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Round One takes place in an asteroid field, denser than most but not as suicidally dense as the Hoth asteroid field.
Don't say what damage the other side takes. Feel free to say what damage you think they might take, or what damage your character believes they've taken. Round One will end in two weeks, Thursday the 12th, at 6PM.
Each side has a single Nebulon-B frigate (hangar empty), four CR90 Corvettes, two squadrons of X-Wings and two squadrons of Y-Wings. These are real ships, but the weapons are set to electronic dummy mode.
You both begin slightly outside turbolaser range, at a dead stop, inside the asteroid field.
Jack leaned back in his captain's chair, it was time to prove what he could do. He saw his enemies sitting comfortable in front of him, though the asteroid field was playing as a major obstacle. Jack knew that he needed to take out the enemies capital ship quickly and he knew how, but first he needed to get rid of the enemies Y-wings. He pushed all of his ships, save the Nebula, into the asteroid belt favouring avoiding the asteroids over speed.
While his ships made their way towards the enemy fleet. Jack cruised the ship towards a large asteroid, so that the port side would be unable to be attacked, due to the asteroid mostly blocking it. Then he put all power focus on the starboard shield and gun batteries, this would allow for maximum defence efficiency. Jack leaned back as his ships opened fire on the enemy fleet, all the while they used the asteroids to make a quick shot and the fly behind them for cover. Hit and run tactics.
...the bridge of the Nebula-B was abuss with life. Ordan Vosk stood amongst various officers tracking the progress of his fleet, as well as enemy movements, via the holographic screens that gave a good depiction of the asteroid fields density. Rubbing his chin with one hand he'd have watched as his opponent began to maneuver the majority of his fleet ahead causing Ordan to remark..."Relay my commands to all ships in the fleet. Full power to our forward shields."...the Nebula-B's shields would be afforded full power then while the officers on the bridge relayed commands to the rest of the ships in the fleet...
...(Group A) A Corvette, one X-Wing Squadron and one Y-Wing Squadron would break from the fleet starboard and move to bank around the asteroid field in that direction. Evasive maneuvers were performed. The Corvette would act as extra fire support for the squadrons of X and Y Wing Fighters. The Corvette would also power its shields on the port side as it moved to the starboard ensuring that it would have maximum defenses on what, it considered, its open side during maneuvers...
...(Group B ) A single Corvette would move to its port side. Veering around in an attempt to flank enemies from that side. As it moved maximum power was given to the starboard side shields so that defenses would be empowered during the maneuver...
...(Command Group) the Nebula-B Frigate, two Corvettes and a Squadron of X Wings and Y Wings remained in position. This group would remain full on with bows aimed ahead facing the opposing fleet. Shields were maximized at the fore of the Nebula-B and Corvettes to minimize tactics. Hit and Run would afford them some time to recharge as compared to a prolonged onslaught but every time more of their power would be drained...
..."Don't break the line."...was Ordans' command..."Squadrons to fall back into cover."...the X-Wing and Y-Wing Squadrons remaining with the Command Group would fade into the background of the capital ships ensuring they stayed out of the barrage. Once everything seemed to be set Ordan would state..."Lets show them why it's foolish to wade into an asteroid field."...then he would turn and give his command to..."Fire!"...
...the Corvettes in the Command Group would open fire with their turbolasers targeting enemy Corvettes were applicable. Honestly Ordan's goal was to make the enemy work for their shots. The Nebula-B on the other hand opened fire with full turbolasers on the asteroid field. Asteroids were targeted for simplicities sake. It was difficult to miss the asteroids and the enemy appeared to have waded further into them compared to Ordan's Fleet. Turbolaser fire should be able to blast the asteroids into rubble however the idea behind this was the creation of debris, exploding out from the point of detonation, Ordan didn't believe this would cause the enemy vessels much damage however starfighters should be ample targets for the rocky debris as it was thrown in all directions...
[member="Ordan Vosk"] (This looks like it will be a great learning experience)
4x CR90 Corvettes
12x X-wings (Omega Squad)
12x X-wings (Stardust Squad)
12x Y-wings (Princess Squad)
12x Y-wings (Joker Squad)
Jack Rand
Jack leaned back in his chair a bit more disappointed with his earlier strategy of a battle in the fields, with the enemy forming a defensive line at the other side of the belt. "Tell the pilots to find cover from the asteroid debris as well as the enemies' turbolasers, abandon all non essential fire on the enemies fleet aside from our own ship." Jack had his own ships cower behind large asteroids to prevent them from being destroyed by enemy fire, but now it was a stand off and he couldn't depend on the enemy attacking. Still Jack waited as he took a sip from his Darth Vader mug. "Let's see what he decides to do now." Jack was a bit worried about how long this stand off would last.
