Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fire on the Horizon

[ T H E M E ]


Men and women filed into the room. Only a handful were present to view the procession. It was a hearing for Dean Letham and Eli Brooks, allowing them to give their report regarding the events that transpired at the Commonwealth fishing colony on G'rho. They were military chiefs from every division, juniors and seniors, but Lord Admiral Horus was not apart of this board, Dean noticed, nor Intelligence Director Winslow or the Commander-In-Chief of the Marine Corps. He wondered for a brief moment if this mean't he was in troubled water for a crime he was unaware of committing. It was unusual to give a report in such a fashion, but the events on G'rho were dire. Perhaps it was necessary in this instance.

"Commander Dean Letham, Staff Sergeant Eli Brooks," a woman announced, and Dean instantly recognized the voice. Marguerite Podolsky. 'God dammit', he cursed inward, 'What was she doing on the committee?' "Reporting, ma'am," Dean answered bitterly. He was above rank on the field but the situation had flipped them around, she was now his superior - for the mean time. Marguerite held a datapad and reviewed the initial report, "Contact with G'rho was lost last night. All signals flatlined at zero-three hundred hours." 'It'd had only been that long?' He caught himself thinking. He reeked of sweat, he was still in his power suit, grime gripped his face. He had only just gotten off the field when they pulled him in for an immediate debriefing with a council.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Two hours ago,
Departing G'rho. . .

"Damn the Force," Dean muttered. His helmet visor was split down the center, held under his arm. His hair matted with his own blood. Someone else's blood smeared across the dented plates of his armor, his shields depleted and his suit was almost out of juice. Soon it would be just dead weight unless he got out of it, and so he did. They were in the safe confines of an MPD drop ship departing G'rho, the surface below growing distant with every passing second. The land was scorched black, fires still raged against combating firefighters. The few marines that accompanied the MPD, and the crew chief of the bird, were helping remove the suit. He got a breath of fresh air, not that it mattered awfully.

One of the pilots announced the hyperdrive was warming up for a quick jump back to Alexandria, it'd still be an hour and a half before they arrived. "Sir," the crew chief muttered, "The Lord Admiral is requesting your presence before a committee for an immediate debriefing." He ran his hands through his hair again, not out of habit but stress. He felt like he was getting older by the second. He felt a gentle stroke of pain shoot through his palm as it smoothed down his hair. The damn creatures had cut his palm open, but Brasi had done a good enough job bandaging Dean up in the field. Damnit Brasi, he thought, he was a good bloke, the Commonwealth was all the poorer for his death.

He'd revenged him at the very least, he recalled bitter-sweetly. His boot sat on the throat of the struggling creature, it hissed and spat, like some type of maniac monster. Dean had slowly pushed pressure down on its throat, cutting off its supply of oxygen, then in a final coup de grâce Dean shot a hole through its cranium with his MM99. It had felt good, it felt like justice, but it didn't bring Brasi back. He'd still have to hand over a Commonwealth flag to his wife and kids back home, he'd still have to tell them how he went down fighting for them, Dean knew it wouldn't matter if he told the family he'd put a bullet in the creature that did it. Brasi was still dead. "Damn the Force!" Dean cursed.


Well-Known Member
- - - - - - - - -
Time: Present
Location: Court Chamber XXXX
Case #: XXXX-XX
Involved Parties: [member="Dean Letham"] | [member="Eli"] Brooks
- - - - - - - - -
His breath had long since become regulated, careful to maintain his composure. Despite that, his right hand shook slightly. The career Marine reached over with his left, massaging the soft tissue of his palm. An errant drop of sweat and grime dropped silently, landing on the face of his tightly worn combat boots. His body had felt fatigue before but not like this. His eyes rose from where they had been plastered to the wall, a blank stare and fell on the woman who'd spoken. As Commander Letham spoke, he uttered a weary "Reporting as Ordered." Truthfully he wasn't reporting so much as they'd been hustled into the chambers. He'd been stripped of his weapon upon arrival, his hands feeling empty and naked without a weapon in them. Eli's armor felt heavy and uncomfortable, it hadn't been designed as clothing and after spending as much time in it as the two soldiers had... it had become tiresome. He'd been selected as an observer a fair amount of times for various court-martial and punitive cases, it didn't take him long to figure they were angling at something here, but what? Surely the Commonwealth weren't blaming them for the events that had transpired on G'rho. Eli understood the need for protocol and rules but these people hadn't been on the ground, they hadn't seen the terror there, the destruction. They hadn't...

His thoughts were interrupted, a solitary droplet of blood rolling from his face to his lips, the taste of iron filling the Staff Sergeant's senses. He reached up, attempting to wipe it away but instead simply smearing the dirt and grime, sweat and blood further across his features. These people didn't understand what it was like, and here they sat, already condemning them for what? That much had yet to be voiced but he could feel the tension in the air. As the woman began speaking once more his mind hung on the words.

"Contact with G'rho was lost last night. All signals flatlined at zero-three hundred hours."
Yes. Yes it had...

