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First Order Military Rank(s) - A Change for the Better?

Hey Everyone!

I wanted to apologize to everyone that’s not in our discord community, as I’ve been doing more work behind the scenes than in the light. For that reason alone, they’re privy to the upcoming changes regarding our Military and its various branches. As I wanted to roll this out a single, complete proposal, I think having it dished out piecemeal would be better.

Without further ado, here’s the idea.

Presently, we have a very restrictive system in terms of how we rank our NFU PC characters, especially how it matches with the site’s formerly three-tiered ranking system. New folks would have to start from the bottom bracket and work their way to the top, and etc. So, after having a discussion with the faction staff, we’ve decided to put together an Unrestricted/Restricted model allowing characters to select their ranks and move up as our monthly promotion cycle comes and goes.

Restricted ranks would logically include the upper echelons of our Imperial Forces, so we were thinking of making the cut off roughly around Rear-Admiral, Major-General, and Star General - meaning that your character, be they an alt or a new character in their entirety may very well be a ranking officer from the get go. To those that have been with us for a while, and are seeking to rank up with the changes as it were, there’s plenty of opportunity to show that you’ve earned your new station. We’re more than likely to have your character’s promoted than someone who's just joined, due to the fact you’ve been with us for some time and have put in the time and effort. That being said, if our new members hit the ground running - we’ll make sure to acknowledge your efforts and bestow your well-deserved accolades.

(As an added addendum, those who choose to start their character towards the top of our Unrestricted ranking structure should not expect to see themselves promoted with the same amount of effort as one would see from a lower ranked character. You’ve skipped the ladder to get your cake, time to earn it!)

Restricted Ranks: (Navy / Army / Starfighter Corps.)
  • Grand Admiral / High Marshal / Star Marshal
  • Fleet Admiral / Field Marshal / Star Vice-Marshal
  • Admiral / General / Admiral (Starfighter Corps.)
  • Vice Admiral / Lieutenant General / Vice Admiral (Starfighter Corps.)

Unrestricted Ranks: (Navy / Army / Starfighter Corps.)
  • Rear-Admiral / Major General / Star General
  • Commodore / Brigadier General / Star Colonel
  • Captain / Colonel / Group Captain
  • Commander / Major / Wing Commander
  • Lieutenant Commander / Captain / Squadron Leader
  • Lieutenant / Lieutenant / Flight Lieutenant
  • Sub-Lieutenant / Sergeant / Flight Officer
  • Ensign / Corporal / Pilot Officer
  • Officer Cadet / Private / Flight Cadet

Let us know what you think, and as this isn’t set in stone just yet - feel free to toss in your input as you like. As well, if this was to be implemented, the honourific or positional ranks seen throughout the military wouldn’t be thrown into the list for the sake of simplicity but can be added as you like for extra flavour to your character’s narrative.
Wandering Naval Officer
It's an interesting idea, however I kind of like the old system where we put ranks inside the three tiers and Promotions were more from tier than rank to rank, so like for example, the old system with Captain would be a Adept rank, but if I felt Aran would move up to Commodore then I could without question. It gives freedom of movement within the tier but still has people work for something
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Looks great. Also the inclusion of more Admiral ranks is great too, i need to update the organization thread. Rear Admiral is a lot seniority but still generally a position subordinate to higher commands, so that works well.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Sorta bumping this and sorta just making a note that because [member="Achim Veers"] says he is one, we must now have Senior Captain as well in the Navy. For the record, I support this, but it should be a difference in 'grade' rather than 'rank.'
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
As it were, I realize we don't want to make things too complicated, but I think it's worth noting that there's enlisted ranks in the Navy as well. And potentially in the Starfighter Corps, depending on how we want to roll with that. The UK had 'Flight Sergeant' back in WW2, iirc.

I generally dislike the idea of a 'Cadet' being anything but a student, who you wouldn't put on a warship at all. Maybe Starfleet pulls that crap, but not a proper Navy.

And removing 'Officer Cadet' from the Navy ranks and moving everyone down one gives you room to slip 'Senior Captain' in there for Mr. Veers.

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