CR90 Corvettes
Jack had the corvettes move slowly through the asteroid belt, focusing on avoiding some stray turbolaser fire and the asteroids. The debris from the destroyed asteroids made some contact, but caused little to no damage to the instruments. As soon as they were in range, the corvettes held a general position hidden behind massive asteroids that provides cover from the Nebulon-B. They were hoping to be able to perform a pincer strike if the enemy was stupid enough to move into the belt, but judging from his defensive stance he most likely would not move in this position. The shots from the enemies' corvettes mostly missed at this distance, but a few had made contact but were deflected by the hull shield of Jack's own ships.
X-Wing Squad (Omega and Stardust)
The ships managed to avoid the debris of the asteroids that had been taken out by the enemies' Nebulon-B frigate, but it made them go off course though they soon regrouped. A full-frontal attack would be futile against the enemies' defensive line, so again they hid behind the massive asteroids. Losing the hit and run strategy, they would need to be issued another way of attack. For now, the ships swarmed a bit distant away from the corvettes.
Y-Wing Squad (Princess and Joker)
The bombers avoided frontal confrontation as they were necessary to cripple the enemies' Nebulon-B frigate, so they hid along with the other ships.
Jack's flagship in this fight was still in the asteroid field with it's portside facing an asteroid, locked onto the asteroid using the tractor beam as well as the gravity between the two. The ship took shots at the enemies, but not enough to significantly drain it's own batteries. In this position it could not afford to go on the offensive, so Jack began to depend on the enemies assault which seemed less than likely.
Overall Assessment
The destruction of the asteroids provided the enemy with a significant obstacle, causing all four of Jack's squadrons to have to adapt new positions dodging the new pebbles from damaging their instruments. The enemy was staying at their side, avoiding a confrontation inside of the asteroid field. His enemy was using a turtle strategy to keep the battle in his favour, by staying holding his ships in a line they would have superior fighting power if Jack's ships had to funnel out through the holes in the asteroid belt. Jack hid his ships behind massive asteroids, only firing on possible threats to their safety such as large asteroids. The Nebulon-B fired some shots towards the enemies fleet and that was the only turbolaser fire directed at the enemy fleet, unless they moved into the asteroid field.
Damage Log
Insignificant damage to the Corvettes from small debris.
...standing on the bridge of the Nebula-B Frigate he would have pointed out an area on the holofeed to his officers..."Focus fire there."...he pointed to a position then the officer he had been speaking to one nod his head and move off to relay the orders. At the moment Ordan felt confidant, the enemy was dispersing defensively, he'd watch as fire from his opponents Nebula-B targeted his forces, including his own ship, however he remained steadfast..."Continue to maneuver our forces into place. Keep up the fire but don't drain our batteries."...the atmosphere around him remained fairly relaxed...
...(Group A) The Corvette and its escorting squadrons, X-Wing and Y-Wing, would continue to move further to the starboard on a wide trajectory. Their sensors would ping any enemy movements as often as possible and relay them back to the Command Group as often as possible. Thus far their path seemed to take them along the outskirts of the combat zone where they would use the asteroids as cover while making their movements...
...(Group B ) The Corvette had moved on the port side, mirroring the movements of Group A, until it positioned itself at a rough estimate of a forty-five degree arc off from the port side of the Command Group. Entrenching itself into the asteroid field it would play upon tactics similar to those used by the enemy and maintain a large asteroid as cover, moving in its shadow, where it would make itself relatively invisible by staying out of line of sight as much as possible...
...(Command Group) The Nebula-B and the two Corvettes that remained with it maintained their defensive line with a wide arc of fire ahead of them. Turbolaser batteries were allowed to recharge when it became clear most of the fire was coming from the enemies Nebula-B and that the shields would be able to retain defensive capacity at this time. The X and Y-Wing Squadrons remained in the background using the larger capital ships as cover while holding themselves at the ready for quick response action...
..."Give me some fire. Direct their movements as possible."...came Ordan's clear direction on the bridge. As his orders were relayed throughout the Command Group the Nebula-B and Corvettes would make sporadic fire ahead of themselves and on the starboard arc to both create more debris out of the small asteroids and in an attempt to herd the enemy fleet to the port direction. Whether or not it was successful was another story...
..(Damage Log) Minimum Shield Power Consumption at this time from the Command Group. Minor damage possible...
