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Finding A Way Forward [Sochi Ru]

  • Thread starter Connor Harrison
  • Start date

Connor Harrison

If you're still in need of a Master, I'm willing to take you...

The words stuck in Connor's head as he stood in the entrance hall of the Temple belonging to the Order he was now in.

He hadn't had a Master to follow, to have guide and to respect in...well, a very long time. The last time he was part of an Order under the watch of those higher than him resulted in nearly losing his life.

That path had brought him here, to this Order of Silver Jedi who seemed different and who could offer him something he thought dead inside him; redemption, and a purpose.

He was simply going to wait and see if her word was true, and if she would take him on to release the potential he knew he had inside him.

[member="Sochi Ru"]
Sochi adorned in her usual layers of robes walked down the smooth staircase of the entrance hall. She had taken on another Padawan, and it was here she was to meet him. She walked gracefully down the circular staircase that accentuated the massive, glowing crystal in the center of the room. When she took her last couple of steps, she smoothly made her away across the marble floor to the one whom went by the name of [member="Connor Harrison"]. She had done her research and read up on his file before meeting him,

"Greetings Padawan Harrison, I'm Master Sochi Ru." she said offering a warm, and subtle smile.

Connor Harrison

The soft voice enticed him to turn around, facing [member="Sochi Ru"] head on, and smiling at her presence. She looked magnificent in her robes and her Togruta pigmentation. Connor lowered his head.

"Greetings, Master Sochi Ru. I am honoured to be in your presence."

Connor lowered his head.

"Thank you for giving me your time."

Lifting his head, he met her gaze.

"I will not let you down."

[member="Sochi Ru"]
She smiled as he lowered his head, surely it wasn't needed but she appreciated his respect nevertheless. She listened on a he spoke, and she could sense his potential, and regardless he would still make a magnificent Jedi.

"Please, this wasn't any trouble at all. Its my job to see to it that the next generation is prepared for the challenges to face, I thank you for allowing me to be the one to apprentice you." she said softly, and lowering he thread in a semi bow as well.

"Come, [member="Connor Harrison"]. Walk with me, let us talk." she said softly turning her body and motioning for him to follow her, "Please, tell me more of yourself.

Connor Harrison

Connor inclined his head and followed, happy to share his history, but not something he did to just anyone.

"I was in the Jedi Order serving the Republic.=. From a young age, an age I can't remember, I was presented to the Order by my parents to help nurture and develop my connection with the Force to make me a better man."

He chewed the inside of his cheek for a second.

"My parents helped secure me on Coruscant to train, to study and to live, but on the promise I never seek them out again until I had become a Jedi. I mean a real Jedi, not a Padawan learner. This was to make sure I became the best man I could be with no emotional ties, no distractions, no excuses. They left, and I have no idea where they went."

Connor paused slightly to think how to explain the next part.

"We were on a training exercise on Rhen Var. The mountain beside the mighty Citadel was part of the exercise for a group of us to test our perception of danger, our agility and our awareness of the world around us. However, I thought I could do more. I thought I could BE more and I disregarded their request to turn back from ascending the mountainside. I climbed higher and higher, with no problems-"

Connor exhaled.

"- and then I fell. I don't know what happened and I can't remember anything after that. All I know is my body seemed to switch off. I woke up back on Coruscant a broken man. I had lost my connectivity to the Force, with only a basic manipulation of telekinesis left in me, but even that was feeble. My lightsaber has only just been active of recent weeks. So, I forever question the reason to why I was stripped of the Force. I seek the answer to what took it away from me. I seek the answer to if I ever can control it again, without endangering others."

He turned and looked at Sochi Ru.

"And after treading the void for so many dark and lonely years, I seek the answer that haunts me the most; am I to be a servant of the Light, or Darkness?"

[member="Sochi Ru"]
She listened to this young mans story, and she tried to take everything in. He had experienced a traumatic event, and within the time he had lost connection to the force. Hmm, she thought, turning her head slightly to the side as she looked down. Her hand came up and she placed he rinsed finger on her chin.

As his master it was her job to guide him, or answer the questions he had. She could only think that him falling had triggered his body to shut down somehow, she worried for him and sought to help him.

"Well, Padawan Harrison, I will try my hardest to help you find the answers you seek. she said softly before motioning for him to follow her. She was taking him to the Temple meditation chambers.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor offered a thankful smile and lowered his head before following her.

"Master Ru while I understand now the answers may not be as easy to find as I expected, I wish to become something worthy for the Order of the Silver Jedi. That enough will help me quell the doubt inside me and the conflicted emotion inside me to become someone...something...of use once more to fight the darkness out there that tried to take me."

He could feel the honesty from Sochi Ru; one of integrity and firm core values. Connor felt this was the right step forward.

The Meditation Chambers were places Connor had only walked by and never gone into, so he was eager to see a new side to the Temple and what he would be asked of.

[member="Sochi Ru"]
As they walked, her slightly in front of him, she heard him begin to talk. She didn't turn her head, but she listened. She lowered her head for a moment, and then it came back up slowly, and then she turned to face the Padawan, stopping in her tracks.

