Terrox took in a huge calm breath and actually one of the last ones the pod would offer him before signs showed that there was no more air reserves for him to breath. It was at this time that the pod was being loaded into what he assumed to be the back of whatever type of ship this was. The design of it all was slightly more crude than what he was used to on his home planet and he wondered what type of xenos had picked him up. Was this to be a rescue or maybe this was his capture and turn to death or worse, slavery. The pod landed with a thud on the floor beneath it before Youka pressed the appropriate buttons for the release hatch to fling open and the pressure to be released and air to flow free.

Stepping out of the pod warily he inteded to show that he would not be taken so easily if this indeed was a trap. The Terrox stood at its full height of 6''8 and its head darted in each direction waiting for someone, or thing to show itself. If need be he would have to rely on his training from his home world to guide him through a foe. However if this was indeed a rescue he would offer his thanks.@[member="Tandem"]


Sound the Alarm.
A door slides open from the left of the pod, standing exactly ten meters from the Terrox is a hooded figure, white hair framing a frowning face, yellow eyes visible underneath the shade of the hood. His hands are at his sides in a non-threatening manner, but the chrome hilt in the grasp of his left hand and the way his left foot is shifted back one step and his right foot aims it's toes towards the young Terrox is a sign that this one at least can defend himself if need be. Yellow eyes shift from left to right before quickly moving back to the Terrox, he watches and waits for a reaction tilting his head to the left inquisitively relying on the body language as a question..He doesn't wanna speak with his young voice and ruin the dark intimidating entrance he's made...
The Xeno is at least an entire foot taller then him, so he needs all the scary factor he can get in case it turns out to be hostile...
@[member="Youka Tau"]
There it was, the sound the Terrox needed to hear, a direction to focus its attention, and it had found it. It's head trailed to the left as a door hummed open and a hooded figure walked through stopping a safe reacting distance away from Youka. Yellow glinting eyes, shorter than he was but still tall enough to not be any of the smaller creatures Youka had memorized, what was it? He studied the new entrant closely noting something in its left hand, a blaster of sorts? Who ever it was they weren't giving off a violent aura but their stance still showed readiness should something happen, a fellow warrior, someone that knew battle, the creatures heartbeat was steady as Youka listened closely which showed that it wasn't hiding anything. Youka would attempt to communicate with the being as it let it's hands fall down to it's side and stood straight.

Youka spoke in his native language that came out loud harsh and echoed in this chamber, it would sound as if something was being strangled and stabbed all at once. Yet all he was saying was "thank you for your help". Youka would take his right arm and cross it over his sleek armor still watching the new creatures every motion, would it respond in kind?@[member="Tandem"]


Sound the Alarm.
The Rogue-force user watches the creature drop it's hostile stance and he hesitantly stands straighter, he blinks in confusion as he takes in the Xeno's strange language and he manages to....not understand a thing that he's saying...He replies eloquently with an very intelligent "Uhhh..." before seeing the Xeno bring it's right arm across it's armor. He blinks and clips his lightsaber to his belt, he grasps his hood with his right hand and lets it fall loose revealing the young tanned face, he looks confused before mimicking the Xeno with an awkward smile his brow furrowed slightly in confusion. He glances behind him warily before turning back and asking "Um..You speak common...?" He asks blinking once again while raising an eyebrow inquisitively...he really hopes communicating isn't gonna be an issue...The language sounded like a scream of agony then anything like the only language he knows..Which is common...Farkle, why does he get himself into these situations...?
@[member="Youka Tau"]
It seemed that the smaller creature had not understood what he had said which showed that his native language was not learned in this area maybe. The humanoid creature let out a slight sound that seemed to go together, what was it saying? Youka's eyes follow the creatures hand as it clips whatever it was using back to a clip on its side. He follows the motions of the man as it begins to pull back its hood to show what was under it. A human, the Terrox had finally seen the full features of the creature and decided that its features were close to human. From what Youka read on humans they were not as old as most races but still should be treated with caution. However this human had reciprocated the same gesture showing that it indeed was for the time being at least peaceful.