Jack Rand
Jack bit his nail, now that his enemies forces had split up into different units it was now possible that he could quickly eliminate a full group of his opponents' fleet. "Alright, I want our ships to go and assault the starboard group (Group A). If we can disable them quickly then we can have a major advantage. Try your best to avoid fire from the enemies command ships." Jack knew if he could take out this group with minimal losses, he would have an advantage in the upcoming battle. The asteroid blocked most line of sight so the enemy command group couldn't use assisting fire and the other group was too far away. Jack was confident in his strategy.
CR90 Corvettes
Two of the corvettes moved towards the starboard enemy group intending to eliminate them quickly, both corvettes managed to evade the fire from the enemy ships using the asteroid belt defensively. The corvettes immediately opened fire on the enemy corvette as the rounded the large asteroid, maneuvering to avoid the other enemies' fire.
The leftover corvettes attempted to distract the enemies Nebulon-B frigate by shooting at it, all the while trying to minimize drain on the batteries.
X-Wing Squad (Omega and Stardust)
Omega and Stardust squadrons followed the corvettes as they attempted their ambush, the X-wings would provide a large amount of air superiority againstt the enemies' own X-wings. As they were crossing the gap between the two asteroids, two X-wings from Omega got disabled by the enemies' turbolaser fire. As soon as the rest of the X-wings arrived to the asteroid, they immediately began combating the enemies own assault starfighters in an attempt to gain an upper hand against the enemy.
Y-Wing Squad (Princess and Joker)
The Princess squad made it's way from the safety of the asteroid towards the enemy, losing no ships to the enemies fire. As soon as they made it to the enemies' location, the Y-wings waited for the enemies' X-wing squads to be thinned out before attempting a large bombing run on the enemies corvette. The auicker that Jack's forces could disable that thing the better.
Sustaining minimal fire at locked position.
Overall Assessment
The Joker squad, Two Corvettes and the Nebulon--B held position. The rest made their way to go ambush and quickly eliminate the enemies Group B in an attempt to thin the enemy and gain the upper hand. No asteroid related issues that caused any damage to any ships and the ships took a few losses from the enemies' Command Group fire.
Damage Log
2x X-wing ships lost from the Omega squadron.
...the situation continued to unfold from the bridge of the Nebula-B Frigate where Ordan stood directing the movements of his fleet. When the opposing moved in to attack after the division of his forces Ordan would smile subtly and turn towards his officers once again saying..."Direct our fleet here and here. Lets clean up this mess."...he didn't seem extremely worried for a man that was facing potentially heavy losses however it seemed that he also understood the gravity of the situation that he was in. Once he began to relay his orders throughout the fleet would shift his attention back to the holofeeds keeping him appraised of the situation...
...(Group A) The Corvette would return fire on the enemies opposing capital ships. Engaged in a battle against two Corvettes was a losing battle however it would trade shots with them intending to deal as much damage as possible before it was overwhelmed by the combined fire of the Corvettes and their fights. The X-Wing Squadron would engage both of the enemies X-Wing Squadrons in what was an equally losing battle as they were outnumbered almost two to one. Losses would be high. The Y-Wing Squadron would turn, dipping under the Corvette they'd been escorting for cover before emerging on the other side, to engage the Corvettes. Not the fastest moving fighters the Y-Wings would need to break through the enemy fighters to be successful however if nothing else they could assist dividing enemy fire...
...(Group B ) The Corvette which had moved on the port side, taking cover behind the asteroids as it went, would seek to seize upon the opening offered to it by coming out from behind its cover to fire on the enemy Corvettes that had remained on the line as it were. It fired off at their starboard side while their attention appeared to remain front targeting Ordan's main line....
(Command Group) The Nebula-B Frigate came to life. On the bridge Ordan issued the command to move..."All ahead full."...before maximum thrust was afforded and it began to move into the asteroid field. Likewise the two Corvettes the remained at the line ahead of it also began to push. Turbolaser batteries would target the Corvettes that Jack Rand had left to hold his line while the rest of his forces engaged Group A. The X-Wing and Y-Wing Squadrons would launch with the intent that the X-Wings would attempt to overwhelm the remaining Y-Wing (Joker) squadron while the Y-Wings moved in to launch a bombing run on the Corvettes...
Overview: Group A is beginning to be overwhelmed. The Command Group and Group B are pushing with full fire directed onto the remaining two forward Corvettes. Ordan is attempting to overwhelm Jack Rands forward position relying on the principle that it will take time for the Corvettes that Rand sent to destroy Group A time to turn an about face to return and aid their comrades...