"Padawan Harrison, you feel your not yet worthy? Listen, do not doubt yourself or your abilities. Those emotions will lead you down a darker path. Do not worry yourself with becoming something of value to the Order, because you already are in my eyes. Allow the force to guide you, and you'll do fine."

She turned back around and finished their short journey to the meditation chambers, she approached one of many doors, and it slid open to give way to a room with a calm and soothing setting.

"Come, join me, lets us start with some meditation." She said softly motioning over towards the center of the room. Sochi slowly began to walk towards their destination, and then sat in a meditative position. Her eyes were closed for a second, and then she slowly raised her head, and her black eyes peered upon the young man. "This variant is called Meditation of Emptiness, it is used as a means to center oneself and find deep inner peace and purge negative emotions. It will allow you to establish an emotional anchor. This technique is useful in times of war, or events that could leave one scarred, mentally." She said softly.

"Take a moment Padawan, clear your mind, and purge." She said before straightening her back and tilting her head up just slightly. Her eyes were closed and she began to meditate.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

He followed [member="Sochi Ru"] as she spoke and her comforting words helped him piece together some of the jigsaw in his broken mind. Broken, but not destroyed.

"You speak kind, encouraging words, Master Ru. Thank you.

Walking behind the Jedi Master, he slowed as she took the lead in the peaceful and almost air-tight Meditation Room, taking her place and enticing him in with the techniques to follow.

And before long she was meditating. She was still, silent and a centre of peace. Conor almost washed over her in the Force as she was so calm. Taking a moment, Connor walked a few feet in front of her and pushed back his greatcoat, kneeling down and turning to sit, legs crossed and arms resting on his knees.

Exhaling softly, the young Silver Jedi closed his eyes, took steady breaths and began to centre himself, letting his environment slip away and picture...Rhen Var. Frowning slightly, he could only picture the icy blue planet around him, but also the faces of the Silver Jedi he had crossed paths with.

"I can't... they are all coming together..."
"Padawan Harrison, don't you give up. Focus, allow those emotions you harbor to be purged. If you want to progress last this point of limbo this is a step you must take. Its ok." she said softly from her position. She then got up and walked slowly to the back of her newly acquainted Padawan. She needed him to know he could trust her. She then sat down, with her back against his. They would touch, but there was reason for this.

"I have your back, I wouldn't teach you something you wouldn't be capable of handling, this is the first step. Trust me, trust yourself, trust the force."

She need him to find an emotional anchor, for his abilities could get uncontrollable, possibly to the point where they feel as if they don't exist due to his emotions not having a medium, not being controlled, and expressed in the right way.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Watching Master Ru stand and move around him, he could feel her on his back the moment she sat behind him and it was comforting to know she was there. He shouldn't NEED comforting, but it was regardless.

There was nothing to say, except he had to convince her he was worthy of her time. Nodding to himself, and her words, Connor closed his eyes, loosened his shoulder muscles and centred himself, feeling Sochi Ru on his back.

His breathing slowed and his mind opened.

...Connor and Sochi Ru were standing back to back atop the very mountain on Rhen Var he had fallen from...

...The cold wind swept around them and the harsh snow and ice fell from the dark sky above, but nothing touched them. Instead it all seemed to fall through them and without any pain or feeling...

...Connor could see for miles ahead without trying. He felt warm and in control, and he FELT Sochi Ru behind him, a feeling that made him feel he was not alone...

...Connor, one of the Silver Jedi, part of a family, felt like he was on top of the very place that caused him so much pain years ago....

...Connor, one of the Silver Jedi, was in control of this emotion and not letting the emotion control him...

His head tilted back gently, reaching upwards to take in the full relaxation and serenity of the place he was in.

[member="Sochi Ru"]
And she felt the storm of emotions falter slowly, he was doing quite alright. She had faith he would accomplish this in no time. She wouldn't have began this lesson without the thoughts of her Padawan being ready. The soothing emotions he felt she began to feel, it surrounded them and offered up a sense of relaxation; he had found a emotional anchor, and now those inhibitors he had placed upon his mind and body so long ago were slowly being let up.

She turned her head, and she called out softly, "Connor... You've purged. Congratulations dear. You must return," she said calling him back. She gave him the time he would need, and during her wait she got up and stood now in front of him.

She would have a warm, and subtle smile once he returned and began to refocus. "Now, you have learned this technique, and I would advise to continue its study so that you'll process events and emotions rightfully. Things will become clearer when your mind isn't clouded. she said softly, and she reached out her hand to help him up. Another test, to see if he had fully committed to trusting her,

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor felt like he as levitating in the air as the light swirled around him, gently easing him to the earth beneath his feet.

He hadn't felt like this in a long time.

Sochi's voice could be heard floating around him, filling his head and lulling him back to the Meditation Room. Gently opening his eyes as he came back into connection with the here and now, his Master was now stood above him offering nothing but a smile and her hand.

"Thank you, Master Ru."

Without hesitation he gently took her hand and pushed down on his feet, using her to help him stand up once more

[member="Sochi Ru"]

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