Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First voyage. (Veil)

They all went inside it seemed, boring. But this'd prove a more difficult task, he hadn't brought any explosives with him, so he couldn't wipe them out with the help of a trusty thermal detonator, but inflicting any structural damage wouldn't be beneficial, he already blew up an entire speeder more carnage would be pointless. So. It seemed as if he had two options here.
A - Attempt to hit someone through the walls of the warehouse, the E-11 was a tough sniper but it wasn't powerful enough to shred through a wall like that.
B - Was to go up close and personal, hit them with the 6 remaining sniper rounds but at a closer distance, this was probably the better option, these people needed to be dead, they'd find their way out of any prison they were captured in.
He made his way back down, sneaking around the alleyway looking for something he could maybe use as a makeshift explosive or weapon.



Who needs legs when you have brains.
The gang members still stayed huddled together but they began hearing the movment outside. Given where they were standing they couldn't be sure where it was coming from. This often lead to one or two of them firing randomly in their direction when they'd think they would see something or hear something. Obivously these men were at the breaking point.

Good. These men were hysterical right now, it was a nice sight seeing people so scared of him as it only goes to show his effectiveness as a Bounty Hunter and also fuelled his arrogance. The more they panicked the more they were likely to make stupid mistakes.
However he did need to find his way into the warehouse and he didn't really know how, he looked around for a ladder maybe. To access a higher part of the building. Osiris was a very good shot but he wasn't going to use a sniper rifle in a close-combat scenario, he at least needed time to get a proper shot off as there were only 6 rounds in his gun.
That or he could fire through one of the windows he supposed but he'd be better at an elevation, so he'd be harder to hit.


Who needs legs when you have brains.
The gang was getting nowhere and fast with this. They needed to act but, of course, worried that if they made any wrong moves everything would be done and over for them. Whoever was hunting them was an expert at what he was doing which meant they had to think outside the box. Very hard to do when you're in a panic. One member volunteered and left the others to try and scout about seeing if there was any way of getting out in a hurry if need be. He went towards the back of the warehouse to find a door into one of the nearby alleyways.

If they were going to play a stalemate that was fine. He had all the time in the world, he'd gladly battle till sunrise because he didn't have to deal with tiredhess dehydration or hunger in any way whatsoever.
He moved around the building, staying close to it and moving very slowly to make less noise he was trying to find a way in. If he had gotten one of their blasters he'd be in better stead for close range fire.
Holding the rifle with both hands he made his way towards that same door, and as he did he heard movement with his sensitive audio receptors.
He hid next to the door, waiting for the scout to emerge.


Who needs legs when you have brains.
When the socut did reach the door he peeked out, trying to see how far or a run there was between the warehouse and the alleyway they could use to escape. When the droid dealt with him however he did the other gang members could see this for themselves. Terrified they opened fire towards the door, hoping to have hit someone or something in the process. They didn't even care if they'd hit the scout in the process.

He struck the criminal with the butt of his rifle, before he fired a killing blow to his chest at point blank range, he had gotten their attention now, and they were now opening fire, Osiris did a forward roll, grabbing the crook's blaster in the process. Finally, a weapon which was more effective at close range, he slung the sniper into the holster on his back as he held the new blaster. He took cover next to one of the windows, blind-firing through it a few times to supress fare and with a stroke of luck maybe hit a few of them.
He didn't expect to have to deal with so many people, but Coruscant would be that little bit cleaner afterwards.


Who needs legs when you have brains.
Five more gang members were left and at least for them they knew where the one picking them off was. When he began firing blindy at them it did force them to scatter. During the melee one was hit which left four. Two on teach the left and right who'd taken cover together. They peeked out from their cover to see where the droid was and had their weapons ready for firing on him the moment he showed himself.

He had to move, he could tell they were going to attempt a flank, it was all that obvious. It was an easy tactic yet an effective one, he had to move and make himself less open to fire, he quickly made a dash he had to change position, stopping after each window past and blind firing, he wasn't aiming to hit anyone, just to supress them so they didn't shoot at him. He wished this hunk of junk he was holding was automatic, it unfortunately wasn't so he just had to mash the trigger as often as he could.
He took cover behind a wall, hoping to have avoided one of the flanking teams, he activated the X-ray vision yet again, using it to see the skeletons of his enemies through the walls, he quickly leaned out of cover to fire a few shots and quickly dipping back into cover again, he couldn't stay out for too long, he didn't want to be blasted, Carbotanium was an expensive product.
He had to get done here quickly and leave the scene as the assassination had pretty much become a full-scale firefight.


