If you're still in need of a Master, I'm willing to take you...
The words stuck in Connor's head as he stood in the entrance hall of the Temple belonging to the Order he was now in.
He hadn't had a Master to follow, to have guide and to respect in...well, a very long time. The last time he was part of an Order under the watch of those higher than him resulted in nearly losing his life.
That path had brought him here, to this Order of Silver Jedi who seemed different and who could offer him something he thought dead inside him; redemption, and a purpose.
He was simply going to wait and see if her word was true, and if she would take him on to release the potential he knew he had inside him.
[member="Sochi Ru"]
The words stuck in Connor's head as he stood in the entrance hall of the Temple belonging to the Order he was now in.
He hadn't had a Master to follow, to have guide and to respect in...well, a very long time. The last time he was part of an Order under the watch of those higher than him resulted in nearly losing his life.
That path had brought him here, to this Order of Silver Jedi who seemed different and who could offer him something he thought dead inside him; redemption, and a purpose.
He was simply going to wait and see if her word was true, and if she would take him on to release the potential he knew he had inside him.
[member="Sochi Ru"]