Youka let his hand roll down his armor and unlatched its helmet to take off and reveal its face. It would show one red eye and one eye that had been greyed out due to an injury he had received sometime ago. Watching how the man raised it's hair hovering over its eyes, Youka would try to perform the same actions to come across as more peaceful than menacing, though it's sharp teeth baring and glowing eye would do little to show that. Stepping closer by taking two steps forward Youka would attempt to communicate again using his native language, again sounding like blood curdling in ones throat he would continue for 7 seconds to answer what he could only assume the human was asking, "No i don't have food" is what he was saying to the man. Youka would try his best at communicating at what was called galactic basic. Raising his right hand to his throat he would grab it slightly to help control his vocal language "" he would squeeze lightly on his neck to control the different pitches. Instead of trying to finish his sentence he would simply point towards the human. He was asking if the creature had food, sice he hadn't eaten for sometime. However the man would more than likely take it as him asking if he could eat him.@[member="Tandem"]


Sound the Alarm.
Tandem pauses his face paling but still stuck in that awkward smile, he begins sweating slightly his smile becoming strained as he ponders the two Common words that the Xeno used, his right foot slides back slowly as he ponders this..If he was asking to eat him, well he's pretty sure something that looked that scary wouldn't bother asking. He backs up slowly from the door way and glances towards the galley, he has a bit of food in storage...not a lot though, if he accounts the creatures size..he assumes he has two weeks left for both of them..
He clears his throat slightly and responds "You can eat, just not me." He responds pointing at himself with his right hand and saying slow making sure to pronounce the words clearly "I am Tandem, rather, My name is Tandem." He says before gesturing his right hand towards the Xeno "What is your name?" He asks planning on using visual cues and body language more then spoken should be fine yeah..? Just better keep his lightsaber close at hand...just in case he's assumed wrong...Hence why he's keeping an eye on the Xeno and is in a position to gain distance with a few force enhanced jumps.
@[member="Youka Tau"]
Youka would have to be on his toes at all times while in this ship. While the human was showing every notion of being compliant and friendly, the creature could aslo just be trying to get him to a holding cell. The Terrox were a species of warriors and prideful people so he wouldn't allow himself to be done in by a human of all things. The creature had resumed its footing of one foot slightly back before speaking in its language again. Tandem, Tandem, the human had said that word twice while pointing at itself. That must be this creatures name "Tandem" Youka would reply slowly trying to pronounce it as best as he could, the language clearly taking its toll on his sophisticated vocal chords. The human then pointed towards Youka before again speaking in a language that he couldn't understand, why had he not spent the time to learn this primitive language when he had the chance, in order to not be seen as dumb in front of such a young species, Youka moved his right arm up and pointing his thumb to his chest before pronouncing his own name as best he could, "You-ka".

Youka hated that he didn't have his short swords on him, he felt that he was naked without his weapons, and while his hand to hand was good, he excelled with a sword. He just would have to hope that this indeed was a nice human.@[member="Tandem"]


Sound the Alarm.
The young Rogue nods as he answers managing to work his way blindly through this whole language least for like ten seconds..Whatever, he's got to feed the guy, he's probably starving considering the state of that space-pod. He turns and gestures for 'Youka' to follow him to the galley, glancing backwards every so often and keeping his ears open for any rapid footsteps or the ringing of a blade. He leads the Xeno to the eating area and gestures towards the food cooler, basically telling him to have at it. If he does he turns and walks off to find a map of the system, which should be in the control deck..he makes his way there if nothing causes him to pause and grabs the mini holo-map, basic records of the nearby system. He walks back to the galley and enters observing Youka before raising he device in a displaying fashion and pointing at it with a bit of a grin. He's planning on going to Coruscant to look for work, he's planning on pointing at the map and showing where he's heading via the path display...thing..which should be a red line from there ship to the planet in question..
Hopefully this works.
@[member="Youka Tau"]
Following the male cautiously as they maneuvered through the halls, Youka had to lower his head at a few impasses to ensure he wouldn't bash his head. It seemed that while the both of them were trying to be as polite as possible they were also sizing each other up and ensuring to stay on their guard just in case something were to happen. The ship was slightly big for just one person Youka thought to himself, where was the rest of this humans crew members, or were they hiding, waiting for the perfect moment to jump out ant capture such a valuable prey. Youka let out a low growl at the thought, his muscles tensing as his eyes narrowed and he began sniffing to ensure no other scents were near. As they reached what he assumed to be the eatire the man pointed to a general location which Youka assumed to be where the food was located. Youka's tall and slender frame would make his way to the designated area and begin siphoning through what was available that his system could actually eat.