Who needs legs when you have brains.
One thug was hit in the supressing fire for leaning out too far. Now it was just three, but those three could tell it was a droid now. They were basically left with no option but to make a final stand. They all got up and started charging while firing at where he was hidding. They would either kill the droid or die in the process, but they weren't going to be bested by a bounty hunter by hiding like children from it. They came closer while unloading their weapons at it as much as possible.

So this was how it was, they were taking a final stand as it seemed, he had to react quickly. It was admirable that these meatbags had such a sense of loyalty that they'd actually die for their leader. It was robotic almost. Meatbags were meatbags however, and they had to be eliminated as the mission required no survivors.
There was no point taking cover here, even if he ran he'd get shot, he had to do something drastic, something that a robotic brain wouldn't be so brash to take. He drew the sniper from its holster, he had to dual-wield right now, making sure the stock of the sniper was pressed hard against his shoulder he emerged from his cover and emptied the magazines of both weapons. It was reckless to shoot a sniper one handed, but at point blank range and a lack of options, it was better than nothing even if the length meant slight instability.


Who needs legs when you have brains.
Wuth the mix of desperation and the hail of bullets the men were finished off in what they would almost think of as a blze of glory. While their bodies were filled with bullets their deaths were slow. But it was done and now there was no more gang left to take over. From a camera in an alleyway nearby Veil had been watching. When she could tell everything was over she sat back in her chair from where she was and sighed. A part of her was a shamed for what she did, making someone else go and kill these men, but it had to be done for the good of the people in the neighborhood. Now it was a matter of seling the deal with the droid.

The deed was done, he dropped the blaster as the gun was pretty much awful and was no use to him. He looked at the carnage caused and turned away. Returning to his briefcase he stripped down the sniper and placed it back in the case, locking it up and taking it with him all the way back to the cantina.
Once he was there he waited next to the ATM, waiting for it to acknowledge his presence. He wasn't going to deceive himself he was wondering who was behind all of this, it couldn't have just been a slightly enigmatic cashpoint, someone must be pulling the strings here, he wouldn't ask.
"He won't be an issue anymore." He noted. If he was an actual living creature he'd probably go for a drink in celebration, but he wasn't. He was just a metal shell with the thoughts "Money, Power and Crime."
Well, his first official mission went well he figured, it was a bit more high-profile than he had expected but he made the best of it. He hoped he could do more business with this strange machine.


Who needs legs when you have brains.
The ATM projected the face again and it said {I know he won't. You did a good job. Not one I exaclty like to see done, but it was good none the less.} A large sum of credits was despended, triple what he'd been given before, and the face said {As promised. Thank you, RS. Maybe we'll do this again. Maybe not. Who can say, right? I mean after all, I'm just an ATM.} The face smriked somehow before vanishing. From her base Veil just watched from the camera until the droid left, a little satisified to know there was someone like him she could go to for help if ever needed.

"Pleasure doing business. I'm sure you know how to contact me." The droid spoke, she probably did, if she was capable of seeing him no matter where he was she probably already knew what ship he used and how to reach him. He picked up his credits, mmmmm... money, sweet money. He placed it in the same pocket as the rest of the credits he had saved and listened to her speak. "I didn't expect so many cronies. It was bound to be violent." He reasoned, his lack of a proper intuition evident. It was all done though, he had accomplished his first mission and found a new client. It was relieving that he was actually capable of doing a job despite not even being a finished product when it came to droids, he had an AI installed but no "personality" per se, all he was programmed with was to kill and get money and do what was in his best interests.
RS? She could already tell what he was? The plot thickened. This machine or rather whoever was behind it was quick, he hadn't even presented himself nor had much of a sign, was it previously aware of its existence?
"I somehow doubt that..." He "mumbled" when it mentioned it was just an ATM, no ATM was omnipresent in security systems and other technologies, was this thing some form of computer virus? He doubted it.

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