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Approved Tech Firbolg.700 Anti-Freak Hand-Cannon

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Image Source: Here

Intent: Personal sidearm for Gwrtheyrn

Development Thread: Here

Manufacturer: Orphen / Aurora Industries

Model: Firbolg.700 Anti-Freak Hand-Cannon

Affiliation: Gwrtheyrn

Modularity: Various Ammunition

Production: Unique

Material: Titanium - Durasteel Alloy / Electrical propulsion components.

Classification: Heavy Slug Thrower

Size: Hand Held (For Gwrtheryn)

Length: 97cm

Weight: 8.8kgs

Ammunition Type: 25 x 137mm (Sized) Solid Slug, Explosive Shell or Scatter Round

Ammunition Capacity: 7

Effective Range: Ammunition Dependent

Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic

Special Features:

  • Really REALLY Large, the weapon is more than capable of being used as a bludgeoning tool capable of caving in skulls or shattering ribs. As well as making it unwieldable by any average sized humanoid without very special exception.

  • The weapon comes stock standard with three brands of ammunition... Solid Slug, Explosive and Scatter Shot. Making the weapon versatile for various situations.

  • The weapon comes with speed-loading moon clips much like a traditional revolver, allowing the user to come to the party with 3 clips before the need to manually reload (ammunition ratio must be specified in each before use, or Solid Slug is the default.)

  • Completely Immune to all EMP / Ion Effects due to the lack of complex parts.

  • Welded and joined in crucial parts, so the weapon cannot be disassembled without physically breaking the weapon.



The Firbolg represents a compromise between Gwrtheyrn's techno-phobic nature and his friend and compatriot Orphen's enthusiasm for all things firearms and the challenge of developing for a creature the size of a Maelebus, and seeing what he can achieve while doing so. Having witnessed the Jedi/inventor use a hand held particle beam to remove most of a Coloi Rancors chest the Maelibus poet decided that perhaps he needed to get the young Jedi artisan to manufacture a weapon of his own, sensing that more terrors like the Coloi likely awaited them in the future, and having the vast combat wisdom that not all battles could be fought on the same fronts.

It had to be something simple. Technology and Gwrtheyrn had a poor relationship and anything over a certain level of complexity simply failed to work, due thanks to a nasty condition involving the subconscious mind and force usage passively hexing advanced technology due to his astranged almost phobic nature of its complexity. So it was that Orphen designed something that even the Luddite Silver Jedi could use. A near completely manual hand-cannon which utilized some pre-charged electro-magnetic firing mechanisms, making the weapon, in essence, a hand held rail-gun loaded by a rotating ammunition chamber and without the complexity of using high end, on demand, battery powered electro-charged components within the barrel. Which also made the weapon more sturdy, adding to this Orphen welded parts together which would normally be riveted, So not even a Mechu Deru user like himself would have an easy time with pulling the weapon apart.

The Firbolg is not what one could call cutting edge, in fact it probably belongs in a museum when compared to most galactic weapons especially those of the Chiss. It is immensely loud, not particularly accurate at long range and prone to firing problems if the ammunition is subjected to large amounts of liquid. The kickback of the weapon is also incredibly intense and could probably badly injure any humanoid attempting to fire the weapon, even with two hands. However what it does have going for it is sheer unadulterated power. The Firbolg is a truly massive handgun, too big for most sentients to wield at all let alone efficiently.

Anything not Rancor size , very heavily armored or powered by Sith magic tends to either be horribly mutilated or dead when struck by one of the rounds.


The Firbolg uses 3 various yet devastating blends of ammunition:

  • Solid Slug: The solid slugs of the Firbolg, are 25x237mm rounds designed for armour penetration and maximum entrance and exit damage, and should be shot by high grade rifles. They are pointed, aero-dynamic rods more than bullets which spin like anything else due to small ridges down the bullet giving them incredible force. Capable of penetrating multiple humanoids and up to medium armour within its effective range. Though, due to the ridged spinning nature of the bullet, they do not have optimum effective range due the friction they cause.
    Effective Range: 350m || Speed: 650mp/s

  • Explosive Shell: The explosive shells sacrifice penetrating power for explosive impact force, longer range than the basic shell, though less dense, the interior of the full aerodynamic superconducting rod is an explosive charged tipped with a pressure trigger. The explosive charge within the bullets is capable of creating a 2m radius thermal explosion on impact with a blast force strong enough to throw a light blast door off its hinges or send an armoured humanoid flying up to half a dozen meters away on a direct hit with the concussive force capable of shattering them within their armour, assuming they are still intact.
    Effective Range: 400m || Speed: 735mp/s

  • Scatter Rounds: The Rods of the Scatter Rounds are unique in the sense that, rather than being a single solid round, or a round with many rounds within them, much like a shotgun shell, they are many smaller super-conducted rods, closer to needles, bound by a fragile chemical adhesive which breaks apart due to the air friction, releasing the rods in a lethal spray. Each of the needles alone have little force behind them, though they are sharp enough to penetrate through unarmoured organics. However, with 40 rods clustered into each shell, the size of a 25x137 round, the spread is lethal and more than capable of causing wide spread calamity in 40 degree conical patterns after exiting the muzzle.
    Effective Range: 30m || Speed: 200mp/s
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