Youka was still paying attention to the man however and he could hear his heartbeat getting further away. Finding nothing but solid food and various raw meats Youka gathered what he would most likely be able to keep down before sitting at a table. Here Youka would begin chewing the multiple foods together in his mouth allowing his saliva to mix with it turning it into a much more glopish food that slightly oozed and spitting it back into a bowl before continuing to chew the non processed foods. It was at this moment that the male would come back in while Youka was spitting the food back into a bowl in the form of slop that could be drunk instead of chewed. He had to make it in the form of his home planets food and this was the best way he knew how. Looking at the man through his one red eye he would zoom his attention onto what seemed to be coordinates and markings on to where they were going. This man had helped him and saved him from certain death, he would have to repay the favor and Youka let out a gurgle from his throat of victory that also let partially finished chewed food fly from his mouth while banging his right hand on the table.@[member="Tandem"]


Sound the Alarm.
Tandem looks a bit green at the sight but he keeps up his grin politely, walking forward to set down the holograph and map out there location he pauses as the food flies from his maw and onto the table as he pounds his fist down onto the table. He pauses and ponders what this means before he steps forward a bit slower setting down the map and activating the holo-map, he points to there general location and utilizing the tip of his finger he slowly draws it along a path which leaves a crimson line towards Coruscant, he's planning on grabbing more supplies and perhaps some work if he can find it. Coruscant he hears is the best place to do that, however it's also quite dangerous due to the bounty hunters, criminal activity and mercenaries that thrive there..
He'll just have to be careful and try not to step on any toes...He takes a moment, a thought coming to him after a moment..he came from an escape pod, that means he must have come from a ship..Sooo...Let's ask a question and hope he's lucky "Can you pilot a Star-ship??" He asks tilting his head to the left marking Coruscant with a beeping icon to show that as there destination.
@[member="Youka Tau"]
Youka again is slightly taken aback as the male makes his way closer to him while motioning still towards the pocket map he held. Taking another swig of his custom made flatarae he swallowed deeply and was also slightly proud of his home made brew. Youka would watch intently as the man drew lines along the path he wanted to take to get to what Youka could only assume was a planet. This Youka could understand without the need of his native language, Youka pounded his left arm on his armored chest and let out a low roar in agreement. Youka would go with this human where he needed to go to repay him for his kindness if this was indeed kindness and not him being taken to a planet to be sold. The human again spoke in the language he could not understand in the slightest, however the human known as Tandem did say ship while drafting his finger towards a destination. It seemed the man might be asking if he could pilot, Youka had had some training in all aspects of warring and that included semi piloting. After the question was asked Youka again pounded on his chest with a low growl of acceptance and stood up ready to be shown what he needed to do.@[member="Tandem"]


Sound the Alarm.
The Rogue watches Youka's reaction and finds the chest-pound thing must be good, so he grins at that happily and chuckles boisterously at the roar which doesn't sound threatening...but triumphant..he's not sure how that's possible..he's gonna have to pick a translator up..They should sell a few types at Conruscant, if not he'll head somewhere else. His next question is the one he really wants answered, staring eagerly his grin widens further as he pounds on his chest again and stands as well. This is great! Hopefully he's a better pilot then him and that droid! He's not shamed to admit one of his faults is his sub-par skills as a pilot! And driving a two-pilot starship by himself with a busted droid...? Yeah, he's lucky he hasn't crashed yet! Turning on his heel he gestures for Youka to follow him and almost hops to the cockpit in his excitement. He turns and waits for Youka to join him and slides the droid to one side from the seat which he pulls forward before moving to the side himself to help the Xeno get accustomed to the controls..if he can even help at all..It's not too much of a stretch to assume Youka might be simply a better pilot then Tandem.
@[member="Youka Tau"]
As Youka followed the human to where he assumed the cockpit would be he could feel his tension sliding back as there was no ill intent to this man yet. His previous expressions showed excitement that Youka could help with piloting, or Youka hoped that was the expression that was being given. As they made their way through the ship he picked up on the underlying structure of the ship and quickly began memorizing the layout. The ship was actually pretty big on the inside and walking through the corridors Youka could tell that maybe this was an older model human ship as well, it wasn't anything like what his people used. Tandem quickly jumped towards the cockpit as they made it fully inside, the action caused Youka's head to slightly tilt to the right as he watched the mannerisms that humans showed. From what Youka could tell this was a dual piloting ship thus the two chairs, while one person usually did the flying another worked all the navigation's and G-calibrators to ensure they stayed on course.

