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First Order: Time to Science [Development]

Fiolette Fortan


"We're finishing up the last of the blueprints, thought you'd want to take a look," Fiolette says as she keys in the transfer of the encrypted file to the Grand Moff [member="Natasi Fortan"]. "You're looking at the new Quintas-class station, we'll be placing one over the site of the old FIS Kleve, FIS Wells. It's named for the scientist who died in the explosion, and the second one - well, that's up to you." There's a pause, Fiolette shifts her weight between her feet, "here, somewhere between Red Nebula and Mephout, given all the excitement there." Excitement, code word for snafu, fubar and all the other crazy, and now classified activities that occurred there. The admiral stood with her hands behind her back, dressed in the standard duty uniform her red hair tied back. Blue eyes looking over the blue prints as she waited for the Grand Moff's response. "Would you mind it so terribly if I invited another set of eyes on the project?"

"She assisted with the Galidraan's development," buzzing the other person in, "you'll remember Senior Chief Petty Officer Jennifer Rennic, I've invited Rennic to assist with the Quintas, and," there's a long drawn out pause, "one more person, he was critical with the Galidraan's defenses and given our situation I believed it would be beneficial to invite him. Sergeant [member="Torian Pierce"]." Another press of the buzz as Admiral Fiolette Yvarro invited the serjeant in. The Military Academy was perhaps, the better place to meet everyone knew where it was and as it stood, her daughter Lucy was here. Not that Lucy wanted to see her these days, and Fio could see why.

Jen Rennic

Jen sighed as she walked in the door, the Admiral sadly knew how to keep her around with development of new stations. She did enjoy the administrative work better than field work, and helping with new stations to defend the sectors were something greatly needed. Jen took a seat nodding to the Grand Moff, and a nod to the Sergeant she didn't recognize. She just looked at Admiral Yvarro, it wasn't a glare but it wasn't just a simple look either.​
"Okay what kind of station is this one Admiral?"
Jen didn't have time to look over the plans before hand, as it was short notice after the war game they were just in. Heck the SCPO didn't even have time to settle in at the academy before this, but again it was something she enjoyed. So Jen didn't mind having to give up the position at the Academy for this.​
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]​

Fiolette Fortan

"Science, mainly," Fiolette replied, "FIS Kleve's original function was to study the nearby singularity." Taking a deep breath she placed a hand out to the four-dimensional holo-model of the new Quintas-class station, "Quintas is to serve this function allowing the First Order Division of Science greater flexibility, and if we're able to get enough resources we can place a third here, between Furia and Rakata Beta to serve a more deep space function." A sigh as she reigned herself in, "secondly, Quintas will serve as a training facility for the All-Surface Guard and it gives them a station to deploy from, and not just planets, and again provides them with greater mobility. Thirdly, the coordination with sector stations, obviously these stations will not be as big, but they'll be able to assist with the proliferation of early warning."

Not so much had changed, Fio was still Fio. "Now this is only one of two new station projects mind you, the second of which is the Manjarrez." A knowing look toward Rennic as she turned to Sgt. Pierce, "now then, given the nature of the Quintas, what are your suggestions, Serjeant?" A hand behind her back as she waited for his response.

Jen Rennic

Jen sat quietly waiting for the Sergeant's input on the station, this was the first involvement of the Stormtrooper Corps, or anyone from the Army for that matter. It was a new turn of events, there had to be more to this station than the Admiral was letting on, but Jen knew it wasn't her place to ask about it. Jen took this time to look over the plans for the station. It looked simple enough but still something seemed different about this one, Jen couldn't put her finger on it but something was different​
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]​

Fiolette Fortan

The Stormtrooper Corps were integral to their projects, as she herself looked on at her own projects which included the return of the Black Talon. Although that was a conversation for another day, Serjeant Pierce had been chosen due to his experience and knowledge. Admiral Yvarro needed that now more than ever, as it stood very few people were aware that the Admiral had gone through an enteching process. As far as anyone else was concerned she was a relative of Yvarro's working to carry out the old woman's orders, at least until a story was devised. Her eyes studied the holomodel of the station, and from the looks of it. The Admiral realised she could do more with it than just a science station, however; the guise of a science station works perfectly. Still, she would await [member="Torian Pierce"]'s response before making her own. Just as she thought that the Serjeant would say something, she recieved notification from the brass that a new person had been assigned to their development team. [member="Hogrum Veed"], in fact - the Admiral moved to look up Veed's file while she waited.

