Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Filling in the Blanks

So I'm still working on my character's profile sheet and it kinda got to me that for her backstory I just have her former master "Whoever" and is now being trained by "this Jedi person". Obviously kinda vague and given some of the amazing profile sheets I've seen I'm hoping to spice things up a bit lol

Basically the two main parts I'm looking for from anyone willing is my character's former Sith Master/Teacher and her current Jedi Master; which I think also factors into whichever Jedi faction she winds up joining as well.

There's also a minor spot if anyone wants. There's mention of Seer's former master giving her a lightsaber claimed from a Jedi that they killed, which if anyone wants it could be their former master's. Not a needed spot to fill but still would make for an interesting an awkward experience lol

So hopefully this makes sense to people....and that I posted it in the right place :lol:

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