As Tandem pushed the beaten up droid out of the way, Youka made his seat quickly although he was still a little too tal and his head came close to bumping some of the over hanging buttons and switches. Taking a quick moment Youka would go over the layout of the controls and liken it to the ones of his own ships, though this ship was a little more rudimentary and less refined the overall layout was not lost on him. Mumbling in his own language he ran through what he had been taught for a few moments before going into action. Looking above himself he flipped two switches one was to provide a little more light in the cockpit and the other was to open up the slot to intake the holo disk with the layout of their path that Tandem was carrying.

Youka would outstretch his hand slightly in a beckoning manner before pointing to the chip. If Youka was given the ship he would place it into the navigation panel, while again reaching above him again and flipping the thrusts out of stand by and powering them up again. At this time a small map would pup up from the navigation on a holo screen allowing them both to see the directions that Tandem hand mapped out. Youka looking in front of him tried to find the multiple buttons that turned auto piloting and positional placement off before reaching to the left of himself and sliding the lever full forward to fire the engines up moving the ship forward. Youka had set up most of the navigation and the map was up for reference all Tandem would have to do it pilot it. With a grunt of satisfaction Youka looked to the human hoping he would take the seat next to him and begin steering.@[member="Tandem"]


Sound the Alarm.
If the Rogues smile got any wider it'd be touching his ears, he'll have to get a lower chair for Youka but the way he moves and observes the controls makes it clear he knows exactly what he's doing, it's confirmed once he asks for the chip, which he hands over and Tandem internally does a dance of joy as he's finally free of the slow power-burning auto-pilot systems! The map is a good reference and Tandem takes the cue to take his seat and begin steering his ship with the help of Youka.
This is truly the beginning of a beautiful friendship, of course he still has to find a translator, with any luck he can purchase one fairly cheap. "Good job Youka! Coruscant here we come!" He congratulates and announces before chuckling in an excited manner, finally he can actually drive this ship..He should name it, he should definitely name it..Now that it will actually last him and take him where he needs to go...Not to mention in his four years of bumbling about he's grown fond of it. But what to name it..? He'll think on it on his way to Coruscant and maybe even get it registered under a name..Maybe get some upgrades for it too after a few jobs!
Things are finally coming up Tandem! People really can be nice in this universe! He knew it! It is at this point Tandem is simply smiling as he pilots the ship having gone on with his happy ranting inside his head.
@[member="Youka Tau"]
Youka sat back and watched the man plop down into the other chair and begin steering the ship on the lined out path. This was easy enough to do and he was just happy that he was allowed to repay his life being saved, it was a warriors duty after all to ensure no gesture went unpayed. From the smile on Tandems face Youka knew he was providing the man a easier and more than likely more efficient way to pilot his ship without losing as much energy as he was for always being on autopilot. Every so often Youka would rotate a few dials to compensate the varying engines output to ensure one was not burning more than the other to maintain maximum velocity and lower fuel consumption.
This flight was bound to be a quiet one, as Youka's galactic basic was not good enough to hold any type of conversation with the man, and he doubted Tandem knew terrox to communicate in that way. He would need to pick up a translator and also get his short swords and long sword back, they completed him. All in all though his luck to meet such a human was amazing and it seemed that they got along well enough.@[member="Tandem"]

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