Hogrum Veed

Anything to get away from the Devastator. The Victory-X Star Destroyer was an excellent ship, its crew fantastic, but with the current Captain in place? It was a living hell. Hogrum was forced to repeatedly console himself that within time, the Captain would be removed and he would be promoted. He wanted to do it on his own however, not to merely surpass him, but when his service record had become so ridiculously long, it would be a wonder as to why he didn't bear a higher rank.

Plus, blowing out the back of his head was certainly something to look forward to.

However, returning to the Military Academy on Dosuun wasn't the most exciting of ventures. High Command had been meant to send his Captain in his place, the Captain that tended to take credit for Hogrum's efforts and counsel. Yet, the Captain had sent Lieutenant Veed in his place. A curious response, but here he was. Shuttle landed and an escort to some office.

When [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] went to access his file, much of the information provided were from the very installation that they were in. The Lieutenant had only been a bridge officer for a few months, specifically granted an early graduation and made a Lieutenant a few weeks prior to the Omega Campaign. Assigned to the Devastator, Hogrum had assumed his position was granted due to his excellent grades and performance reviews, and well, as one could assume with such a large mustering of the First Order's forces being deployed to combat the Omega threat, there were gaps in the defenses of the Order. If Yvarro was capable of doing so, perhaps, in the image provided in his file, that he was most certainly willing to do anything to win.

The eyes were an entrance to the soul, some said, and that frosty gaze held little warmth.

A short file to view, and an unnecessarily nostalgic walk through the halls of the Academy, and then a door was opened to which he was ushered in.

[member="Torian Pierce"]

Fiolette Fortan

There was a pause for Serjeant [member="Torian Pierce"]'s response as the young man was ushered in. "Lieutenant... [member="Hogrum [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=tahoma][SIZE=14px]Veed"]," the Admiral addressed, "correct? Welcome aboard, may I introduce Senior Chief Petty Officer [member="Jen [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=tahoma][SIZE=14px]Rennic"], I am Admiral Fiolette Yvarro and this is Serjeant Torian Pierce." A pause, "we're developing a new station, scientific in nature to replace the one at Quintas, former FIS Kleve is being decommissioned. We're looking to create a few of these new aptly named Quintas-class stations throughout First Order space, feel free to speak your mind here while we develop the station. The Serjeant was about to give us his opinion on defenses."

Jen Rennic

"Hello Lieutenant."
Jen nodded to the Lt. not wanting to get up for the full salute. Things on this station were going slow since the Army was dragging their feet. Not being a trooper herself made it hard for the SCPO to get eyes on that aspect of the military. She was a basic paper pusher, nothing more. Jen thinks that is why the Fleet Admiral likes having her around, but wasn't too keen on it.​
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]​

Valessia Brentioch

Navy development coordinator had been Valessia's unofficial title for quite some time. "Admiral," she greeted letting herself in on the development meeting as it were. "Serjeant, Lieutenant, Senior Chief - correct?" She wanted to ensure she knew the ranks properly, and looked about the room briefly. "I don't need to tell you that time is of the essence and we need to get the Quintas launched in four sectors." Right to the point, "Serjeant Pierce's expertise on defenses helped immeasurably with the Galidraan and I should hope to hear some of his ideas for this station as well. Lieutenant Veed, I understand we'll be coordinating with you and overseeing security for the Quintas type. Now, in order for you to better serve on this development task team. Here are a few files from the FIS Kleve that was stationed out in Quintas prior to the incident that has since closed the station." She handed @Hogrum Veed the necessary files, "now Senior Chief Rennic, if you can assemble a personnel roster to head up the various stations, it would be greatly appreciated."

"And Admiral," Valessia addressed, "I will need you on another project, so if you could take these files and study them."

Fiolette kept her tongue in check.

"Please don't pout, it's unbecoming," she watched as the Admiral headed out the door, "now then, gentlemen, senior chief. Let's finish the blueprints, FOCIE is ready to begin construction in the Gehenna Sector." A small pause, "so we're thinking 1,800 meters maximum length but should we keep this? By we, I mean the Engineering Commandant and myself - keeping in mind that Quintas has the anomaly as it were. Lieutenant Veed suggestions?"

