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Character Field Marshal Efried Halbrecht

FM Efried Halbrecht

Officer´s Particulars
Name Efried Halbrecht
Species human
Sex M
Serial Number 181713IF7
Rank Field Marshal
Grade OF10
Height onehundredeightynine centimeters
Weight seventy-three kilograms
Distinguishing marks three scars from being shot; left shoulder, left upper arm, right hip
Age forty-three galactic standard years
Born (Place) (Date)Krayiss II, twentysecond july, 821 BBY
Posting (Unit)(Planet) (Campaign) (Ship)Combined Task Force 'Ignatum', Kalidan-Lysenia, Active Reserve, EES Götterdämmerung
Army group number/name Combined Task Force 'Ignatum'
Watch code Grimus-1-82
Army group commander´s name Field Marshal Efried Halbrecht

Officer´s Medical Details
Physical condition
Blood type A
Previous ailments varicella (youth), migraine (puberty)
Disabilities -
Known allergies/idiosyncrasies -
Form of medication -
Prosthetic/mechanical limbs/organs/compensators -
Time of application -
Assimilation procedure -
Convalescene duration -
Psychosis level Not noteworthy
Psychic profile psychopathic tendencies (mid-twenties), minor empathy-disorder
Ocular reflex normal

Officer´s Service Record
Theatres of War
Krayiss campaign (cadet), Nibelungen conquest (lieutenant), 'Hand of Light'-insurgency (captain), Tund campaign (captain), Haven campaign (major), Tatooine campaign (major), Dredd campaign (lieutenant-colonel), Confederate campaigns of expansion (colonel)
Notable Service Actions Survivor of Krayiss II, Loyalist of Dredd
Commendations many (see attached personal files)
Awards many(see attached personal files)
Medals many(see attached personal files)
Citations one
Disciplinary Actions none
Noteworthy marks Grand strategy classes ( A+ ), strategy classes ( A ), tactical classes ( B+ ), air school ( B- ), combined Arms programm ( A+ ), close combat classes ( C ), shooting classes ( B ) , ABC training ( B ), driver training ( D+ ), navy base class ( A ), navy advanced class ( A+ ), amphibic/planetary assault class ( A ), diplomacy base class ( D )

Attached Files:



Combat Uniform
Sk-UL Mk3 Armor
Field Uniform Field Marshal uniform
Service Uniform Service dress
Gala Dress Gala Dress

Weapons A180 pistol, combat knife, officers sabre

datacron, en-/decryption and sealing ring, personal com-link, datapad, pair of dog-tags, pocket watch with a family picture inside, diary

Private Files
Citizenship full, with voting rights
Merital status married
Children two children, one boy, one girl
Residence Kalidan-Lysenia, Arzanon
Private Occupations
Playing piano, composing, reading history, fencing
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