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Around 2 hours ago...
Silence. It had been one of his strengths, the ability to process silently. It allowed him an almost mythical sense of calm and had become an anchor for the men around him. His men. Eli's eyes looked from seat to seat in the MPD as the engines roared and the deck shifted beneath his boots. He'd opted to stand, adrenaline still coursing through his veins. He couldn't sit. *Kriffing Hell!* The silence was rattled as his gauntlet covered fist slammed into one of the metal lidded compartments on the bulkhead, denting it significantly. He was angry, rightly so. Like many combat troops Eli had seen his fair share but this was too much for him to process, or at least it felt like it. He noted the only other occupant of the MPD, Commander Letham, had begun removing some of his power armor. He knew he should follow suite but couldn't muster up the effort. For the first time in his life Eli simply wanted to just disappear.

As they announced their impending hyperspace jump he gripped the handle tightly. Absently he heard the mention of a debrief. Oh this was going to be one hell of a debrief. They'd done their best, survived even, but Eli almost felt as if he shouldn't have. If he could have even saved just one he might have felt better about the whole damn thing but the fact was he hadn't. He could still hear their cries for help in his ears to the exclusion of the heavy gunfire. It had been strange, now that he was thinking about it, he couldn't even remember hearing gunfire, just screams... heavy breathing. He shook his head to clear the fog. It had all happened so fast.

He'd had the man over his shoulder, "Decker" if he'd remembered correctly. He'd been a last minute addition as one of his men was out sick with some flu. They'd almost made it to the extraction site when it happened, the man's blank stare still etched in his mind's eye. Fear, Pain, and finally death. As the Commander cursed Eli took some solace in knowing that he wasn't the only one feeling frustrated. His mind raced, they had a trip ahead of them and his logic dictated that he should try to rest but his mind had other ideas.
Marguerite Podolsky stared across the room. Suddenly Dean felt very small and alone, perhaps for the first time since becoming a Jaguar. He didn't like the feeling. That cold woman, her black-as-night hair that draped over her shoulders and those piercing eyes, and pale white skin, like a ghost was staring at him. He shivered momentarily, an itch crawling up his spine. "We have audio here we recovered from your dropship. Can you please tell me about it?" She queried. The audio began to play.

"We've got contacts - lots of 'em - but...they're not rebels... They're just tearing through us!"

_ _ _ _ _ _​

Mission Clock - 2245,
G'rho colony, MPD LZ. . .

Dean knelt beside Brasi, the medic was stitching up one of the marines. To what avail? Dean knew it was a lethal blow the private had suffered, there was no use stitching him up, but Dean had an inkling Brasi was losing his mind among all the chaos unfolding, and so was Dean. His radio chirped loudly, "We've got contacts - lots of 'em - but...they're not rebels... They're just tearing through us!"

"Copy that, over," Dean replied. It was another squad, further afield. They must have only just got hit. It was hell down here. Dean craned his head, his helmet picking up the downed-marine's IFF tag and code, Sierra-51. He didn't have time to look, the MPD was behind us, but Eli was still no where to be seen. His status said he was green, he was still breathing. Dean wasn't going to bug out without him.

"Leave him, he's gone," Dean barked, Brasi took a moment to register the words, turned his head to Sierra-51 and only now noticed the marine was no longer breathing. "Cover me," Dean said, taking up an MM102, the assault rifle was big and heavy, almost unwieldy for anyone smaller than a full grown adult human. Thankfully Dean was much more than that, he was a Jaguar Commando.

His eyes scanned the base, it was in ruin. Duracrete blocks shattered, entire walls crumbled. Command was going to have a field day repairing the damage. Further, the defensive perimeter was breached, the gate abandoned by its post, and in the jungle he saw movement. "Enemy contact!"
[member="Dean Letham"] | [member="Eli Brooks"]​
Present Time
Waiting outside Military Court Chamber

When court was called to order inside the chamber, the sound of the gavel echoed outside through the heavy doors and made Mia Conner jump as if a shot was fired nearby. Sitting ramrod straight on a hard and cold metal bench in the stark corridor just outside the main Commonweatlh's Military Court Chamber was more nerve racking than the hell Mia Conner had just come across, but the seasoned pilot didn't let it show, well not much. Long nails that needed to be cut dug into the flight officer's tone thighs through her flight uniform to keep from losing it; the pain a physical distraction from the mental anguish she felt for those lost and those who survived the concluded mission.

Approximately two hours prior
Exfill Marines from G'rho
"Raven" didn't flinch when the MPD-11a came under attack as she approached the LZ over the crest of a hill where her marines were in trouble in the valley below. The golden-haired pilot was their winged angel and ticket out of hell. Making a crude passover once with guns a blazing first to give some cover to the friendlies on the ground, steady hands finally touched the Commonwealth dropship down hot. When the troop bay door opened, to Mia's astonishment there were only two living souls who boarded… What the frak happened was the first thought that crossed her mind, but it was only fleeting as she lifted right away and headed straight for the exit vector.

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