Jen Rennic

"Understood, I'll start looking into personnel ASAP. I know a few names that would jump at this chance."
Nodding to the Ambassador, her task wasn't a hard one. Being a paper pusher now, and also somewhat working at the military academy made her job for this project easy. Jen would go over some of the middle ground cadets, ones not fast tracked to command of ships but competent enough to be crews for stations. So it wouldn't be too much of an issue, with recruitment rising more and more cadets were coming though the school, but not everyone could be assigned to a ship. It was Jen's job to find those that would shine on stations and get them into the right positions.​
[member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | [member="Hogrum Veed"] | [member="Torian Pierce"]​

Hogrum Veed

Lieutenant Veed had strode into the room, his powerful form suggesting that he was adept at more than just sitting in a command chair - not that he did anything, but still. If one were to decide whether he was Special Forces or a relatively high-ranking officer on a Star Destroyer, eight out of ten times the results would likely be Special Forces. He simply had the appearance of a killer, at least, when his face was as emotionless as it was when he entered the room. When [member="Jen Rennic"] didn't stand up to salute him, he took note of the man and mentally noted down his name.

One day, Hogrum would act on that mental list that he was gathering in his head. Not to kill them, not personally anyway, but rather on who to utterly ruin. Ruin to the point of even existing was harder to handle than coming face to face with the petty reasoning as to why they were in that poor state in the first place.

Letting out a "Hmph," as he turned back to the Admiral, a short time later, [member="Valessia Brentioch"] had entered the room behind him.

She had greeted everyone in the room, and the Ambassador was handing out files. Taking them in his hand, he had already began skimming them. Readings this big? The Academy would be ashamed at the light reading.

Before starting, Hogrum cleared his throat as he said, "What are the benefits to an increase in size of the station, or on the other side, a decrease?" The Lieutenant wouldn't pretend to know logistics. He knew some, as any man who sought to captain his own ship, but beyond cost - that being very expensive - he didn't know the amount of materials, time, manpower, or anything that would go into the project.

"If you would be so willing to remind me of the purpose of the FIS Kleve, and this new line," the Lieutenant said, happening to sound polite, but little else.

Valessia Brentioch

Valessia heard the sound Lieutenant [member="Hogrum Veed"] emitted but paid it no mind. Work was to be done, and as she worked to change the room about, bringing in holoscans of the blueprints as the Lieutenant began to talk, talk out of turn to be exact the Ambassador looked at him and decided to answer him, "the Commandant feels that this will allow for more to be done within these stations. Assuming we can afford the project logistics aside, we do not need - in my opinion so many large facilities. 1,800 meters is longer than most vessels in our fleet and given the nature of the class."

Ambassador Brentioch looked at Hogrum, "I am in favor of decreasing toward 1,400 meters. We'll still be able to maintain our research and training but we'll able to place more of these stations enabling a higher research rate." She nodded toward the Senior Chief who without question began to work on assembling personnel files. "Kleve's nature surrounded the study of the black hole. I believe they were trying to achieve a singularity in a smaller form. To what end, I could not tell you - other than it was a project issued by the late Aram Kalast."

"Supreme Commander then Marshal, visited the station in the hopes to learn what it was Kalas was trying to accomplish." She explained, "unfortunately the work had been sabotaged - by someone from the Underground, one the particle accelerators became unstable and led to the destruction of the station." At this point the events of Kleve were made known, as it painted the target clearly - the Underground, the Rebels - terrorists at their core. "Needless to say Commandant Fordham is looking to avoid another Kleve." Her attention now directed at Serjeant [member="Torian Pierce"], "which is why you were brought along for this project."

Hogrum Veed

The Lieutenant's knowledge only extended so far. A higher research rate? Different scientists and professionals working together at different locations would either breed respect and fascination for their peers, or disrespect and disregard for their work, not to mention jealousy if there was a breakthrough at a different location due to some unseen problem that was halting the project.

His knowledge solely covered naval warfare.

There was a nod of his head as she made mention of the higher research rates nonetheless. It was a good idea, for they wouldn't all be studying the same things.

Hardly a problem.

"I believe it best to keep them at their current size, or smaller. Hostile organizations will eventually take notice if there are too many sitting around in our primary systems. They'll become targets, no reason to give them more opportunities to harm us." And then she went on to speak to [member="Torian Pierce"], and the Lieutenant closed his mouth once again.

[member="Valessia Brentioch"]

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